Take Her Into His Embrace

Jiang Ying Yue went back to the inn shortly after. She really didn't have the mood to continue staying at the lake anymore.

Throughout the entire time, she didn't notice Mu Shao Qing who hid himself in the dark, watching and following her every movement to make sure that she arrived at her destination, which was her inn safely.

He knew that she was strong and had some skills, but he couldn't be settled on leaving her alone. Even he was baffled on why was he feeling that way. He had never been worried about anyone before so why?

He was worried that she would encounter someone stronger and it would be hard for her to protect herself so that was why he followed after her.

His subordinates were even more confused than ever. Why did master follow after her? Why didn't he just ask them to do it instead?

Master, you status as the Night Emperor doesn't suit how you are acting right now at all you know?

Who would've known that their ruthless, merciless and cold master would follow a girl sneakily like this?

Master, this isn't your clone right? Wuuu.

At this moment, standing in front of the inn was Liu Weimin. He was waiting for Jiang Ying Yue as he was worried about her. She was a beauty and there's a lot of 'hungry wolves' out there, so of course he was worried about her.

Then, he saw a figure walking gracefully under the moonlight towards him. Of course it was Jiang Ying Yue. He waved and ran to his Yue Yue.

"Yue Yue where did you go? I was worried about you." He check his best friend up and down to make sure that she was alright.

Jiang Ying Yue waved her hand. "Nothing. I just encountered some brainless people but it's solved now. Sorry for worrying you."

Liu Weimin shook his head. "It's fine. But are you sure you are okay? Oh yeah. Why didn't you wear your veil? Aren't you already used to it?"

He had been puzzled over this. Initially, he thought she would put on the veil back after showing her face to them but he guessed that wasn't the case.

Jiang Ying Yue sighed. "Initially, I wore the veil due to personal reason but since I was quite used to it, I figured that why not I just keep on wearing it. But after showing it to you guys, I suddenly thought that I didn't want to wear it back at all. I thought it was time for me to take it off. Well, I just wanted to breathe the fresh air without fail."

She laughed slightly. "Silly reason right? Sometimes, you'll feel suffocated if you wear the veil all the time too. You can't eat properly without lifting it up first and feel slightly suffocated at times. If it wasn't for the personal reason, I wouldn't even wear it."

Liu Weimin nodded in understanding. He had seen first hand how annoying it was for her to eat with that thing on. He didn't know what the personal reason was, but since she wanted to take it off, he would support her as her best friend.

"Yue Yue, if that is your decision, then I will support you. Wear it when you want to and don't if you don't wish to. In this world, being a beauty brings you trouble and same goes to being ugly. Honestly, as long as you a woman, you'll get trouble from men anyway. So I am supporting your decision." Liu Weimin announced firmly.

He really would support his best friend unconditionally.

Jiang Ying Yue knew that her best friend had a good heart so she thanked him, "Thank you Weimin."

Back then, if it wasn't because of the mark on her face and fearing that it would bring disgrace to her family, she wouldn't have worn the veil. Her purpose was fully to not make people talk bad about the general's family.

Then, after her face was cured, since she was used to it and didn't go out of Yan Hua manor's premise at all, she just wore the veil for fun. When she was with Yan Hua, she would take the veil off.

But now, eversince she showed her face to her friends, she suddenly felt free. Like she had been freed from a shackle. Maybe, being truthful to them made her feel that way. Like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

And now, she didn't want to wear it again. Well, she still would wear it for fun though. Being able to walk around without anything covering her face let her feel free and unrestrained. She felt great.

Well, never once in her previous life that she wore a veil to cover her face.

Liu Weimin beamed a gorgeous smile at her. The pair soon went inside the in together. They were going to back to their family members tomorrow and they knew that they must be worried about them.


In a dark room, laying on a bed was a tall figure with both of his hands behind his head while he looked at the ceiling.

"Who was that man? Her acquaintance? No they seemed to be closer than that. He must be her friend. But does she like him?"

"Why do I care whether she likes him or not? I am just interested in her and want to know her more. En that's it."

He frowned. "But why do I feel uncomfortable in my heart? She treated me coldly but even smiled slightly at him. Ah that slight smile was beautiful! But if I am the only one in the world she smiles fully to, that would be wonderful."

His face blushed at the thought. His heartbeat started quicken at a fast pace.

The man then put his right hand on his heart. "Why is it acting like this? My heart had never raced this fast before."

That man was precisely Mu Shao Qing. He saw Liu Weimin and Jiang Ying Yue's interaction just now and he felt a small prick in his heart. It almost made him feel like rushing over and take her into his embrace.

And coincidentally, his inn was the same as Jiang Ying Yue's so ever since he entered his room, he had been this way.

His subordinates, who had been guarding his room on the trees outside heard his mumbling distinctively with their high cultivation but they were stunned in place.

Their genius, omnipotent and fearsome master was thinking about a girl?

He had never liked one before! No he had never paid attention to one before!

Was this their future mistress who could help them to lower down his anger when he was angry? Hoho maybe they could help these two get together?

Suddenly, they heard his deep voice calling out to them. "Du Yi, Du Er."


They immediately appeared in front of their master and kneeled.

"Here, master."

Mu Shao Qing's ice-blue eyes looked at them making them shiver. Their master was a scary man alright? Completely different than the playful vibe he gave Jiang Ying Yue just now.

"Where is Du San? Make sure he performed the task I gave him well. I want it before dawn. And I want to ask you guys something." His face still had that cold look on it but he was in fact quite uncomfortable asking them this, but he had to!

"Please ask, master." They spoke in unison.

"You must have heard me mumbling just now right? Tell me why am I feeling this way? I have never felt this way before." He wasn't someone who spoke a lot on normal basis to his subordinates, but he had to ask this.

Du Er, meekly looked at his master before answering. "Answering to master. If I am not wrong, the feeling you have right now is because you like the girl."

Ha? Like? What?