Couldn't Sleep Thinking About Her

Tonight, Jiang Ying Yue wore a peach colored robe and just styled her hair lightly with only a jade hair pin on her head.

After changing her robe, she strutted over to the dining hall to have dinner with Yan Hua but when she was near the dining hall, she could hear laughter resonating across the hall.

Her master wasn't alone?

Who was he talking to?

She shrugged her shoulders and entered the dining hall. What greeted her was.. the sight of Fan Deming and Fan Xiu.

Ha? What were they doing here?

Yan Hua saw and immediately waved, "My good disciple come here. We just came from the main hall."

Jiang Ying Yue nodded and walked over to greet them. 'So they were all from the main hall. Well, they must've had an important business to attend to just now.' She thought.

Arriving in front of the table, she bowed. "Ying Yue greets Grandpa Fan and Fan Xiu."

Fan Deming waved his hands in front of his face."What's with the formality. Sit sit." He gestured her to sit down.

Fan Xiu just nodded with a weird expression on his face. Jiang Ying Yue didn't notice it and took a seat next to him.

"Ying Yue, Granpa Fan just came to get his pill but at the same time, he wanted to check on you." Yan Hua informed.

"Yes yes. You went missing for a year and we were worried about you. Thank the heavens that you are fine. Your master has told me why you went missing but I want to hear it from your own mouth. How are you?" Fan Deming asked in concern.

'What did master tell Grandpa Fan?' Jiang Ying Yue was pretty sure that her master wouldn't tell the whole truth to Granpa Fan even if this old man was his best friend. This was because it would be dangerous for a lot of people to know about this and her master wouldn't be irresponsible to tell people about the matter.

And she was right. Yan Hua did not tell Fan Deming the whole truth regarding her disappearance.

"I am fine Grandpa Fan. Thank you for your concern." She smiled sweetly.

Fan Deming nodded his head and turned his head to look at the quiet Fan Xiu. "Hey brat. Wasn't you the one who rushed over the minute you found out she went missing? Why are you so quiet now?"

Fan Xiu, who had been stealing glances at Jiang Ying Yue froze. What was his grandfather doing? He felt embarrassed.

He found out about her disappearance 3 months after she went missing. At that time, he was still outside when he received a letter from his grandfather saying that Jiang Ying Yue had gone missing at Mount Trux.

He was worried so he immediately went back to the town at Mount Caligo to meet his grandfather. He joined Yan Hua in searching for Jiang Ying Yue but it resulted in disappointment. His heart felt like it was in pain and her clear eyes kept on appearing in front of him.

Due to official business, he needed to go to another country and he just got back yesterday and he received the news that she was back.

His heart was filled with joy and he couldn't even sleep last night thinking about her. How was she? Was she hurt anywhere? Did she grow after a year? How tall was she? Did she fall in love with anyone while she was away? Especially that Liu Weimin guy.

Fan Xiu knew that Jiang Ying Yue went missing along with Liu Weimin and his heart felt uncomfortable on knowing that.

It was then he realized one thing. He liked Jiang Ying Yue. His heart was filled with her image the entire time he was away. And tonight, after seeing her alive and well, he felt relieved but then.. he saw her face.

Fan Xiu did not dwell in his thoughts. He was thoroughly embarrassed at the fact that his own grandfather sold him out. "Ehem grandpa what are you saying? I have always been quiet." He retorted.

Fan Deming just smiled and shook his head. Even he could see that his grandson was smitten over this girl.

"Let's all eat then before the food turns cold." Yan Hua decided to break the awkward atmosphere.

They all ate in harmony with the old men talking and laughing while eating. Both Jiang Ying Yue and Fan Xiu on the other hand just ate quietly at the side.

After dinner, Yan Hua said to both of them, "Both of you should go and have a walk. Me and Grandpa Fan have important things to talk about."

Jiang Ying Yue knew that they have important official business to talk about so she courtly excused herself followed by Fan Xiu.


The moon was high up in the sky. It was winter and the surrounding area was filled with snow. Under the veil of the moonlight, the girl who was sitting next to a handsome man looked especially beautiful.

Both Yan Xiu and Jiang Ying Yue were currently sitting at the pavilion near the lake at Yan Hua's manor.

It was the same pavilion that they sat at when they first met. The weather was cold but fortunately, Jiang Ying Yue's robe was special and she didn't feel cold at all.

Besides, the pavilion had a special enchantment that allowed the people at the pavilion to not feel any hot or cold temperature. It was comfortable all year long to sit at there.

Jiang Ying Yue heard from Yan Hua that he made the pavilion using Spiritual Wood and he set up the enchantment himself as he loved sitting there at anytime.

Jiang Ying Yue made some tea for both of them and sat across Fan Xiu.

Jiang Ying Yue had noticed him looking at her intently since they left the hall. She felt slightly uncomfortable so she asked: "Ehem Fan Xiu. Why are you looking at me like that?"

Fan Xiu knew he was caught red handed but he remained calm and unperturbed. He smiled and said, "So this is what you look like without the veil. You look beautiful."

Fan Xiu's calm and melodious voice drifted into Jiang Ying Yue's ears. Coupled with his mint green robe and the 3 petals lotus lotus mark in green on his forehead, he looked like a celestial being.

Was this world filled with only handsome men? Tsk tsk if this was on earth, each one of these guys would be surrounded by lots of fans. Didn't matter if they were an idol, businessman or even professor, these people would surely attract a lot of flowers.

Hearing his compliment, only then did she realize that she wasn't wearing any veil and the few times they met, she had always been wearing a veil before. So, it made sense that he was quite shocked to see her face.

Jiang Ying Yue did not act bashful nor proud. She just accepted the compliment humbly. "Thank you for your compliment Fan Xiu. You had become more good looking yourself." She complimented him back.

She wasn't lying. Fan Xiu looked more manly compared to last year. His body was slightly more muscular and his face was more prominent. But still, compared to a certain male god, he was still a bit lacking.

If Long Xing was the seductive devil, Fan Xiu was a celestial being and Mu Shao Qing on the other hand was the epitome of male god in her eyes.

They were all different and unique in their own ways. Actually, if it wasn't because Fan Xiu came today, she would've forgotten about his existence. Who could blame her?

She spent 5 years in the Symphonia Valley's palace and all she did was cultivate and trained martial arts everyday.

Fan Xiu heard her compliment and he smiled. "Then, this man is only going to be good looking for you in the future." His eyes were looking at her as he said so.
