His Gift

After the unexpected outcome, Jiang Ying Yue and her friends went back home. Liu Weimin looked heartbroken the entire walk back to their carriage.

Who would've thought that his first love was a man? He kept his thoughts and chastity pure just for his first love but in the end, it turned out to be a guy!

Jiang Ying Yue caught up with him and patted Liu Weimin on his shoulder. "Hey Minmin, don't be too down okay? At least you know now before it's too late right?"


Where did he get that nickname from? But.. she was right. What if he waited for more than 10 years just to know that his first love was a man? Wouldn't it be worse?

"En. Thank you Yue Yue."

The man who had been silently following behind Jiang Ying Yue drank more vinegar.

Minmin? What sort of name was that? Why didn't he get a nickname too?

The entire time, Jiang Ying Yue knew that Mu Shao Qing was following after her so she turned around after talking to Liu Weimin.

"Hey Shao Qing why are you following after me? Don't you want to go home?"

Mu Shao Qing went near her and whispered in her ears. "En. I'll go home for a bit but wait for me obediently in your room alright? I have something for you."

Before she could even ask or protest him, his silhouette blurred and disappeared right in front of her eyes.

Because they were at the back, no one noticed Mu Shao Qing's disappearance including Fan Xiu. That man received two blows tonight. One, the woman he liked was being intimate with someone else and two, the only time he dressed up as a female caused him to be someone's first love for two years.

All of them boarded their carriages and went back home.

Jiang Ying Yue got into her room and wondered about what Mu Shao Qing said. He had something for her? But what?

No matter how hard she thought about it, she couldn't find any answer at all.

But again, why did she follow after what he said and waited obediently in her room?

In less than 30 minutes, a knock was heard.

Assuming it was Mu Shao Qing, Jiang Ying Yue got up and opened the door. There he was, standing in front of her room with his tall stature.

She had to admit, she felt something in her heart when she saw him tonight. She didn't know what the feeling was but it made her body relaxed.

"Are you ready?" Mu Shao Qing's sexy deep voice sounded.

"I'm ready." Whatever he was going to give or show her, she was ready for it. She trusted this man so much that even she was confused with herself.

"Good. Now hold on to me. I'll bring you to my manor."

"Ha? For what?"

The man didn't listen to her and directly scooped her up and flew away.

Jiang Ying Yue heard the same buzzing sound but it didn't last long. Seeing the woman in his arms closing her eyes, Mu Shao Qing had a trace of gentle smile on his handsome face.

He directly entered his room and sat down on his bed; the same position as the other day. Jiang Yin Yue opened her eyes and found that she was on his lap again! Her face turned crimson red.

She hurriedly got off him and stood up.

"Why did you bring me here?" Did he want to do something to her? She out her guard up slightly.

As if knowing what she was thinking about, Mu Shao Qing chuckled. "You don't have to worry. Although I want you as my woman, I won't do anything to you without your consent."

Looking at his earnest eyes, she trusted him and lowered her guard down. "Then why am I here?"

Mu Shao Qing patted the place next to him. "Come here." His voice was cold with a slight trace of gentleness in it. Probably only Jiang Ying Yue would get this treatment from him.

Jiang Ying Yue walked over and sat next to him. "What is it?"

"Close your eyes."

Jiang Ying Yue did as told. The next thing, she felt something cold on her neck.

"Open your eyes." Mu Shao Qing said. His eyes had a trace of anticipation in it.

Jiang Ying Yue looked at the cold thing on her neck. It turned out to be a necklace!

It was necklace made with unknown material. It was white in color with a white and gold colored pendant in the middle of it. In the middle of the pendant were weird shaped that she had never seen before.

"What is this?" She asked him.

"This necklace is a special necklace that has defensive property in it. It is made from the purest energy of the Ice Palace and Sun Palace. Keep it with you at all times, it'll ensure your safety."

