Ying Yue, Don't Go

Mu Shao Qing caught his woman just in time into his embrace.

He glared at his subordinates and all of them scurried away like a ghost was chasing after them. Their master would skin them alive ah for ruining his time alone with his beloved!

The room was quiet and tranquil again.

Mu Shao Qing stared at Jiang Ying Yue's pale face. She exhausted all of her Spiritual Qi just to treat him.

His own strength, despite it being sealed, he knew how strong he was. And this woman just didn't care and exhausted herself to save him!

Why? Did she like him? Or was it just courtesy for saving her previously?

He carefully swept Jiang Ying Yue off her feet and laid her on the bed slowly like she was a precious treasure.

Well, she was in his heart of course.

He wanted to bathe her with her due to the sweats sticking all over her body but he knew that he couldn't do so, not without her permission or in case of emergency.

The trust that she gave to him wouldn't be betrayed just like that. He didn't want that.

So, he cast a cleaning spell and Jiang Ying Yue was cleaned, just like that. She could bathe to feel cleaner once she woke up, he thought.

He was exhausted too but he didn't want lie down next to the woman he liked with him being all sweaty (despite her not being able to see him).

Mu Shao Qing went to bathroom and entered the natural hotspring in there.

In the hotspring, Mu Shao Qing recalled back her worried look when she entered the door despite his blurry vision. He felt warm that someone cared about him.

He didn't know who his family was, when he woke up from his slumber, his grandmother and brother were his only 'family members'. He knew that they were not his real family, they were just descendants of the people tasked to guide his ice chamber.

He didn't have memory before his slumber and the family didn't reach much information either.

His body condition, also called as a curse by him, started ever since he woke up. The timing was random and his memories would be unlocked once the seal was lifted.

Unfortunately, to suppress the chaotic energy, he needed to do certain things, which was why he arrived at this continent. He didn't expect to meet the Blood Moon Curse's bearer here.

He also didn't expect her to be able to help suppressing his chaotic energy purely with just her Spiritual Qi! It had to be known that no one had been able to do before, never!

And certainly he didn't expect her to be the Aethereus Healer! A great one at that. It was said that for someone to be an Aethereus Healer, that person must have a strong mental strength and a great control of their elements to be used to treat someone.

And Jiang Ying Yue managed to help him! Just how great was this woman?

He felt a sense of pride. This woman kept on giving him surprises one after another.

Mu Shao Qing knew that the road of chasing her would be rough, but so what? He wouldn't let go of this woman no matter what!

'Jiang Ying Yue, in this lifetime, don't even think of getting away from me.' A strong determination was seen in his icy-blue eyes.


Dark, so dark.

'Why can't I see anything?'

'Where am I?'

Jiang Ying Yue looked around her. It was all dark.

Suddenly, the world in front of her lit up dimly, forming a straight road.

She walked to follow after that road.

Jiang Ying Yue didn't know how long she had been walking but the road was endless.

Suddenly, she stopped. In front of her was her parents, they smiled at her.

Tears formed in her eyes. "Mom, dad!"

She was about to run over to them when her mother shouted at her. "Yue Yue, stop!"

Jiang Ying Yue stopped immediately.

Her mother smiled at her. That smile contained happiness, heartache and sadness.

"Xi Ying Yue, my beloved daughter, you can't come here yet. Not now. You now have a new life, cherish it well. I'm sorry we can't be with you, child. Go back and live."

Only then did Jiang Ying Yue remember. She was no longer in her world, she was Jiang Ying Yue now.

She had a new family, friends and adopted grandfathers.

But, if she could be with her parents, why not?

"Mom, I want to go with you. I miss you."

She stepped forward.

"Ying Yue, don't go." Suddenly, a deep, familiar voice was heard.

Jiang Ying Yue turned her head and saw Mu Shao Qing.

"Ying Yue, don't go." His usually cold voice was especially gentle this time.

"Why can't I?" She asked back.

"Because you can never return. Ying Yue, there's a lot of people who care and love you here. Imagine how sad they would be if you don't come back. Your family would be sad."

He stretched his right hand out. "Come back with me."

Jiang Ying Yue looked at his hand and hesitated. What he said was right. She had a loving family here. She hadn't even fulfilled her promise to Gu Mingxia yet.

She turned back to look at her mother. "Mom, dad, I am sorry."

Both of her parents smiled. "It's okay child. Remember to live well. We will always love you."

Jiang Ying Yue turned her head back and touched Mu Shao Qing's hand.

Their figure disappeared instantly.

Slowly, Jiang Ying Yue's eyes fluttered open, and diabolically handsome face appeared in front of her eyes.

She shrunk back instantly. "What are you doing?!"

The man just gave a nonchalant shrug. "Nothing. I was just sitting on this chair and looking at you having a nightmare."

"Nightmare?" Jiang Ying Yue recalled back her dream. So, it was all a dream huh?

But why did this guy appear in her dream?

"Hey Shao Qing, did you, well, did you do something to appear in my dream?" She asked cautiously.

Mu Shao Qing raised his sharp brows. "So, you dreamed about me?" He had an evil grin plastered on his face.

'Oh, so he it wasn't the real him huh? Good then.'

"Nothing. Just forget about it. By the way, how long was I asleep for?" Her body felt sore all over.

"A week." He deadpanned.

Damn! That long?

"Go have a bath first before we eat." Mu Shao Qing ordered.

Jiang Ying Yue rolled her eyes at him. So bossy!

"Yea yea I will."

Jiang Ying Yue got up and went to the bathroom to have a long bath in the hotspring.

After Jiang Ying Yue's silhouette disappeared behind the door, Mu Shao Qing playful face turned grim.

Yes, it was him that she met in her dream. It was his consciousness that entered her dream.

But he couldn't tell her that. Not yet.

She had a fever yesterday and while treating her, he could feel something was wrong. Her body's life force was strong but the will was weak.

His face turned grim and he was worried! If she entered the dark world with her parents, her soul would follow her there, leaving her body in it's vegetative state.

But why would her consciousness suddenly enter the dark world? Even if she had left, he would find her no matter what!

But the consequences would dire for both of them.

Luckily, when he arrived, she was right in front a couple.

"Mom, I want to go with you. I miss you." Right when he arrived, heard that.

Mom? What language was that? But it sounded like mother.

Mu Shao Qing knew that Jiang Ying Yue was adopted. Maybe, this was her real parents.

He hurriedly stopped her.

He tried saying about the people she cared about here and sure enough, it worked.

When Jiang Ying Yue chose to follow after him, he was happy. She trusted him.

It was then when she woke up he realized that she thought the him in her dream was just a dream.

And he let her think so because it wasn't the time to reveal that it was the real him in her dream yet. He knew that she wasn't ready for him to be in her life yet.

He was going to pursue this girl well!

Mu Shao Qing was confident that she would fall for him, fully and surely, soon!