Face Slap

The corner of Jiang Ying Yue's mouth curved slightly.

"What if I don't and what if I do?" she asked.

Jiang Ying Yue was a polite woman eversince her previous life but she was never someone who would take it when someone was rude to her. She was a general's granddaughter in her previous life and was taught to never be weak by her grandfather. Being a socialite taught her how to deal with this kind of person.

The middle-aged lady looked at her from head to toe before saying in disdain.

"From what you are wearing? Huh I don't think you have that much money on you. Don't you know that this is the biggest bank in the continent? Only nobles come in here. Shoo shoo go away. Don't waste my time." She waved her hands like she was chasing a dog.

Jiang Ying Yue' face did not show any changes but Liu Weimin could feel her aura started changing colder and colder by the minute. Even he felt scared by now. Such an oppressive aura!

"Oh? What if I want to stay and waste your time then? What can you do about it?" She asked with her left eyebrow raised.

The lady looked angry. "Kid, how dare you be rude to me? I can call the guards to throw you out of here. Who do think you are? A mere girl from a middle class family dare to go against me." The she yelled, "Guards! Take this dirty kid away from here and throw her out. Don't let her lower down our bank's prestige!"

By now, people in the bank had started circling around them. They were curious on what the commotion was about.

Hearing what the middle-aged lady said, they looked at Jiang Ying Yue.

Some of them naturally noticed Liu Weimin standing beside her like a guard.

But after seeing the girl's face, some of spectators shook their heads.

This lady surely is dead.

She just offended both Young Master Liu Weimin and Elder Yan Hua's disciple at the same time.

So stupid.

3 guards came and surrounded Jiang Ying Yue. They acted like they did not see Liu Weimin. Who could blame them? They weren't there when both Jiang Ying Yue and Liu Weimin entered the building.

Two of them went forward to grab Jiang Ying Yue's hands.

She looked at them with her cold eyes. "I dare you to touch me."

The guards did not know why, but they actually felt scared when they heard he voice. It was chilling and their chests felt suffocated.

The only one that didn't go to Jiang Ying Yue scolded them. "What are you doing? Didn't you hear what Lady Ping said? Throw this kid out!"

Due to her connection, the middle-aged woman known as Lady Ping had been telling people that she was someone from a noble family when the truth was she wasn't. The guards just wanted to kiss her ass to get a better position in the bank which was why they followed her order.

They both rushed forward to hold Jiang Ying Yue. Liu Weimin wanted to help her but before he could do anything, an angry voice sounded.

"What is going on here?!"

The crowd turned their heads and saw an old man standing there with an angry face.

Gasp! It was Manager Cao himself!

Who did not know that he was the right-hand man of the bank's mysterious owner?!

Manager Cao walked and stopped in front of Jiang Ying Yue. "This lady, may I know what's going on here?" He asked politely.

Before Jiang Ying Yue could even answer, Lady Ping talked first. She had thought that this old man was just a branch manager because she had never seen him before. Well, she was just a lowly worker and he rarely appeared. So she did not know.

She pointed her finger at Jiang Ying Yue. "Manager, this kid here came here to make a bank card. But she's just a poor middle class girl who didn't even have money to make our basic bank card. So I wanted to throw her out. Throw her out manager. She is dirtying our prestigious bank!"

The people who knew who Jiang Ying Yue was were speechless. This woman was really digging her own grave.

Manager Cao was displeased with the way Lady Ping ordering him around. He turned to Jiang Ying Yue and asked politely. "This young miss here, are you here to make a card? Please follow me and we will settle this immediately."

He had seen her clothes and space ring. He knew that this girl was of an extraordinary identity. He needed to solve this fast. But he could not even do anything when Liu Weimin decided to interfere.

"Settle this here right now. That lady was very rude to my friend and I want explanation for it." Liu Weimin said while stepping forward to stand beside Jiang Ying Yue.

Manager Cao was shocked! He did not see him just now but what? He said this lady was his friend?

He glared at the stupid woman. Stupid bitch!

He was really angry this time.

"I want to apologize to both of you. It was our mistake. I will give you explanation regarding this.

Then he turned to scold Lady Ping.

