Two Different Intentions

"Then, this man is only going to be good looking for you in the future."

Ha? What?

Jiang Ying Yue cleared her throat. Maybe she heard it wrongly. "Ehem Fan Xiu what did you say?"

Being stared at like that, Fan Xiu suddenly felt embarrassed. "Nothing much. Don't bother about it." The tip of his ears turned red.

"Oh okay." Jiang Ying Yue didn't probe further. "By the way Fan Xiu, how's your trip?" She didn't know what to talk about with him so she could only brought up the topic about his trip.

"It was fine. Nothing interesting happened as per usual. Hmm Ying Yue, did anything else happened during the time you went missing other than you guys found a cave to train in?" Fan Xiu heard the reason why she went missing but he knew that something was amiss.

"What did master tell you?" She asked. She wanted to know what master told them first before saying anything.

"Your master said that you guys were chased after a group of wolves and you guys ran and went inside a cave at the border of outer and inner perimeter of Mount Trux. Then, taking the chance of the cave being rich in Spiritual Qi, you guys decided to cultivate there. But who knew that time worked differently there, so you guys only came out after a year."

'So master said it like that? I'll just have to go along with the story.' Jiang Ying Yue thought in her head.

Jiang Ying Yue nodded her head. "Yea. That time, we were chased after by a group of wolves and we ran till we reached a cave. We went deeper into the cave and found that in the inner part of it, Spiritual Qi was abundant. Since we came there to train anyway, we decided to stay there. But who knew after we came out, it had been a year! We thought we only cultivated for a month in there."

She shook her head and made a bitter expression. It was as if her story was real and they really spent a month in a cave.

Fan Xiu had been staring at Jiang Ying Yue's face when she was telling her version of the story. He wanted to know whether it was true or not but looking at her face, it seemed like the story was true.

But he felt like something was off and couldn't put a finger to it. Fan Xiu decided to believe her because Mount Trux was known as the most mysterious mountain in the entire East Continent and so many weird things happened at the mountain.

So to him, it wasn't weird that Jiang Ying Yue encountered a weird cave there. As for how time worked differently there, he believed it because he himself was once trapped at a place where time in there was slower than the outside world. Just like the cave Jiang Ying Yue was in, a month in tthat place equaled to a year in the outside world.

Fan Xiu decided to ask something that had been bothering his mind. "Ying Yue, when you were trapped in that cave, were you in there only with Liu Weimin?"

He tried keeping a calm facade. Only heaven knew his heart was beating really fast inside.

Jiang Ying Yue, unaware of the man's nervousness answered truthfully. "No. I was with Liu Weimin and two other friends that we met in the mountain."

Fan Xiu was about to feel relieved that she wasn't alone with Liu Weimin only to feel tensed back when he found out that there were two other people with her.

"Ouh. Are they men or women?" His hands holding the teacup was tensed.

"One was a beautiful woman and the other was a man. They are siblings." She smiled thinking about her goddess. Han Jinghua was truly too beautiful ah!

But the man in front of her almost broke the teacup looking at her infatuated face. In his mind, Jiang Ying Yue looked like that because of the man.

'Who is this man? I need to know who he is.' Fan Xiu thought to himself.

One was thinking about her goddess and the other one misunderstood that Jiang Ying Yue was thinking about Han Jianyu.

"Oh right!" Jiang Ying Yue exclaimed, almost scaring the shit out of the man in front of her. "I am meeting them in another 3 days. At that time, I'll introduce them to you. How about that?"

In Jiang Ying Yue's mind, she wanted to introduce Fan Xiu to her best friends since he was her friend too but at the same time, she wanted to confirm something.

A mischievous glint flashed in her eyes.

Fan Xiu was thinking on how to know the siblings. He was about to ask her out along with them when opportunity presented before his eyes. Of course he wouldn't reject it!

"En. I am free on that day. I'll meet you at the Caligo town then." Fan Xiu would use this chance to see who was the man that made Jiang Ying Yue so infatuated.

In order to not make Jiang Ying Yue knew his real intention, he pretended to be busy and said he was free on that day. What a pretentious man!

"Great! Let's meet there before dinner time but erm.. Fan Xiu.. what is Caligo town?" Jiang Ying Yue tilted her head. She looked puzzled.

Fan Xiu made a confused face. "Caligo town is naturally the town near us. You don't know?"

"Oh right! Haha I didn't know." She smiled and struck her tongue out.

Fan Xiu had never seen her being this way before. She was.. so.. cheeky. So cute.

Both of them chatted a bit more regarding Fan Xiu's trip before they were called by Housekeeper San.

Jiang Ying Yue and Yan Hua bid Fan Deming and Fan Xiu goodbye before retreating back to their own courtyards.

In the carriage, Fan Xiu had a slight smile on his face while in her room, Jiang Ying Yue had a mischievous smile on it.

Both of them had their own intentions for their meeting three days later.


Throughout the entire time Jiang Ying Yue and Fan Xiu conversed at the pavilion, they did not not notice a shadow sitting on top of the tree near them.

The shadow followed Jiang Ying Yue and Fan Xiu's figure until Jiang Ying Yue retreated into her room.

Then, with a flash, the shadow went missing.


Inside a room a few hundred miles away from Mount Caligo sat a man who was having a serious meeting with his subordinates.

Suddenly, a knock was heard interrupting their conversations.

*Knock knock*

The man lifted his icy-blue eyes and said in a grim voice. "Enter."

Then, a shadow entered and knelt. "Master, this subordinate is here to report."

Mu Shao Qing saw Du San and raised his left brow. He knew that whatever Du San was about to report had something to do with Jiang Ying Yue.

"Speak." He said.

His subordinates were already used to him treating words like gold.

Du San looked quite nervous. How was he going to report this ah? If report, he'd be dead, if not and master found out from someone else, he'd still be dead. Better be honest.

"Master, Miss Jiang met someone named Fan Xiu today. She called Fan Xiu's grandfather Grandpa Fan and she and Fan Xiu were quite close. This subordinate heard Fan Xiu saying 'this man is only going to be good looking for you in the future' when Miss Jiang praised his looks."

Du San looked at his master's reaction to continue his report. He knew that there will be thunderstorm tonight coming from the man in front of him.

Sure enough. Hearing Jiang Ying Yue meeting another man and even praising him good looking, the man's face darkened and the room temperature dropped significantly.

Du San didn't want his master to misunderstand so he hurriedly continue. "Fan Xiu praised Miss Jiang first for her looks which was why she returned it. But from what I could see, this Fan Xiu seemed to have feelings for Miss Jiang."

Mu Shao Qing chuckled. 'So, another man is coveting my woman? I am only away for a bit and there's already pests around my woman. Alas I can't even leave her for a bit.'

The three subordinates heard their master's dark chuckle and knew someone was doomed. Who dared to covet their master's woman? Who?

Du San finished his report by saying, "They are going to meet Miss Jiang's other friends three days later."

Mu Shao Qing heard that and nodded that. No one knew what he was thinking.

He waved his hand. "You may leave. Remember to protect her well and don't interfere and reveal yourself unless necessary."

"Yes master. This subordinate shall obey." With a swoosh, Du San's figure disappeared.

'Woman, you are being naughty huh. Wait for me, little tigress.' Mu Shao Qing thought.