The Four Guardians

In a main hall at the Symphonia Valley's underground palace, a few figures were seen sitting down with the main seat occupied by Chanying.

Just now, Jiang Ying Yue didn't answer Liu Weimin's question about how strong she was by telling him that it was secret.

Of course, Liu Weimin tried to see her aura to see her cultivation level but he knew that she masked it with a fake one.

In this world, some people could hide their cultivation level by masking it with a fake one but only a few families and sects knew how to do so. Why? Of course it was such a valuable knowledge that they would hide in order to fool their enemies.

He guessed Jiang Ying Yue hid it because he saw her cultivation level was at Qi Refiner Level 7 which was impossible. She was a green innate talent for goodness sake.

She could fool the people outside because at the age of 14, with that level of cultivation, she would be considered a genius already but he knew better than anyone that they spent 5 years in here and she couldn't have risen in cultivation only by that much.

She was really talented alright?

Actually, 5 years ago, when Jiang Ying Yue let out that dark and powerful aura, it made him more puzzled on her real identity. Someone at a mere Qi Refiner Level 5 back then couldn't have such a powerful aura and power. He almost felt like he would die back then.

Not only him, even the Han siblings were wondering the same thing. But all of them didn't ask because who in this world didn't have a secret right?

Therefore, they kept their curiosity in and let it be there in their heart.

Liu Weimin was not disheartened with Jiang Ying Yue answer on not letting him know her real level of cultivation because they would spent a long time together anyway.

Hoho he too would like to surprise her with his real level of cultivation! He could protect her now!

He trained long and hard so that he could protect his best friend and his family members.

Chanying then invited them to sit down and it was then that the youngsters saw Anguo, a fairy-like man who stood behind Jiang Ying Yue when he took a seat.

All of them were puzzled. Where did this guy come from?

Snow-white hair, eyebrows, eyelashes and even robe, he looked like a complete ice king.

Was he the snow god?

Chanying looked at the puzzled face of the youngsters and she too looked at Jiang Ying Yue inquisitively.

Just now, when she saw a man following behind Jiang Ying Yue, she had been shocked to the core. But she recognized him immediately because every successor would have a painting of Anguo in their study room.

Everytime a successor was brought into the iron room, he would never show himself and only his voice could be heard. Which was why she was shocked that Anguo followed behind Jiang Ying Yue in his human form.

Looking at the puzzled faces of the humans around her, Jiang Ying Yue explained. "This is Anguo, the Supreme White Dragon. He was the guardian of the first palace master and also the one who summoned guardians for every successor. And now, he is my guardian and contracted beast."

The people around her sucked a mouthful of cold air.

T-This was Anguo? The legendary divine beast?!

Liu Weimin's mouth was so huge that even an egg could fit in it.

Most nobles families knew about this guy because he was one of the few divine beasts ever existed in the continent.

And now this beast was his best friend's guardian?!

Hahahaha he could brag about this to his father. That old man was obsessed with divine beasts and he could rub it on his face.

Jiang Ying Yue's lips twitched when she saw the evil expression on her best friend's face.

The Han siblings were no better. They were shocked that the legendary divine beast was in front of their eyes, but even more shocked that he was willing to be the guardian of Jiang Ying Yue!

As expected, their friend was no normal person!

Every beast had their own pride and even more so if it was divine beast. They wouldn't want to serve human at all. But she managed to do it? Wow!

Anguo, with his lofty and arrogant expression, just swept his gaze over them and nodded slightly.

He would only be nice to his master. Hmph!

Imagine seeing such a handsome and fairy-looking man having the lofty attitude. Oh Han Jianghua's heart almost stopped.

Totally a bad boy! She died!

Jiang Ying Yue could only shook her head when she saw the awestruck expression on her friend's face.

Chanying, who was still shocked over the sudden revelation decided to suppress her excitement over her disciple getting the great dragon as her guardian and asked the most important question instead.

"The great supreme dragon, may I know why are you her?" She asked using the most polite tone she could use.

Anguo didn't like people him by his name so she didn't mention his name at all.

Anguo looked at Chanying and answered loftily, "Why? Can't I be here? Anyway, I am here because my master asked me for a favor to summon guardian for her friends."

Chanying was once again shocked! This great master was willing to summon guardians for Ying Yue's friends? This was a great news!

Jiang Ying Yue nodded as a form of confirmation to her friends.

The three idiots, sat frozen due to the sudden news, then all of them broke into huge smiles.

Who knew that they would get magical beasts too?

Jiang Ying Yue was totally someone who cared about the people around her the most! They swore that they would never betray her in this lifetime.

Anguo didn't waste anymore time and thus, he instructed all of them to stand up at the back of the hall.

All of them complied and in no time, they were all standing at the back of the hall.

Anguo said with a serious expression, "Firstly, I will help you to summon the guardian beasts that were left behind by the previous palace masters. In total, there's 4 guardian beasts left in here. But, whether they are willing to forge a contract with you is out of my control."

He continued. "If one or none of you get to forge a contract with the guardian beasts here, I will summon the magical beast outside for you. Is that clear?"

"Yes!" All three of them answered unanimously.

Anguo closed his eyes his hand performed a seal and a white colored Spiritual Qi shrouded his hands.

Hah? White? Speaking of which, Jiang Ying Yue still didn't know Anguo's attribute.

"Come forth." Anguo's deep and dark voice sounded.


4 figures appeared in front of him.

Two male teenagers, one woman and one toddler appeared in front of their eyes.

But why four?

They all kneel and greeted Anguo.

"We pay respects to the Great Anguo."