Were You Surprised?

Du Yi almost wanted to smack Du Er's head right there and then. How dare he say that to master?

He didn't even have a close girl friend ah! But Du Yi didn't dare to act insolently in front of their master. He could only kneel there with his eyes looking at the floor.

He didn't know how to answer his master. To him, it was a sign that his master was interested in the girl. But he didn't dare to say it because he wanted to be sure of it first.

Mu Shao Qing looked at Du Er with a his usual cold look. The subordinates were used to it. This guy had a face paralysis every single day.

But in Mu Shao Qing heart was a whole new different story. He was shocked and confused. How could he like her?

He had heard about love at first sight before but he had never felt it like.. ever!

No his case should be like at the first sight right? Ha!

He then dismissed his subordinates. Thinking about it back, how could they know? They had never had any close female friend before. It was useless to ask them.

Suddenly, a voice was heard in his head. "Master, I think you like that girl too."

Mu Shao Qing froze. His basilisk too thought that he liked that girl?

'Why?' He asked in his head.

Mu Shao Qing was quite close to his contracted beast. Maybe because they spent a lot of time together.

"Master, throughout our time together, I have never seen you getting interested at any girl, no matter how pretty or outstanding they are. You dislike them. Isn't this the reason why you Night Palace are filled with only guys?" Tao, the basilisk spoke again.

Although usually Tao was a bit playful, he was actually a smart beast. It was because of him that sometimes, Mu Shao Qing felt less lonely.

Mu Shao Qing thought about what Tao said. It was true indeed. The only female in his life was his grandmother and there was no other. He really felt uncomfortable around females. Therefore, all of his subordinates were males.

And tonight, his almost dead heart started beating fast when he first saw the girl. He didn't know why, but he saw her face, his heartbeat went crazy. Everything about her captured his attention. Her actions, face and fragrance.

Wait! Fragrance!

He seemed to have smelled that somewhere before. 'Think Shao Qing, think!'

He thought long and hard before he seemed to recall something. That lantern girl!

The one that bumped into him a year ago!

She was the only one with that unique fragrance. Back then, he was still in his disguised look and his lantern collided with hers. Then, that girl bumped into him but at that time, she was wearing a veil.

He remembered that fragrance cause it was different and didn't make him feel dizzy. Usually, girl's fragrance tend to be strong and made him dizzy but not this one so he remembered her.

So it was you! The one that bumped into me when I was looking at the moon last year.

Whether he liked her or not, he wasn't sure. But he knew was, he was the first ever woman in his life to ever make his heart beat uncontrollably, and caught his interest. And he didn't plan to let go of this feeling and the person who made him feel alive again ever.

'Woman, you'll never be able to shake me off in this lifetime. You are the prey and I am the predator. Like what I've said, I'll make you interested in me soon.' He smiled evilly.

Gone the guy who was flustered upon talking to Jiang Ying Yue, replaced with the usual cold, ruthless and evil him.

It seemed that trying using his brother's way didn't work so he would use his own way instead.


Currently, unaware that she had caught a certain being's attention, Jiang Ying Yue was in the Godly Space facing the grim looking Long Xing in front of her.

Alright, she knew that she was unable to enter the space thus worrying him but why was this guy sulking now?

Just now when she first entered the space, she saw Long Xing attending the spiritual herbs that she planted. When that guy saw her, he merely glanced and snorted. "Hmph, so you are still alive."

Of course she was! And he should've known that fact too. He was freaking in her body alright?

No that sounded wrong. In a space inside her body. Yes, yes that's right. If she died, he would've known as there would be changes to the space. The plants would've died and everything would be different for him too. Bah and this guy dared to pretend?!

Then, Jiang Ying Yue approached him tried to explain everything in one go.

Long Xing clearly was paying attention to he because he had been plucking the leaves of the same plant and again and his head was slightly turned to her side but he still kept that I-don't-care-about-you look on his face.

Jiang Ying Yue didn't bother and just continued explaining. After she was done, she looked at the guy only to see him still plucking the same plant. Alas, she needed to do something about this.

Suddenly, she was enlightened with an idea. "Hey Long Xing, want me to cook for you?"

Long Xing paused and looked at her.

This devil! Still as feminine and good looking as ever!

"Lead the way." He said.

Jiang Ying Yue swore she saw his eyes brightened at the mention of food but he still kept that pout on his face. Fine fine, this lady will cook for you.

When she entered the kitchen, it was only then she realized that there was no food around. No instant noodles, ice cream, meat, chicken, eggs, nothing! No wonder he sulked. Heh because of food huh?!

Jiang Ying Yue restored everything with her imagination and done cooking in no time.

They both seated at the table and ate together.

In the middle of eating, Long Xing's melodious voice that she missed so much sounded. "So, area around the palace made you unable to enter this space? The person who made that secret space must've been really strong."

So this guy had been listening all along? She was right!

"Yea. Even I don't know why though. Right, I'll put the guardians in this space too if you don't mind. My sea of consciousness is dark and has nothing there. Is it okay?"

Long Xing shrugged his shoulders. "It's your space. I don't mind."

Soon, Jiang Ying Yue entered her beloved bedroom and took a long bath in the bathtub and went out of the space soon after. She slept in the in because she didn't want anyone to notice her missing in case of emergency.

She didn't forget to call out to her contracted beasts and threw them into her space.

Anguo and Rufus, who were thrown into the Godly Space looked around them in awe.

Then, they saw Long Xing looking at them front in front of the penthouse's door.

Rufus looked at Long Xing without a trace of surprise. "So, you are the devil in her body. The same bearer of the curse."

Long Xing looked at the toddler in front of him coldly. "You're the one that blocked her from entering this space, weren't you?"

Rufus was not one bit surprised that Long Xing knew about this. He admitted it directly, "Yes, I was the one who did it, why? Were you surprised, descendant of the Moon Goddess?"