The Divine Sword

Chanying explained to Liu Weimin: "This is the best bow ever made. Infuse it with your Spiritual Qi and only you can use it. This arrow will not break and the seven arrows, after being shot, will return back to you once called. The tip of it will be infused with your Spiritual Qi when shot thus making it a lethal weapon."

Liu Weimin had been ecstatic the minute he saw the weapon because he had seen this weapon among the list of legendary weapons ever made. If he could auction this, he would get a lot of money!

But of course he wouldn't sell it. This weapon was in line with the skill that he learnt here!

Next, Chanying called Han Jinghua. She received a fan.

"This fan is a weapon. It can be used with your Spiritual Qi and it is very sharp. It is as sharp as a sword and the size can be enlarged at will."

Han Jinghua thanked her. One of the skills that she learnt here was fighting using fan and she really good at it! She was really happy!

Lastly, Han Jianyu took a step forward. Chanying gave him a crystal flute and an ancient text.

She explained, "The flute is one of the legendary weapons along with the zither. When used together with Ying Yue's zither, the power is destructive. I am sure you know how to use it. And the ancient text that both you and Liu Weimin received are useful for the skills that you have learnt here. The stronger you get, the more skills you can use."

Han Jianyu nodded and thanked her.

Suddenly, Anguo's voice sounded. "Master, I have something for you too." He waved his hand and a metal sound could be heard across the huge hall. A sword then flew and landed in front of Anguo.

"Master, this is the divine sword. Forged by a the greatest weaponsmith of a secret clan at the South Continent. It was the first palace master's weapon and now, it is yours. Please accept it."

The sword was rusty and old and there was weird patterns around it. It looked like, a dragon!

Jiang Ying Yue touched it and inserted her Spiritual Qi to test it but was repelled!

Anguo hurriedly said, "Master you must put a drop of your blood on it first for it to be yours."

Ah! Will she be anemic after this? Blood this, blood that.

Jiang Ying Yue just slashed her finger and dropped her blood onto the sword.

Instantly, the patterns around it turned red and the dirt and rustiness on the sword started changing and falling off, revealing a shiny and new looking sword.

Th sword buzzed as if it was alive!

"Master, now you insert your Spiritual Qi and see what happens." Anguo instructed.

Jiang Ying Yue inserted her Spiritual Qi once again and this time, her Spiritual Qi wasn't repelled and instead, it mended together with the red glow in the pattern.

The sword once again buzzed and she swore she could feel the sword made her feel really powerful.

Now she had her own weapon!

"Thank you Anguo." She really liked the sword. It was as if the sword was one with her.

Chanying voice was heard then. "Everyone, I don't have much time left. My task here is done. I thank you all for accepting the inheritance and being the valley's disciples. Thank you for all your hard works. I know it wasn't easy and most of you almost died during the training but you guys didn't give up. Please remember that this palace is yours and you are welcomed to come here at anytime."

At this time, all of them could see Changying's figure started turning more and more transparent.

They were all sad at heart because although she was Jiang Ying Yue's master, she did visit her friends and helped them here and there during their training. And now, her task was completed and her soul was fading away.

All of them bowed 90 degrees and said in unison, "Thank you for everything, palace master. We promise to bring honor to Symphonia Valley's name."

Chanying smiled and she teared up. But since she was just a soul, there wasn't any real tears and just an image of it.

"I am proud of all of you." Her voice faded away and her figure started disappearing until there was nothing that could be seen anymore.

She was gone. Jiang Ying Yue, who spent the most time with her, started tearing up. But she didn't let the tears fall. She didn't want to appear weak in front of others.

Jiang Ying Yue could feel Chanying's motherly love from the time she spent with her. It was the same feeling as when Li Mei Hua was with her.

She missed Li Mei Hua and her brothers dearly. Of course, she missed Jiang Rong too.

All of them looked at each other and smiled. At this time, Jiang Ying Yue suddenly said, "It's time I show you guys my face. We are a team and you need to know my face first no?"

All them were in shocked!

Of course they wanted to see her face. Ugly or beautiful, they didn't care. She was their friend.

They looked at her in anticipation. Their eyes were so focus it was as if looking at prey.

Slowly, Jiang Ying Yue took her veil off and what happened next was hilarious.

None of the people there made a sound and just stared at her face.

Liu Weimin had his mouth opened so big, Han Jinghua made a gasp and closed her mouth with her right hand and there wasn't any other sound since, whereas the ever collected Han Jianyu had his eyes opened wide staring at her face.

Anguo was shocked too but he had an ever so calm expression on his face. Rufus, made such an ugly surprised expression that couldn't be described with words.

Luckily the other 3 guardian beasts were already in their master's sea of consciousness if not, Jiang Ying Yue would see extra funny expressions.

H-How could there be a human this beautiful?

Standing in front of them was a girl with the most beautiful countenance that they had ever seen in their lives.

Phoenix eyes, snow-white flawless skin, small red lips, long lashes and small face. She looked like a goddess!

Yes, to them she looked like a goddess!

Her silky black hair just enhanced her beauty even more.

Rufus was the one who first broke the silence.

"You- You are so beautiful that everyone here was entranced looking at you. In fact, my smart mind even stopped working as if.. we are under a spell! You are like.. hmm." Rufus looked up, left and right to think of the suitable word to describe her.

His small childish face was scrunched up.

A seductress? No she didn't have that aura. Her aura was different.

A fairy? No her aura wasn't that pure and innocent.

That's it! Rufus's eyes lit up.

"You are an enchantress! Yes, an enchantress!" He shouted while pointing at her.

The others broke out of their stupor and nodded in agreement.

She really was an enchantress!