Let Me Help You Remove Your Fingers Alright?

Gentle breeze blew carrying a cold wind.

The leader of the bandits did not know whether he was felt cold due to the weather or because of the gaze of Jiang Ying Yue.

How could such a small girl made him feel scared?

Thinking of it like that, he immediately felt braver. "You spiteful girl. How dare you look at me like that? Yes I want to **** and fuck you and share you with my brothers here. Let's see whether you can still look at me like that after that or not. Your brother can't save you heh."

He had thought that Liu Weimin was Jiang Ying Yue's brother because of the way the interacted with each other. They were close but didn't look like lovers at all. Thus, he deduced their relationship as such.

Jiang Ying Yue couldn't be bothered correcting him at all. All she heard was ****, fuck and share with brothers..

Those words kept ringing in her ears.

She tried keeping her rage in check but she really felt angry upon hearing those words.

He wanted to **** her?

Slowly, the airflow around her started changing. It was heavier and faster and it started flowing towards her body.

The man holding her was stunned! Before they could even do anything, they sent flying away with just the Spiritual Qi that was surrounding her body.

Painful groans were heard from the bandits.

A red halo covered Jiang Ying Yue like a protective armor covering her whole body.

The green lotus on her forehead glowed brightly.

The leader panicked. He could feel murderous aura coming from her. It was thick making him shiver unconsciously.

How could a little girl have this fearsome aura?

It was cold and terrifying.

Not only him, even the other people present felt scared.

Liu Weimin was stunned. Jiang Ying Yue looked really different right now.

Her face was calm but cold. Suddenly, she smirked. People couldn't see it but she didn't care.

"You said you wanted to kill and **** me? I am afraid that you don't have the power to do so."

Qi Refiner Level 5 Spiritual Qi burst forth from her body shrouding the entire place with it.

She wasn't that strong but somehow, they felt like they really would be killed by her tonight.

The leader was scared but nonetheless but on a calm facade. "You are just at Qi Refiner Level 5. You can't fight against me. Men! Catch her! I will show her who's boss."

All the men went to attack her simultaneously.



Sound of fight reverberating throughout the forest.

Jiang Ying Yue did not train with Long Xing for nothing. Coupled from the close combat skill from her past life, she managed to defeat all of them in no time.

She only used fire element to fight them.

The 3 men holding Liu Weimin entered the fight only to be beaten by Jiang Ying Yue easily.

H-how? How did she do it?

The leader was stupefied. Seeing all of his men on the ground bleeding and groaning in pain, he felt angry.

"You are seeking death!" He shouted. Out of nowhere, a sword laid on his hand and he immediately gathered Spiritual Qi in his body.

An spiritual power belonging to Qi Refiner Level 7 covered the forest making the weaker people turned pale from feeling suffocated.

This was the power of a Qi Refiner Level 7!

The sword glowed in red. So he was a fire wielder!

Jiang Ying Yue would really like to find out who's the stronger one between them.

"Yue Yue be careful!" Liu Weimin shouted weakly.

Jiang Ying Yue just smiled at him before gathering her own Spiritual Qi too.

She had no weapon but who cares? She would kill this man without a weapon!

Both of them ran toward each other and boom!

They clashed! Jiang Ying Yue had blocked the sword with her right hand.

The leader was stunned but before he had the time to react, Jiang Ying Yue swung her left fist filled with Spiritual Qi and punched him on his face.

The leader tried to block but failed. The fist landed and he retreated a few steps.

Blood flowed down his mouth. He wiped it and smiled. This girl would definitely be killed by him today!

He gathered Spiritual Qi around his sword again before appearing in front of Jiang Ying Yue.

Jiang Ying Yue avoided his attacks. She swung her body here and there while throwing fire balls to the leader.

The leader wasn't having an easy time either. He had to attack Jiang Ying Yue with his sword while avoiding her fire balls.

Once of them hit his stomach and his clothes caught on fire. He could feel his skin burning.

He found an opening and he thrust his sword directly on Jiang Ying Yue's heart. She managed to avoid it but the tip of the sword did hit on her shoulder.

A man at Qi Refiner Level 7 was of course a bit faster than her.

The leader smiled and right at the moment he let his guard slightly down, Jiang Ying Yue's fist came punching his stomach. That punch contained all of her Spiritual Qi in it.


The leader fell down and spat a mouthful of blood.

He wanted to get up but he couldn't. He ran out of Spiritual Qi!

This time, he was truly scared.

"Y-Young miss, please don't kill me. I-I am willing to do anything you want. Really.." He pleaded.

Jiang Ying Yue walked toward him like a death god. Her white robe had traces of blood on it but that made her look even more terrifying.

"You hurt me friend and even wanted to **** me and you want me to let you go? No. I will make you feel pain worse than death before sending you to meet King Yama."

At first, the leader did not realize it but now he seemed to realize something weird. His men were only groaning on the ground without getting up.

"What did you do to them?" He asked.

"Oh them? Nothing much. I gave them poison. The one that would paralyze them. They can't move their bodies but they will feel like there are countless of ants crawling on their bodies making it itchy and hurts so much." Right after she was done speaking, the surrounding men started shouting asking for help. Some were even crying. They truly wanted to die but couldn't do so.

The leader was petrified.

Jiang Ying Yue then looked at him. "Ah don't worry. I gave you the same paralyzing poison but.. since you like raping girls so much, I'll do you a favor."

The leader wanted to crawl back but couldn't.

Jiang Ying Yue then took all of his clothes off without batting an eyelid. Yes he was naked without a thread on him!

Out of nowhere, a knife appeared on her hands.

Then, she cut the leader's fingers one by one. While doing that, she said, "Tsk tsk who knows how many girl's bodies have you touch with this dirty hands of yours. Let me help you remove your fingers alright?" She spoke as if she was doing a good deed and what she was doing was nothing scary at all.

The leader's shout could be heard from far away but unfortunately it was only them in the forest.

The leader's face was pale. His body was paralyzed but he could feel every single pain on his body.

Soon, 10 fingers were removed.

But Jiang Ying Yue wasn't satisfied.