Mu Shao Qing's Sealed Body

In front of Jiang Ying Yue was a scene that she could never forget for the rest of her life.

On the bed, Mu Shao Qing's space blue hair was in a mess, his black robe was disheveled and she could see his muscular chest slightly.

But, blue and black veins were protruding all around his body making him look scary, one side of his eye was golden and the other was icy-blue, the diamond mark on his forehead was glowing in golden but with his face covered in blue and black veins, he looked eerie scary.

Mu Shao Qing's body was curled up in the middle of the bed and two people that she didn't know were in the room, standing at either side of the bed.

When she rushed forward to help Mu Shao Qing, both of the guys rushed forward and stopped her. Du San caught up and yelled, "Miss Jiang don't! It's dangerous!"

One of the guys, Du Yi also opened his mouth to say, "Yes miss. Please go back home, it's dangerous here."

The man on the man shivered, his unfocused eyes just now started clearing slightly. His mouth trembled and with a hoarse voice, his pale blue lips parted and said, "Ying Yue.. go home. It's not safe."

Jiang Ying Yue just stared at him in shock. Even in this condition, he still wanted to care about her? Was he stupid?

Her heartbeat was fast and she was worried.

Jiang Ying Yue didn't care. She stepped forward only to be blocked by Du Yi and Du Er again.

Her face turned frosty and her voice was cold. "Scram!"

Du Yi and Du Er were stunned but they didn't move a single bit.

Mu Shao Qing looked at Jiang Ying Yue from the bed and he said again, almost in a pleading tone. "Leave Ying Yue. It's not safe here."

Then, his hands clutched onto the bed sheet so tightly that his knuckles turned white. He bit onto his lips as if trying to suppress something.

Jiang Ying Yue saw his condition was worsening and she had no time to think before shoving the two of the obstacles in front of her aside and yelled, "Scram!!"

She then ran and reached the bed. Jiang Ying Yue sat at the side of the bed and held Mu Shao Qing's hand.

She was panicking but she knew that she needed to stay clear headed.

The man's hand held onto hers tightly.

"What is happening to you? Can someone tell me?"

The three of Mu Shao Qing's subordinates were unease. They wanted to tell her but their master would kill them.

"Speak! Don't lie to me." Her voice was getting colder by the second.

The man on the bed opened his eyes slightly and nodded to his subordinates as a sign that they could tell her.

Du Yi took this chance to tell Jiang Ying Yue. "Miss Jiang, master was poisoned 10 000 years ago and he just woke up 20 years ago from his long slumber. He lost previous memory, his powers were sealed and this caused the two elements inside his body to go against each other just like yours."

As Mu Shao Qing closest subordinate, of course he was aware of Jiang Ying Yue's condition.

Jiang Ying Yue was stupefied. "Why is here like this now?"

Du Yi seemed to be struggling but nevertheless, he gathered up his courage and said, "Master was severely injured previously and his energy would go chaotic once in a while especially when he's weak. If he doesn't unlock the seal, he would die."

Jiang Ying Yue had tons of questions she wanted to ask but she knew that she needed to settle this first.

"But, why is it dangerous?"

"Because-" Before he could answer, the man on the bed had already roared and his eyes changed. The veins around his eyes turned black and he gripped her hand tighter.

The golden diamond mark on his forehead was now slowly outlined with black mark.

His consciousness disappeared and Mu Shao Qing swung her hand away and looked at her cruelly.

His subordinates saw this and hurried over to help! Du Er went and grabbed Mu Shao Qing and a bottle of medicine appeared in his hand.

He was thrown away by Mu Shao Qing directly!

Before Jiang Ying Yue could register anything, her hands were caught by Mu Shao Qing and she was strangled by him.

It was hard to breathe!

"Sha- Shao Qing." She called weakly.

Suddenly, the man seemed to have heard her voice and loosened his grip on her neck.

Jiang Ying Yue now knew that his condition made him lose his sanity and consciousness making him to go berserk.

"Argh!!!!" He roared in pain.


The three subordinates rushed forward to subdue him. Each one of them held him and Jiang Ying Yue helped too.

Du Er then opened the bottle and hurriedly took a pill out and stuffed it into Mu Shao Qing's mouth.

The man regained his consciousness back but his body was still full of protruding veins.

"Ying Yue, leave. Don't see me like this." He didn't want her to see him being this weak. He didn't want to be seen in this state at all.

His voice was hoarse and trembling. Clearly, he was still holding onto the pain and still cared about his image.

This guy!

Jiang Ying Yue ordered him in a cold voice. "Lie down! I am not going away!"

Mu Shao Qing wanted to retort back but he was too weak now. It was really hard holding on to the pain.

Like an obedient kid, he laid back down and his hands grabbed the bed sheet again. It was too painful!

Jiang Ying Yue took his pulse. Although the pill had helped him to regain his sanity, but throughout time, the pill would be useless.

All of his subordinates held their breath when Jiang Ying Yue was taking their master's pulse. They knew that she was Yan Hua's direct-disciple but even the best alchemist in the world couldn't treat their master much less her, a newbie.

Jiang Ying Yue didn't know what they were thinking about nor that she cared.

After assessing Mu Shao Qing's condition, she knew that giving pill or potion to him was futile.

But, she wasn't just an alchemist. She was a healer too.

Sweats dripped one after another on Mu Shao Qing forehead as a sign that he was in a lot of pain.

Without saying anything, Jiang Ying Yue directly reached out and took of his robe, exposing his muscular upper body.

The three subordinates wanted to stop her but was stopped by a glare from Mu Shao Qing.

They just stopped and stare and what they saw next, shocked them to the core.

Jiang Ying Yue stretched out her hands and chanted something. Two pale blue balls appeared in her hands before she inserted it inside Mu Shao Qing's body.

Then, she drew something in the air, and when she chanted, the rune in the air became visible and magnified. Next, the rune scattered all around them making a circle with them in the middle.

The rune lit up and like a constant energy, it flowed to the middle of the circle, encircling both of them into a smaller circle.

Jiang Ying Yue then placed her palm onto his dantian. Mu Shao Qing was in pain previously but it somehow reduced a bit after the rune lit up around them.

He felt her palm on his dantian and he was slightly embarrassed. But looking at that serious face of hers, he just let her be. Besides, he was still in a lot of pain anyways.

Jiang Ying Yue knew that his condition was severe and it required her to use her power beyond the green level so she focused and the mark on her forehead changed to violet. But her eyes and hair didn't change color.

She chanted a long series of foreign words before her eyes glowed in violet. Her palm emitted a bright violet glow, it was so blinding that the whole room was covered in it.

The glow in the palm then reduced down, entering Mu Shao Qing's dantian.

Mu Shao Qing only felt warm and soon, one by one, his protruding blue and black veins disappeared, leaving him with a warm sensation throughout his body.

Jiang Ying Yue didn't stop and instead, she remained focus on treating him.

Sweats started forming on her forehead but she didn't care.

She was using her own Spiritual Qi to save him!

After 2 hours, everything went back to normal. Mu Shao Qing restored his original appearance and Jiang Ying Yue on the other hand, was sweating profusely.

Mu Shao Qing glared at his subordinates who were still in the room. "Get out."

He wanted to be alone with his woman. Damn it! These stupid subordinates.

Jiang Ying Yue smiled at him, she was relieved that his condition was treated for now. But then, her world suddenly turned dark.

She fainted directly onto Mu Shao Qing's chest.