Why Did You Save Me?

Sitting right across each other on a small table in the room was Jiang Ying Yue and Mu Shao Qing.

She thought that right after this guy send the food, he would go away. But unfortunately, right after she got out of the bathroom, she saw him sitting at the table reading a scroll leisurely.

Luckily in this world, in some of the noble's house, they have a private bathroom in each room unlike what she read in ancient times where they only have a partition screen to cover the person taking bath in the same room.

She would rather not take bath!

But the must shocking thing was, behind the bathroom door was a small hotspring. Ah how she wished to soak in the hotspring for a long time.

She had already accepted the weirdness of this world wholeheartedly that she didn't even want to question the existence of a hotspring in his room. It was quite weird.

Mu Shao Qing, who was reading his scroll heard the door opening and there, he saw Jiang Ying Yue in indigo robe staring at him.

He could smell the same scent coming from her. He almost wanted to smile in delight. She was right in front of him in his room ah!

Mu Shao Qing's cold face had a hint of tenderness in it when he called out to her.

"Have a sit. I hope you don't mind us having lunch together."

Jiang Ying Yue looked at the table and saw additional food compared to the ones he bought just now. Well this was his manor, and he was her savior so she didn't want to be ungrateful. It was just a meal anyways.

"I don't mind it. It's just a meal." She said with an indifferent expression. Then, Jiang Ying Yue walked forward and sat right across Mu Shao Qing.

'Just a meal? Alright I will settle on that for now. I'll slowly make each of our meal special after this.' He thought to himself.

"Please help yourself. I hope you don't dislike it."

Jiang Ying Yue looked at this cold guy. Alright she could feel him trying to be nice to her even with that cold face of his. But where did that playful guy go?

Jiang Ying Yue just nodded and thanked him. Then.. she just waited stared at his face.

Under such gaze, Mu Shao Qing felt quite pressured. It wasn't the bashful and lustful gaze that he usually get, but a gaze full of inquiry instead.

"What is it?" He asked trying to look calm.

Jiang Ying Yue chuckled. "You are the master of the house so naturally, you should start eating first. No?"

Only then Mu Shao Qing understood. So she was waiting for him to eat first. "No, you eat first. Ladies first." He said.

Jiang Ying Yue raised her eyebrow. 'Oh, such a gentleman suddenly? Alright then.'

"If you say so then. I'll eat first." With that, she picked up her chopsticks and started eating.

Naturally, Mu Shao Qing followed right after but his eyes was actually focused on Jiang Ying Yue's movements. Such elegance even when she was eating.

At once, he even forgot how to move his chopsticks and just stared at her.

Jiang Ying Yue felt his gaze and frowned slightly. "Ehem, mister. Wake up." She reminded him.

Only then did Mu Shao Qing woke up. "It's Mu Shao Qing. Not mister" He said, reminding her of his name.

"Alright Mu Shao Qing. Let's eat. Or do you want me to feed you instead?" She teased.

Mu Shao Qing stared at Jiang Ying Yue's face and chuckled. "Sure, if that is what you want."

"Wha- huh?" Realizing what he meant, Jiang Ying Yue shook her head. This guy was back at being a pervert again! "Shameless." She said.

"Only to you." He replied.

Jiang Ying Yue almost chocked on her food. What was this? Was this guy flirting with her? She had already reminded him to not use his good looks on the wrong thing before. Sigh.

"Mu Shao Qing, don't flirt around like that. What if a girl fall in love with you because of that and then it turns out you were just playing with her? Not good." She couldn't help but remind him again.

What was this? He had never done this to anyone else before! He had never even talk to another girl before! She misunderstood him!

Wanting to clear this misunderstanding, Mu Shao Qing hurriedly explained. "You are mistaken. I have never done this before to anyone else. I only did it to you."

Jiang Ying Yue rolled her eyes, not believing him. Whatever, she didn't care.

"Well putting that aside, I want to ask you a serious question. How did you know that only you could save me and about the dark element in my body?" She asked seriously.

This time, Mu Shao Qing froze. What should he tell her? Luckily, she didn't ask about how did he know that she was at the lake yesterday. Phew.

"Well, let's just say that only my Spiritual Qi can help to suppress the dark element in your body for now. Like you, I have a unique Spiritual Qi that is the opposite of yours. As for the dark element, when you were in pain yesterday, your half of your hair had turned silver and your eyes were already red." He answered truthfully.

"Golden you mean? You have golden Spiritual Qi and I have never heard or seen that before. And you knew about my curse when you saw my hair and eyes, am I right?"

Mu Shao Qing stared at Jiang Ying Yue's beautiful face for a while before answering. "Yea. Golden and icy-blue one. I can't tell you what they are just yet. And.. you are the female bearer of the Blood Moon Curse aren't you?"

He asked not as a question but it was a statement.

Hearing his answer, Jiang Ying Yue knew that it was futile for her to hide it. Well, whether he was a friend or foe, she would just have to face him. He knew about the curse anyway.

"Yea. Are you from the West Continent? Since you have known about this curse, aren't you going to kill me to stop calamity from coming to the world?" She asked mockingly. She wanted to know his purpose.

This guy was unreadable. She couldn't read him. It was like, he was a huge mystery that needed to be solved.

Mu Shao Qing shook his head. "No, I am not from there. I won't kill you. Killing you won't bring any benefit to me and I don't believe in the calamity of the world brought by the curse's bearer. Humans have already brought calamity to the world on their own with their toxic heart."

'Why did it sound like he was reminiscing a sad memory when he said that?' Jiang Ying Yue wondered.

"Then, why did you save me? How did you know about the curse if you're not from the West Continent?" That was the thing she was wondering about. This guy was just a stranger.

"Do you believe me if I say that I did it on impulse because I didn't want to see you in pain? About the curse, I knew it from a long time ago but one day, you'll know why. I promise you." He said firmly.