Why Don't You Be My Woman Instead?

In a room, two figures were seen sitting beside each other. The man was a really handsome young man while the girl was a beautiful one. Sitting like in front of each other, they look compatible.

Jiang Ying Yue who heard the man saying that he saved her on impulse because he couldn't bear seeing her in pain frowned upon hearing that. They had only met twice now, why would he have that impulse?

"Why would you have that impulse? We don't even know each other. Not even name."

Mu Shao Qing chuckled. "Name? You do know my name. It's Mu Shao Qing. You can call me anything you like. Sure, I don't know your name. So why don't you tell me what your name is? And I don't know why I have that impulse either. Maybe.. I like you." He gave her a devilish grin.

What was wrong with this man? Did he lose a screw in his head?

How could he like her suddenly?

Her eyes brightened at a sudden thought. 'Hah! He must be messing with me again!'

"If you don't want to tell the real reason, it's fine. Don't lie. Anyway, Young Master Mu, on the account that you have saved me, I'll tell you my name. My name is Jiang Ying Yue." Her tone was neither rushed nor slow. It was clear.

'What was this? I was being honest when I said that I might like her. Alas.. she didn't believe me.' Mu Shao Qing could only give up explaining.

He, someone who hated explaining himself had already tried explaining things to her several time already. But she didn't believe him at all.

On another note, now that he knew her name, he didn't need to tell her that he already knew her name from his investigation.

Mu Shao Qing saw an opportunity to be close to her so he said, "Ying Yue, don't call me Young Master Mu. Since I saved you, we could be considered close so why not call me Shao Qing to start, erm?"

Jiang Ying Yue was taken aback. Since when did she agree to be his friend? She didn't want to be friends with this pervert!

Alright, maybe he wasn't an actual pervert but his mouth was just too naughty, spouting nonsense here and there to her. But she didn't see the usual lust that she could see in other men's gaze, it was just that this guy liked teasing her.

"Fine. On the account that you saved me, we shall be friends."

Friends? When did he ever mentioned that he wanted to be her friend? He said 'close', meaning their relationship is more than friends so where did this 'friends' thinking come from?

If only Mu Shao Qing's brother heard this, he would laugh and roll on the floor. His big brother was so bad at wooing girls ah!

"Ying Yue, I don't want to be your friend. I meant us as more than friends. Why don't you be my woman instead?"

Pftt. Jiang Ying Yue almost sprayed the tea that she was drinking when she heard that. What the f-?

Her face darkened immediately. "Shao Qing, I don't know you and I don't even want to be your woman. We can be just friends or nothing at all."

Mu Shao Qing could see her anger at his words which made him wonder, what exactly happened to her that she hated being a man's woman? Yes. He saw hatred and hurt. Who hurt her?

Alright, maybe he took things a little too far. "Okay. Friends it is." 'For now.' He thought.

"Oh yea. Since you knew that you could save me, you must know why I was in pain last night right? Could you please tell me?"

She had been wondering about this since she woke up. Why was she in a lot of pain and the dark element suddenly going rampant? She had at less than 2 years more before it going out of control so why now?

Mu Shao Qing sighed. "Yesterday was a full moon and coincidentally, it was a full moon that drew the dark elements on earth to it. This moon appears every 50 years and it attracts all the dark energy around us to it, causing the dark element in you to go rampant. Don't worry, my Spiritual Qi has helped you suppress it for now. But every full moon, you must cultivate and absorb the moonlight. It'll benefit you."

"So it was like that. By the way Shao Qing, what did you tell my master about my disappearance? He must be worried sick about me now."

Honestly, she needed to ask her guardians about the full moon. She knew Mu Shao Qing didn't lie to her but why didn't her guardians tell her about it?

Hearing her question, Mu Shao Qing's eyes flashed. "Well, you don't need to worry about it. I send someone to alter his memory, so he thinks that you are in your room now. Don't worry about the details. Just know that he isn't worried."

Jiang Ying Yue nodded her head in understanding. She would just see it herself once she get back home later on.

"Shao Qing, thank you for saving me. But I need to go back now. If you need help in anything in the future, let me know. I owe you one."

Mu Shao Qing raised his eyebrow. Owe him one? Great!

"Since you owe me one, I'll think of something for you to pay me back later on." His thin lips made a smirk.

"Could you please send me home? I don't even know where I am." Jiang Ying Yue said.

Mu Shao Qing wanted to spend more time with her, but he was also busy with his own things. Thus, he could only reluctantly send her back home.

"Alright. Let's go."

They both went outside and only then could Jiang Ying Yue see the whole place. His entire manor was huge but she couldn't figure out where they were at. All she knew was they were on a mountain.

"Are we at Mount Caligo?" She asked him.

Mu Shao Qing nodded his head without concealing anything. "Yes it is but this manor is at a secluded area of the mountain. No one could come here so in order for me to send you home, I have to send you myself."

Jiang Ying Yue looked around and although she could see guards patrolling around the area, she also could see strong arrays placed around the area. So she believed him.

"Hold on to me."

Ha? Jiang Ying Yue turned her head to look at the man to see whether he was kidding or not but he wasn't.

"Only I can send you back safely. Your master thought you are in your room remember?"

Alright she believed this guy. He could even alter her master's memory so he must must be really powerful.

"Must I hold on to you?" She asked, just to make sure.

Instead of answering her, Mu Shao Qing went forward and swept her off her feet.

"Ah! What are you doing? Put me down." She was embarrassed. When Mu Shao Qing swept her off her feet, she grabbed his neck instinctively which was why she was so embarrassed now.

Playing dumb at her question, Mu Shao Qing answered. "I am going to send you home like this. What else? Besides, I already held you like this yesterday so what is there to be shy about?"

"But no one has ever hold me like this before."

"Then get used to it. Hold on tight. I'll send you home now." Mu Shao Qing felt pleased that no one had ever held Jiang Ying Yue like that before. The corner of his lips turned up.

Before Jiang Ying Yue could protest more, she saw everything arounf her moving at a fast pace.

The three subordinates who had been hiding in the trees were dumbfounded at the scene. Their master smiled! Even just a bit but it was an actual smile!

Bah! They could die peacefully now.