"Hey woman. Where did you come from? Why can't you recognize big Mount Tai here? He is the young master of Chrysus Auction House!"

"And she is a direct-disciple of Elder Yan Hua." Liu Weimin chimed in.

"Yes. And she is the discipl- huh?!" Manager Cao stared at Jiang Ying Yue in shocked.

'We are done for!' he thought.

"This lady. You.. you are Elder Yan Hua's direct-disciple?" Manager Cao asked cautiously.

Jiang Ying Yue just nodded.


Manager Cao immediately shouted at Lady Ping.

"Who allowed you to work here? Where did you come from?"

Lady Ping's face was pale white. When she heard their identities, she knew that she was done for. She made a huge mistake!

She was face slapped so hard!

She hurriedly kneeled. "I.. I am from a village nearby. My cousin recommended me here. Please don't fire me. I was wrong, I am sorry."

Manager Cao was still angry. "Oh so you got a work here through the back door and became this arrogant. Guard! Bring her cousin here."

A man walked forward on his own accord. He had already given up on trying to plead. He knew it was his mistake.

"I am her cousin Manager Cao. I know my mistake. I am willing to be punished."

"Good. Apologize to our esteem guests and from today onward, both of you are fired."

The man apologized to both Jiang Ying Yue and Liu Weimin. "I am sorry. I used my position to bring her in. I am sorry on her behalf."

The guards then dragged both of them out.

Lady Ping started shouting. "No!! I am sorry! I don't want to be poor again! My family will disown me.Please!"

"Hold it!" Jiang Ying Yue shouted.

Lady Ping had thought that she would pardon her but reality proved her wrong.

Jiang Ying Yue looked at Manager Cao. "Manager, I don't think you should fire that man easily. Think about his contribution to this bank. If this is his first mistake, pardon him with a warning. If he does it again, only then will you fire him. I am willing to forgive him. Is that okay?"

Jiang Ying Yue really did not want to implicate the man. The only mistake he did was wrongly using his position. That was all.

Manager Cao nodded. "Pan Wing, as this young miss wished, you are not fired. You are demoted with a warning. Don't do this again or you'll be fired. Guard, throw that lady out."

Pan Wing was surprised. He bowed as far as his body could bend. "Thank you young miss and manager for this chance. I am really sorry."

He was really grateful. He was forced by his mother to bring that disgusting cousin of his in.

With that, the matter ended and Jiang Ying Yue and Liu Weimin were brought to a private room.

Manager Cao personally served them. "Young miss, we have 3 tier cards to offer. White, Silver and Black. All cards are made of crystal. White with a minimum of 10 gold coins, Silver 100 gold coins and Black 1000 gold coins and above."

Jiang Ying Yue thought about it before answering. "I am not sure how much I have. I'll need your help in counting."

"Sure." Manager Cao nodded.

Liu Weimin just sat there quietly beside her observing everything.

With a wave of her hand, a wooden box and a brown pouch appeared.

Jiang Ying Yue pushed the box to Manager Cao. She then took the brown pouch, took one gold coin out and pushed the whole pouch towards Manager Cao.

"Please count these and issue any card you see fit." She said.

Manager Cao did not delay and did the counting personally. He was shocked to see the things inside the box.

He counted everything and said to Jiang Ying Yue, "Young miss, the total of both box and pouch amounted to 1009 gold coins. We are issuing you a black card for this. We are also giving you extra 100 gold coins as our apology for just now."

What? Her mother gave her this much money and she said in the letter there wasn't much in the box?


Manager Cao then took out a black crystal card and a tall silver cup with weird engravings on it.

He then inserted his Spiritual Qi and the engravings glowed before a flame appeared in the cup. He then put the black crystal card in it.

The flame burned brighter and chinese characters started floating above the cup. It was red in color and written Jiang Ying Yue. He had already asked her name beforehand when they were walking jus now.

The flame disappeared and the black crystal sat quietly in the cup.

"Here is your card young miss. Thank you for choosing us and I am sorry for our mistake just now." Manager Cao handed her the card.

Jiang Ying Yue took the card and saw her name on the card.

This world was surely a weird one. They did not have technology but they could still do everything efficiently.

Jiang Ying Yue then thanked the manager before leaving with Liu Weimin in tow.