Rufus, The Nine-Tailed Fox

A certain great master scoffed. "Although I have never been a guardian before, I am willing to be the guardian of this human."

Anguo looked at his friend pensively. This great master never once wanted to serve human beings. Back then, a few years after he hatched from his egg, this fella hatched from his egg as well.

And due to certain reasons, as they grew older, his friend never grew from his toddler form and he rejected the first palace master's request to be his guardian.

The first palace master didn't force him and instead, just kept him as the guardian of this palace when he and his master weren't there.

But now, he wanted to serve a human at his own will? Impressive!

Anguo, unable to persuade his friend further, albeit dissatisfied because his friend wanted to share the same master as him, asked Jiang Ying Yue nevertheless.

"Master, would like to take this kid as your guardian?"

Hehe. He was black-bellied alright. Aww look at that angry red face when he called him a kid. Hah! Served him right!

Jiang Ying Yue asked Anguo. "I can still take in another guardian beast?"

"Yes, you can master. Your strength and mental power are strong enough to take him in even after you have made a contract with me."

Hua! The three idiots looked at Jiang Ying Yue at the same time.

She still had enough strength to take in another powerful being after taking in the supreme dragon?

What the-!

Jiang Ying Yue nodded and thought for a bit.

She then looked at the little kid ehem an old creature that looked like a toddler.

"Why do you want to be my guardian? And what can you do for me?"

The toddler looked at her with a proud expression. "I naturally only want to serve the best. Plus, it's so boring being in here for a long time okay? In you, I saw a huge potential and I can see that you'll be a great figure in future that even the first master couldn't compare."

Raising his chin high, he said: "What can I do for you? Heh I might not be a divine beast, but I am an ancient beast. I am loyal, smart and my power is strong. Apart from Anguo, I too know a lot of things. More than the devil does." He looked at her meaningfully when he said 'the devil'.

Jiang Ying Yue was taken aback!

Others might not understand it but how could she not? The said devil was Long Xing himself!

Unless.. he was lying.

But how could he lie when it didn't make sense for him to suddenly mention the devil?

As if confirming her guess, the toddler said in a vague way, confusing the people around them except for Jiang Ying Yue .

Even Anguo was confused, but after putting the puzzle together he seemed to have realized something.

The toddler said: "The devil in space."

Anguo had once felt there was something amiss with Jiang Ying Yue's body when they formed a contract but he didn't think too much about it. But after hearing his friend's words and knowing how powerful his friend actually was, he knew the answer right then.

So she had a space in her body? And maybe the so called the devil lived in it?

Jiang Ying Yue still in a shock state only had her eyes slightly wide before she composed herself back to a calm state.

"Alright. I accept you as my guardian."

"Great! Let's forge it right now!" A certain great master was so happy that he grinned from ear to ear.

Then, he transformed into his original form which was... a nine-tailed fox!

Every part of his body was pure white except for his eyes.

Eh? When he's in human form, everything was red. Why suddenly his real form was white?

She almost thought his original form was a phoenix or salamander alright?

The nine-tailed fox didn't know what she was thinking about. If not, he would've kicked her a long time ago.

Having experienced the forming a contract with Anguo, Jiang Ying Yue did the contract herself. But it wasn't easy. She had to use a lot of her mental strength pushing her to her limit when forming a contract with him.

Red Spiritual Qi started coming out of their bodies and spun around them.

In less than 30 minutes, the contract was formed.

Jiang Ying Yue's forehead was sweating profusely and she looked slightly pale.

She didn't take any pill to recover. She knew that she just needed a bit of rest and she would recover in no time.

The nine-tailed fox kneel and said, "I, Rufus, greet master. I will stay with you and follow you even till death."

"You may stand." Jiang Ying Yue said.

Chanying, knowing that everything was done and over with, said to them, "Alright. Today, we will have inheritance acceptance ceremony for you and completion ceremony for your friends.Let's go to the place where I first met you guys."


Standing at the same place they saw Chanying, all of them stood with Chanying standing in front of them.

"Today, we will have simple ceremony of inheritance acceptance and training completion. I hope that all of you will bring honor to our valley's name by acting righteously and never use your power wrongly." She said.

"Let's start. Jiang Ying Yue, please step forward and receive your palace master's token."

Jiang Ying Yue stepped forward and she bowed 90 degress towards Chanying to pay her respects.

Chanying waved her hand and a jade token appeared in her hand. She gave it to Jiang Ying Yue and asked her to drop her blood on it.

Jiang Ying Yue did as told and Chanying said, "From today onward, Jiang Ying Yue is the palace master and also the valley master of Symphonia Valley. Ying Yue, I have a gift for you."

She waved her hand and jade zither appeared in her hands. "This is the supreme zither, the most treasured weapon of our Symphonia Valley. It the one of the most dangerous weapon in the world, and if used wrongly,it could bring disaster upon the world. So never use it to bring chaos to the world. Insert your Spiritual Qi and it'll be yours."

Jiang Ying Yue accepted it and looked at the jade zither. It was translucent white with strands of gold in it. The strings were soft but sturdy and made with unknown material.

"Thank you, master." She thanked Chanying and inserted her Spiritual Qi. Instantly, the zither turned black with red strands in it. It was glossy and translucent black.

Next, Chanying called Liu Weimin forward. He received a dark green bow and 7 arrows and ancient text. But was 7 arrows enough?