Jiang Ying Yue was touched. "If this is precious, why did you give it to me? You should keep it for yourself."

Mu Shao Qing shook his head. "Ying Yue, you are my woman in my heart. So naturally, all of my things belong to you. Just keep it alright?"

He had never given anyone anything in his life before. This was the first and he was quite nervous that she would reject his gift.

"I am your woman? No I am not!" Jiang Ying Yue was alarmed. She didn't want to be his woman or anyone else's for now. She didn't want to be betrayed again.

"I know to you you're not mine. But to me, you are. Even if you don't like me, just keep the gift alright? Don't worry, I'll make you like me one day. Believe me." He gave a confident smile to Jiang Ying Yue.

He saw her wariness when mentioned that she was his woman but he wanted to confess to her fast. To him, it was easy. He liked her, so he confessed to her. He didn't want to waste his time and beat around the bush.

"Who said I'll like you? Take it back!" She tried to remove the necklace.

"You can't. The necklace will only have one owner and it's you. So you can't remove it at all in this lifetime."

"So when you said keep it, it was just to lie to me huh?" Jiang Ying Yue glared at this man. This evildoer! He lied to her!

"No. I was merely asking you to keep it out of courtesy." Jiang Ying Yue's nose flared in anger. How dare he said out of courtesy?! Hmph!

But she couldn't do anything now. She could only keep it. "Master, the necklace is really good. You'll benefit from it." Rufus's voice suddenly rang.

Since Rufus said so, she would just keep it. "Thank you." If anything, she still needed to thank him. This guy was nice and had saved her before, as a human, of course she felt touched.

But she felt like something was wrong. Throughout their interactions, even though it was just a few, this man had always teased and played with her.

But she realized that just now, when he gave her the necklace, the way he say things was different. It sounded serious and it made her feel uncomfortable.

"Hey Shao Qing. Is there anything else you would like to tell me?" Jiang Ying Yue asked carefully.

Mu Shao Qing froze slightly. "Nothing. I just want to keep you safe, that's all."

Suddenly, his face changed. His handsome face turned pale and beads of perspiration formed on his forehead.

Jiang Ying Yue noticed this and she got up and went to him immediately. "Hey Shao Qing, what's wrong?"

Mu Shao Qing avoided her and looked somewhere else before saying, "Nothing. Ying Yue, I am busy tonight. I can't send you back home, sorry." His voice was colder than before and it was slightly shaky.

Before Jiang Ying Yue could say anything, Mu Shao Qing had already called out to his subordinate. "Du San!"

A shadow appeared shortly after through the window. "Yes master."

"Bring Miss Jiang home now."

"Miss Jiang, please follow me."

Jiang Ying Yue wanted to protest as she felt something was very wrong but she didn't to trouble Mu Shao Qing so she followed after Du San out of the courtyard.


The door of the room slam shut behind her.

"Miss Jiang, I'll send you back with the carriage." He couldn't be sending Miss Jiang in his arms like master could he? He didn't want to die yet!

'So he can send me home with carriage? Hmph this Shao Qing has been lying to me!'

Actually, it was true that this manor had complicated arrays around it but as Mu Shao Qing's closest subordinate, it was easy for him to navigate around the manor.

Jiang Ying Yue stepped forward and followed after Du San. She saw despite Du San trying to keep his face calm, trace of uneasiness was seen in his eyes and his eyes kept on peering over to Mu Shao Qing's room. Why?

When she was a bit farther away from Mu Shao Qing's room, a painful roar was heard. The owner clearly tried to keep his voice low, but Jiang Ying Yue heard it clearly.


Jiang Ying Yue recognize it was Mu Shao Qing's voice!

Without caring about anything, with her heart beating fast, she turned around and went to his room.

"Miss Jiang!" Du San tried to stop her but it was too late!

Jiang Ying Yue arrived and entered Mu Shao Qing's room and the scene in front of her made her froze in place!