I want her!

"En. You must've known by now that I called you to ask if you want to forge a contract with these humans as their guardian. I am not going to force you on the account of your identities as the previous palace masters' guardians."

All of them nodded their heads. Only the toddler looked a bit lost and innocent. He was such a cute little dumpling!

Anguo continued. "Very well. You may stand up." He looked at the three youngsters at the back and asked, "Choose the guardian of your choice and they will tell you their answer after a short test."

Liu Weimin opened his mouth first. He didn't mind getting anyone as long as it's not the toddler. He looked like he couldn't even fight.

"I choose the male in green robe." His attribute was wind, so he figured it'll be better that his guardian had the same attribute as him as well. And seeing the guy was in green robe, he chose him.

The male in green robe just looked at Liu Weimin before answering "Yes, I agree." in no time.

Han Jinghua chose the woman in blue robe but was rejected by her. Han Jinghua was a water element wielder so she wanted the woman but was rejected.

Why? Because the woman wanted Han Jianyu instead. Initially, Han Jianyu wanted the other male in violet robe because he couldn't guess his attribute but now, he was stuck in place.

Instead, he asked the male first. "Do you want to be my guardian?"

The male in violet robe nodded his head. "Then I choose you." Han Jianyu said.

The woman was sad but when she looked at Han Jinghua back, she agreed reluctantly. "I agree to be your guardian."

Han Jinghua was quite pissed. "It's okay. I would rather get another magical beast as my guardian other than you. Hmpph!"

The woman was angry. "Hei you should be thankful I chose you! Ungrateful!"

"Whatever. I want another magical beast even if it is weaker than you. Stay in this place all you want. Hmph!" Han Jinghua retorted.

The woman pointed her hand at Han Jinghua, "Y-You!"

"Me what?!" Han Jinghua asked with her chin raised high.

Jiang Ying Yue decided to stop their bickering. "Enough! Both of you shouldn't argue like this. Jinghua, since she was a guardian of a palace master, she must be strong and experienced. getting a new one would mean that you will need train it."

"And you. As a guardian beast, how can you act unscrupulously like this? You wanted Jianyu because of his good looks right? I saw it in your eyes when you looked at him just now. You are supposed to have honor and dignity. You are a woman for goodness sake. Don't act like a cheap woman even if you are a beast!"

The woman, hearing Jiang Ying Yue's words, turned red. She was thoroughly embarrassed. Jiang Ying Yue was right. She wanted Han Jianyu for his good looks.

Liu Weimin at the side: 'Hey hey! I am good looking too alright? I not even inferior to Jianyu!'

In fact, he wasn't wrong. But what a pity that the woman liked guys with hazel eyes and calm face.

Liu Weimin's eyes were dark brown!

Han Jinghua on the other hand, thought about what Jiang Ying Yue said. She was right. She would get an experienced guardian if she forged a contract with this female beast.

Hmph! She would reluctantly accept it then!

Jiang Ying Yue swept her stern gaze over their faces and asked, "So, do both of you agree to accept each other and forge a contract now?"

"Yes." They both answered while glaring daggers at each other.

Anguo, who had been watching the entire thing, felt proud of his master. Truly befitting to be his master! So bossy!

He opened his blood-red lips. "Very well! All of you will form a contract under my guidance."

Less than 10 minutes later, a contract was formed between the beasts and the humans.

Of course, it was done when the magical beasts turned into their original form.

After everything was done, all of the beasts kneel and introduced themselves.

Liu Weimin's guardian beast was a huge orc. He used to be the king of orcs before he became the palace master's guardian.

"I, Ventus greet master."

Han Jinghua's guardian was a blue serpent. "I, Lamia, greet master."

Han Jianyu's guardian on the other hand, was a violet hyena. His element? It was lightning. "I, Cito, greet master."

Everyone did not notice the toddler who had been looking directly at Jiang Ying Yue's direction since he first arrived. He never once paid attention to the people around him.

He looked left and right, then looked at Jiang Ying Yue again.

After the process was done, only then did Anguo looked at the small figure who stood beside Jiang Ying Yue.

"You, why did you even come just now when I didn't summon you? You should've just stayed in the carving."

Yes, all of the guardian beasts had been staying and moving around the palace through the carvings around the entire palace. This was why none of them saw the guardian beasts.

The toddler, having his attention disturbed, frowned. He was displeased.

He glared daggers at Anguo. Whoa what a brazen little guy.

"What? I can appear and be someone's guardian beast too right?" He asked in a mocking tone.

Anguo raised his white eyebrow. "Oh. You want to be someone's guardian beast? But whose? All of them are taken and with your amount of power, all three of them can't take you as their guardian beast. They'll be injured instead."

The three teenagers frowned at Anguo's words. Ha? They'll be injured?

It's true that they couldn't take another guardian beast because they were not strong enough and their mental strength wasn't that strong to get another one. But how strong was this kid that it'll injure them?

Jiang Ying Yue wasn't surprised. Since the very beginning, she had been feeling that among all the guardian beasts that appeared, this one seemed to be the strongest.

Don't be fooled by his childish appearance. Everything about him was red. Red hair, red eyes and even he had a red apron on.

The kid frowned. "Who said I wanted to be their guardian? They aren't worthy of this great master. I want her!" He pointed at Jiang Ying Yue.

Ha? Me? Jiang Ying Yue pointed at herself.

Anguo frowned, displeased. "Old friend, you can't be her guardian. I am already her guardian."

Old friend? Meaning this kid was the same or not almost the same age as Anguo?

All of them were dumbfounded. That included Chanying. She had never seem this toddler before.

The kid, was livid! He was angry. He pointed his finger at Anguo. "Hey Anguo. You think I want to be her guardian along with you? Hmph. I have made my mind. I want to be her guardian!"

Anguo was not angry one bit that the kid pointed his finger at him. He had always have an explosive temper since before anyways. "But, you have never been a guardian before."

Ha? Never been a guardian before?!