Yan Hua Shed A Tear

The brown carriage carrying Jiang Ying Yue and her company stopped in front of Yan Hua's manor.

Liu Weimin, being the coachman had seen from far that Elder Yan Hua, Houskeeper San and his father were standing at the manor's gate.

Wait? His father?

When he stopped the carriage, Liu Weimin steadily stepped down from the carriage facing Yan Hua and his father. By now, he had already resumed his 'young master' look and his face was serious despite his heart was about to explode from nervousness.

Who knew that he would meet his father here? He wasn't prepared for this at all!

Liu Bojing looked at his son with a stern face. Gone that worried middle aged man in the hall just now.

Liu Weimin decided to greet them first. He bowed, "Good afternoon Elder Yan Hua, good afternoon father."

Liu Bojing snorted. "Hmph!" But if one could see clearly, there was a trace of relieve on his face after seeing Liu Weimin was alive and well.

Yan Hua just nodded at Liu Weimin and his gaze was focused on the carriage's door.

Before Housekeeper San could go forward and open the door, the door opened on it's own from the inside.

Following that, a fair slender hand appeared and a girl stepped down from the carriage.

She wore a mint green robe and she was not wearing a veil. This was the first time Housekeeper San saw Jiang Ying Yue's face and to be honest, he was actually struck dumb.

She was so beautiful. Her beauty could cause the downfall of a nation, not a city.

Jiang Ying Yue smiled sweetly and bowed, "Good afternoon master, Master Liu Bojing and Housekeeper San."

Yan Hua smiled as bright as the sun and stepped forward to hold Jiang Ying Yue's hands. He held her hands tightly as if to make sure that she was real.

"Ying Yue, you are finally back."

Following that, a drop of tear fell down Yan Hua's cheeks.

The people around were dumbfounded. The strict Elder Yan Hua actually shed a tear?

Liu Bojing almost wanted to spat blood. Who was it for this whole one year kept on saying to him not worry and follow his example?

When the girl was in front of him, he was the one who reacted the worst alright?!

Jiang Ying Yue smiled and shook her master's trembling hands. "En. I am back master."

"Good. Good. Let us all go inside."

Jiang Ying Yue paused and said to her master. "Master, I have two other guests to introduce to you."

Two figures stepped down the carriage and greeted Yan Hua and Liu Bojing. "Greetings Elder Yan Hua and Master Liu Bojing."

Yan Hua looked at them and waved his hands. "No need the formalities. Let us all enter and talk inside." Then he paused and looked at Housekeeper San, "Prepare a feast for our dinner tonight."

Naturally, Housekeeper San knew what to do and he just nodded his head. 'Finally Young Miss is home.' God knew how many times he saw Yan Hua sitting alone at the pavilion and staring at the lake with a worried face this past one year.

If he wasn't at the guild, Yan Hua would practice alchemy or tend his herbs at the garden. Other times, he would just eat at the pavilion because he said it was too lonely eating at the dining hall alone without Jiang Ying Yue.


All of them sat at the main hall. The Han siblings looked around Elder Yan Hua's manor.

Although they were from Dark Star Empire, they also had heard of Elder Yan Hua's name. This old man was a great alchemist but due to his eccentric nature, not a lot of people could get close to him nor buy his pills and potions easily.

He would not succumb to anyone.

And they had also heard of Liu Bojing's name. He had businesses all over East Continent so as nobles, they had long known of his name.

The Han siblings had only learnt of Jiang Ying Yue and Liu Weimin's identities today in the carriage, shocking them to the core.

They had never expected Jiang Ying Yue to be Elder Yan Hua's direct disciple. They just that these were noble children without knowing their real backgrounds.

Yan Hua looked at all of them and said in an angry tone to Jiang Ying Yue. "Brat! How dare you go missing for a year without notice worrying me ha? I said come back after one month not one year! I have to make sure to give you a heavy punishment for this. Hmph!"

Eh? Where did that sweet and sentimental old man at the front gate just now go?

Did this old man have a personality disorder?

Jiang Ying Yue shook her head. Haha her master was really funny. She knew that he only cared about her.

She said in a sweet voice. "I am sorry master. Aren't I back now? Don't be angry anymore. Tomorrow, I'll cook for you personally. How about that?"

Yan Hua looked at her. "Yes, luckily you are alive and well. If not, I'll personally go to look for you and beat you up. And cook? Don't you think that you can bribe me with that." He turned his head to the side.

Jiang Ying Yue made a regretful face. "Ah really? So master doesn't want to taste my cooking? Oh how bad. Then I can only not cook for you and find other ways then."

Suddenly, Liu Weimin interrupted them. "Yue Yue, why don't you just cook for me instead? I like your cooking the most! It's so delicious."

Yan Hua harrumphed. "Hmph! Who said I didn't want to taste her cooking? Ying Yue, you better cook for me tomorrow!"

How dare this Liu boy robbed his food? Hmph wasn't it enough that he could taste it first?

That old man felt bitter in his heart. His disciple cooked for that Liu boy first before him. Wuu

Jiang Ying Yue made a cheeky smile. "Yes yes. I'll cook for you tomorrow master."

She then gave side smile at Liu Weimin. Haha they were in cahoot!

The Han siblings who had only heard of Yan Hua's eccentric personality just stared at this interaction with a shocked expression. Only Jiang Ying Yue could talk to that old man like this.

They then talked about what happened to them in the mountain after Yan Hua sealed the entire hall to prevent outsiders from listening.

Liu Weimin took charge of recounting how they met the Han siblings, what happened in the mountain and how they fell into the crack before emerging in the tunnel of the Symphonia Valley's palace.

Jiang Ying Yue then recounted roughly that they had to go through 3 tests without specifically telling what,then how she was chosen to inherit the valley's knowledge and her friends also learned some secret ancient skills there. They spent 5 years of the time inside equivalent to 1 year of the time outside to train before emerging outside.

Yan Hua and Liu Bojing nodded. "So it was like that."

They knew that the youngsters might made it sound easy, but they knew how hard it must've been for them. They didn't ask any question and were just proud of the teenagers.

Soon, Yan Hua heard Houskeeper San's voice from outside of the hall and he broke the seal before heading to the dining hall together with all of them.