Would Never Offend Her In This Lifetime

Jiang Ying Yue wanted him to feel pain. A lot of it before he dies.

She suddenly said, "I will skin you alive but don't worry. Skinning you with 1000 cuts will take too much time so I will only cut you 100 times okay?" She said it as if she was talking about the weather.

The leader shook his head but before he could open his mouth to say anything, Jiang Ying Yue did the first cut.

He did not have time to take in the first pain before the second one came along followed by the third.

All he could do was shout in pain till his voice was hoarse from all the shouting. But Jiang Ying Yue did not stop at all.

She skillfully skinned him alive and in less than 10 minutes, 100 cuts of different thickness were seen dangling all over his body. Some were thin and some had flesh stick to it.

Blood flowed down continuously.

It was a horrendous sight.

"This is for hurting my best friend." Jiang Ying Yue said.

Best friend?

Liu Weimin's eyes widen in surprise. She called him her best friend?! Hah! If it wasn't because of his injury, he would've jumped around in happiness.

The leader couldn't even speak. He was in too much pain. He felt weird. How did she managed to make a poison that paralyzed him but not block his sense of pain at all?

Yes, the poison that Jiang Ying Yue made precisely had that effect. You'll by paralyzed, but your receptors will still function properly. In fact, you'll feel 10 times more pain than a normal person would.

But that wasn't the end.

The leader then heard her saying, "Ah! Now it is time for the finishing touches."

He was scared witless. This wasn't the end? Please just kill him already.

He felt regret. He totally regretted provoking this devil! If he knew, even if he were to eat bear heart and leopard gall, he wouldn't do it. Never!

But it was too late now for regret.

Jiang Ying Yue's eyes then landed on his little birdie. "What a big man with a small bird." She said scornfully.

Liu Weimin was the one embarrassed for her. How could this girl say it so casually?

Without warning, she grabbed onto the little birdie with her left hand. Although the leader was in a lot of pain, the little guy still reacted to Jiang Ying Yue's firm touch on it. It stood upright.

Then... prak!!! Jiang Ying Yue broke his dick while the leader was having a boner.

Ouch!! Liu Weimin felt it even if he wasn't the one getting it.

The leader shouted again and Jiang Ying Yue raised her right hand with the knife in it and whoosh! She sliced it down cutting the dick off.

The leader almost fainted from the pain. He was in a daze.

Jiang Ying Yue took out a water gourd and mixed a lot of salt into it that she took out from her space.

She then poured the saltwater onto the leader's body specifically his wounded private area.

Without caring how much pain he was in, she nonchalantly went to the remaining bandits and slashed their throats one by one.

She killed all of them then went to the bandit's leader. Before killing him, he heard her saying, "Say hi to King Yama for me."

Then, the knife slashed his throat. Blood gushed out, staining Jiang Ying Yue's white robe crimson red. Her white robe now had both old and new blood on it.

The leader soon died and Jiang Ying Yue then went to Liu Weimin.

Looking at the girl in white slowly walking towards him, Liu Weimin actually felt a little scared but he knew that she wouldn't hurt him. I mean he was her best friend right?

"Are you alright?" She squatted down and asked.

"I'm fine." Liu Weimin answered.

Jiang Ying Yue took out a pill and ointment and asked him to take it. "This pill is for your internal injury. And this ointment is for your superficial injuries."

Liu Weimin thanked her and took the pill. Who wouldn't want something from the direct-disciple of Elder Yan Hua? He would be dumb if he rejected it.

Liu Weimin then said to Jiang Ying Yue. "My injury isn't that bad. Let me go and find a river nearby first so that we can take a bath in it."

Jiang Ying Yue nodded said to him, "Becareful and if you found it, take a bath in it first before calling me. Liu Weimin nodded and went away.

He was right. After taking the pill given by Jiang Ying Yue, he was already 70 percent healed.

Around 30 minutes later, he came back looking fresh in his new robe. "Yue Yue there's a river not too far from here. Just go north and you'll find it. Do you want me to accompany you?" He asked in concern.

"No need. Rest in your tent first and I'll be back."

Jiang Ying Yue walked a bit farther before checking if anyone was around. After making sure everything was clear, with a thought she disappeared and appeared in her room at the Godly Space.

She went to her bathroom and took of her clothes.

"Hiss" She hissed in pain. Earlier, when she first blocked the sword with her bare hand, although her hand was protected by her Spiritual Qi, her hand was still injured. It was bloody and she took a pill for it.

Looking at her naked body in the mirror, she saw bruises and her injured shoulder. The wound was deep and she was in a lot of pain because of it.

Throughout the entire ordeal just now, she purposely hid her pain. She didn't want the enemy to see it as her weakness and she didn't want to make Liu Weimin worried either.

Jiang Ying Yue then took a pill for the wound, showered and put ointment all over her body.

She took out an ivory robe from her wardrobe and wore it along with a white veil before exiting the space.

Liu Weimin saw Jiang Ying Yue walking towards him from the inner part of the forest and he smiled.

"Yue Yue you are here." Liu Weimin greeted.

"Hmm. How are you feeling?" She asked.

"I feel good. How are you feeling?" Liu Weimin asked back.

"I'm fine. Just some superficial wounds." She said.

"Ah right. I have released Coachman Wu from the rope. They only tied him up and did nothing else to him." Liu Weimin informed her.

Jiang Ying Yue nodded. She was worried and now she could calm down a bit. "En thank you. Let's get moving now. We'll rest a bit after we are a bit farther away from here. I don't know whether these man have extra people with them or not so better be safe than sorry."

Liu Weimin agreed and they moved.


In the carriage, Liu Weimin looked at Jiang Ying Yue before asking, "Yue Yue why did you look like you were already expecting their arrival back then?"

Jiang Ying Yue rose an eyebrow. "Weren't you also waiting for them? You too realized that those people had been following us from the previous inn we stopped at right?"

Liu Weimin laughed awkwardly. "Hehe yea. I noticed it the minute we left the inn. Plus, when we were there, their not-so-discreet look could be seen from far away."

"Yea." She agreed.

The carriage soon went quiet and Jiang Ying Yue cultivated to regain her Spiritual Qi.

Liu Weimin looked at the girl in front of him. Thinking back about what happened, he couldn't relate that devil to the girl sitting in front of him.

On normal days, she was approachable but slightly strict. She had this calm and stern aura around her that made people look at her but never went beyond the line.

But tonight, he witnessed something different. He knew the word '****' triggered her anger but he never thought that when she was angry, this girl would turn into a little devil.

He could never forget the scene for the rest of his life. He respected her more and that strengthen his resolve to become stronger. Yes cultivation was important but without combat skill, he was nothing.

He couldn't defeat the bandits but this girl did. She fought all of them alone and he was proud to be his friend.

'Yue Yue one day, I'll be strong enough to protect you. At that time, you don't have to save me anymore.' He silently swore in his heart.

But at the same time, he swore another thing that in this lifetime, he would never offend this little devil.

If only he knew that this girl he called a 'little devil' could turn into an actual devil once dark element took over her if she failed to control her emotions or to find the three things listed by Long Xing.