Chapter 10: Jonna

"Ohh these are rather expensive materials you'll need to head towards the 8th floor for these items once up there give this slip to the man named Jonna he'll be the one you need to talk with." said the lady

"Okay thanks. Aria lets go." said Navi

"Right" said Aria as she followed Navi towards the elevator


"Ohh these are rather expensive materials you'll need to head towards the 8th floor for these items once up there give this slip to the man named Jonna he'll be the one you need to talk with." said the lady

"Okay thanks. Aria lets go." said Navi

"Right" said Aria as she followed Navi towards the elevator


"Aria I told you to be calm so as to not let what happened at the lobby happen again." said Navi in a serious tone

"Sorry ~msh~ I didn't mean to overreact I just got caught by surprise." said Aria as she started tearing up

"Please don't cry just listen next time I'm not mad so just don't let it happen again okay." said Navi

"Okay" replied Aria


As the elevator door opened they saw a desk. After reaching the desk the lady at the desk said, "Hi what may I help you with today."

"HI were here to meet with Jonna to purchase some materials the lady at the lobby sent us here." said Navi as she handed the lady the slip

"Ohh okay Jonna will be in the room all the way to the back so just go and knock on the door." said the lady as she pointed to the door at the back

"Thanks will be going now." said Navi as she walked to the door followed by Aria


After knocking on the door a middle aged woman answered the door and said, "Come in I just got notified of your arrival."

After walking they all toke a seat after which followed by Jonna saying, "So I heard you are trying to buy some materials for you to be sent up here they must be rare. Now tell me what do you need."

"I came here trying to buy 1 Lightning Seed, 10 Ice Jade, and 1000 D Rank Jewels if that's possible." said Navi

"Ohh so it seems you really are here for rare material. If I may ask, what is it your planning on using this for." said Jonna

"I'll be using them to complete my star up requirements. So as you can see they are really important for me." said Navi

"Star up! What is a young lady such as you staring up for what is your level." said Jonna as she inquired

"I'm level 35 so I don't see why I shouldn't need it my age has nothing to do with this at all." said Navi as she was starting to get irritated

"Sorry for making that sound like an insult I didn't mean that. Okay I'll bring the materials for you if you don't mind the wait." said Jonna as she stepped out of the room

"Tsk people always underestimating me due to my age." said Navi as she clicked her tongue

"Can't do anything about that you are short and cute making you look innocent." said Aria while giggling

"Hmph just you wait once I reach my 6th star up I'll be a grown up bombshell by then." said Navi as she grumbled

"Hahaha as I told you your just to cute." said Aria as she pinched Navi's cheeks

Navi smiled at the show of affection as she hadn't had such affection in centuries. After quarreling for a bit they saw Jonna step in once more.

"Okay here are the materials the price will be 1000 gold." said Jonna as she pulled out a tablet that said currency on it

"Okay do I just put my hand on this." said Navi

"Yes" replied Jonna

As she placed her hand on it the tablet put a hologram in the air showing current currency and the price after deduction. Both Jonna and Aria has their jaws drop at Navi money count.

"T-T-THIS ISN'T REAL." yelled both of them in unison