7 Mysterious Rooms

A week soon passed and on this day, Jiang Ying Yue went out to meet Liu Weimin at the auction house.

Upon entering his office, Jiang Ying Yue sat down. Soon after, the Han siblings came as well.

During these one week, Jiang Ying Yue resumed her old schedule of learning with Yan Hua, cultivating in the Godly Space and training with Long Xing.

One day on the outside world now equals to 5 days in the space. So, she had more time practicing and cultivating in there. Even the Spiritual Qi in there was thicker than in the outside world.

As what Long Xing had said before, the stronger she gets, the more benefit she'll get from the space.

And she also discovered something new. There was now an extra floor on top of her penthouse making it 3 storeys now.

She went to the floor and saw 7 mysterious rooms in total. But only one door could be opened.

When she entered the room, she saw an ancient text and two boxes.

Jiang Ying Yue read the text and found out that the female bearer of the Blood Moon curse would have 2 guardians to protect her. One was Rufus, the left guardian and the other one was Anguo, the right guardian.

In the text, she found out that Anguo could serve a human being but Rufus could not.

This was because Rufus was the strongest dark elemental beast ever existed. He would only serve the female bearer of the curse or else he would remain in his toddler body his whole life.

Jiang Ying Yue learnt on how to break Rufus from his toddler's body and to unlock his true power. The answer lied on the two boxes on the table. But she could not use it for now as she still had not found all 3 things that Long Xing mentioned.

But she also discovered one more thing. That other than the 3 ingredients that she needed to find, there was another ingredient that Long Xing didn't tell her and that was.. Long Xing's blood.

Yes, she needed his blood as the final ingredient to make the pill. But making and taking the pill would bring a lot of commotions so she needed to take it in the space.

No wonder Long Xing asked her to take the pill in the space.

But she wondered, why didn't he tell her that?

Jiang Ying Yue then went downstairs and confronted all three of them.

She didn't beat around the bush and directly told them what she found and asked them.

"Why did you guys hide everything from me? Tell me."

Anguo was the first one to spoke. "Master, 30 000 years ago, I once served the first master of Symphonia Valley. But he had told me beforehand that he wasn't my true master. Me and Rufus were given in the form of eggs to him by someone. Even I don't know who that person was."

He continued, "I just knew that our true master was the female bearer of the Blood Moon curse. At first, we didn't anything about you but before my previous master died, he handed me a secret text containing our true identities."

Rufus bobbed his small head. "It's true master. After I was born, I was offered to be the first palace master's guardian, but I rejected him without a second thought because in my heart, I could feel that he wasn't the one for me. It was the day that a battle broke out and both he and Anguo were injured that I found out about my true identity. Before that, I just guarded the hidden palace."

Jiang Ying Yue just listened to them intently.

Rufus continued. "Back then, I couldn't even accept the idea of serving a human. What true master? I didn't care about that. It wasn't until the day that I saw you training that I could somehow feel our connection. Day by day, I saw you training hard and your aura grew more and more familiar to me. So, on the day we were summoned, I appeared and decided to be your guardian."

Jiang Ying Yue nodded. So it was like that. She had felt that it was weird that both Rufus and Anguo wanted to be her guardians out of the pure reason that they saw potential in her.

"But why didn't you tell the truth back then?"

Rufus shrugged his shoulders. "I couldn't possibly suddenly reveal my identity right? There were too many unrelated people back then."

Alright, she couldn't refute to that.

Anguo on the other hand, stuttered slightly. "B-back then, I really wanted to test you when we were alone in that room. I wanted to know how strong my true master was. And I wasn't wrong."

Fine, she had to accept that answer. He was still indeed a prideful Divine Beast.

Jiang Ying Yue had a lot of questions in her head. 30 000 years ago who gave the eggs?

How did this mysterious floor suddenly appear? Someone must've known about the curse beforehand and made this space.

If so, who?

Who was strong enough to make the jade to seal Long Xing inside?

Whatever, she would solve the mysteries slowly.

Finally, Jiang Ying Yue turned her head to Long Xing. "And you. I thought you were my buddy. Why didn't you tell me about the final ingredient? And how did you even know about them? She pointed at Anguo and Rufus.

Long Xing dropped his head slightly. He didn't expect her to know about it this fast.

"Remember I told you about the ancient tomb that I found and the ancient texts inside? I found out about them from there. It was written about the guardians of the female curse's bearer."

"As to why I didn't tell you about the final ingredient, I didn't want you to worry. By now, you should've already known about the after effect of taking my blood as the final ingredient. I just wanted you to focus on making the pill in this space and only then will I tell you the truth."

Of course Jiang Ying Yue knew the after effect of it. Long Xing would fall in a deep slumber after giving his blood to her and it would be unknown when he would wake up.

"But don't worry about me. Just focus of finding the ingredients and make the pill. That was why I hoped that you could reach level Immortal Alchimia so that you could refine the pill on your own here. Don't worry about anything else." Long Xing added firmly.

"What about you? How to suppress the dark element in you?" Jiang Ying Yue asked.

"Me? Back then, I only needed the three ingredients and not the female's blood. But before I could even find the three ingredients, I was chased after and had to hid in the tomb. But since I have become a full devil, I don't need to suppress it anymore. It had already gone rampant and dominated my Life Bead." He said sadly.

But he didn't mind it much. This space would clean his head and he would always remain as a devil his whole life after this. He didn't even know if he could ever get out of this space. Plus, he was quite scared of killing the innocents again.