『Tsain Vaision』

Rigrit stood at the main gate of the Royal Capital, watching as the wagon pulled her former Adventurer colleagues off towards their assignment due south. A plain smile adorned her lips, a blank expression deep in her eyes. She had no idea where or who the Blue Roses were being sent off to, but there was danger and she was sure of it.

"Good luck Invern," Rigrit chuckled to herself as she could see the Prime Grade Sorcerer sitting in the back of the coach she was riding within. "Don't be too much of a crybaby," the old woman cackled to herself as she turned and began walking a different path.

Her path was probably more traveled by, as the Slaine Theocracy was probably a much safer place for humans than the Roble Holy Kingdom. Though she had a feeling that was about to change.

If a human player came, then wouldn't that mean they would serve humanity first? Yes, that is true. However, if a non-human player came along, would they see the humans as the same as them? Or would a non-human see them as mere playthings and prey to devour?

Numerous scenarios could go down and her mind was processing only those she could think of at the time. If it was an Angel, if it was a Demon, if it was some other species that wasn't human what would happen?

The irony that it could be an elf made her snicker to herself.

There were many things on her mind, and too much at that.

Her gaze kept fixed on the South East, she had a particular destination and a limited amount of mana. Though she was considered one of the most powerful human magic users on the continent, it was clear she still had limitations.

Traveling alone was efficient, you didn't have to wait on anyone. That was something she didn't necessarily think of as a truth. She had been a part of a couple of Adventurer Parties, so she hadn't been alone for a long time. At one point she was with the thirteen heroes and another two hundred years later, in which she was with the Blue Roses.

The idea of being a hero was in her mind. Even though she chose something as hideous as Necromancy as her school of choice, she was still a good person even at heart.

As people walked on by, she continued to let her mind wander. She needed to think for the time being, before going and doing anything rash. Teleportation a spell she could use, both she and the little vampire could use it to go just about anywhere in a small amount of time.

The longer the distance though, the more mana was needed. While she had a large reserve, teleporting directly from one place to another would be dangerous, considering how far away the flying castle once belonging to the Eight Greed Kings was located.

Thirty-Eight Guardians kept that place secure, the City itself was hidden by strong illusions, the castle itself was guarded by the son of the late Dragon Emperor. Vaision was one of the last True Dragon Lords still in existence as they were able to use Wild Magic.

Magic so chaotic that it siphons power from one's soul or other person's soul to be used. If someone had too weak of a soul, the Wild Magic spell that was used could consume entire cities or even nations depending on how much or many were needed.

It was truly fascinating magic, but it was also archaic compared to Tier Magic that used mana instead of the soul of its user to power it. The only reason dragons seem to have it is because their souls were not only larger than humans but also regenerated over time.

She believed that if the Dragon Lord wanted to become the most powerful, in terms of living beings of the rest of this world, he could achieve it.

The only thing stopping himself from doing as such was just him. The True Dragon Lord Tsaindorcus Vaision, known as Platinum when he was within the party of the thirteen heroes, was restricting himself to watching over the world. Guarding the Guild Weapon of the Eight Greed Kings that could essentially be used to tip the power of the entire continent.

"My old friend, how long has it been since we last talked...?" She asked herself aloud as she looked to the sky above. Wondering still, if it had been the right idea to let her Blue Roses to go all that way alone. "Years perhaps... Less than a century?"

Perhaps she could have gone with them? If she did, she could ascertain the situation and inform the Dragon Lord. Otherwise, there was a chance she would lose her comrades forever.

Walking past a couple of farmers coming from a nearby village, she didn't even bother glancing at them. Those who passed her by either knew nothing about her, or she was seen as a 'world-class' hero. She rested her palm against her sword hilt's grip, raising the scabbard behind her slightly as she did so.

In her mind the twelve other friends were walking beside her, marching with her. The Black Knight, The Magic Craftsman, the Elven Royal, the Dwarven King, Izaniya, the Warrior Captain of the Air Giants, and the numerous others who's faces were lost to memory and written in story or song.

"I wonder how Leader would've reacted to such a place appearing in our world... Perhaps he would know who was inside of it, this wolf-like being..." She fixated her gaze forward, she was sure people were looking at her for talking to herself, but she was a two-hundred-year-old lady... Who would blame her? Plus, talking to one's self was rather healthy, at least according to the Leader himself.

The Necromancer went on walking for hours at a time, barely even stopping at the rest stops between Cities and Towns, or even villages. It would take at least two days for the team to make it down to the Citadel that had appeared, so there was no real rush needed.

Rigrit was rather enjoying this walk alone, albeit in her mind she wasn't alone.

Since hours passed her by without her notice, she was quick to find that the sun was finally going down. Her eyes were on the horizon that was littered with trees, meadows and artificial structures. As night began to fall upon the realms around her, she smiled faintly as if the world was being engulfed in a peaceful sheet of eternal darkness.

It felt as if someone was smiling down on her in return, even watching. Who it was? Rigrit didn't know, but if it was someone from that tower that appeared, she could only be fearful. If someone could watch from such a distance, it wouldn't bode well with her.

Unknown to her, it wasn't Rigrit specifically being watched. It was just a single person viewing and standing over a singularly massive map that remotely surveyed a large portion of human civilization.

"『Teleportation』," Rigrit used the spell to teleport from her present position to the next desired location. For her, it was only an instant, and that was all that was needed, as she emerged in front of the entrance to the flying castle overseeing the Ancient City of the Eight Greed Kings.

Her eyes stared at the massive doors of the Eryuentiu's Flying Castle.

After a short while, she did enter the building however without fail. Continuing through the great hall, she eventually found herself standing in front of a large slumbering dragon. Folding her hands in front of her pelvis region.

His form was massive, majestic in all the right ways, in all proportions. His white scales shimmered in the light, he was like a piece of artwork, one that any being would want to get their hands on.

This creature before her was as powerful as just about anyone if not anything she had seen or thought of. Perhaps, he could even be stronger than the player that had appeared.

Despite his colossal size though, his sleeping face and soft breathing were far too gentle. It was too much of a contrast that it was almost comedic. Letting out a soft giggle of her own, she watched as the large dragon stirred where he lay, lounging in his dreams.

"Rise and shine, it is time to wake," Rigrit spoke cooly with a fine grin across her lips. Her eyes had slipped across the metallic suit of armor in the corner of the room. It was in mint condition, just like the last time she had laid her eyes upon it.

Hearing the voice of his friend the dragon's eyes popped open, his pupils growing before forming into slits. Focusing his gaze ahead of himself, he chuckled seeing the human.

"Ah, Rigrit my old friend..." His eyes looked over the necromancer who had seemingly appeared before him. Though she had been standing there for quite a while. "It has been a while," his eyes grazed over the woman's finger, not seeing the ring in which he had supplied her. "Oh? That ring is gone, what transpired? I can't envision anyone taking it from you… But it is still an object that transcends the realms of humanity. It must not fall into the wrong hands. Especially the Slane Theocracy or the likes of the Black Scripture."

"Hm. I gave it to a young lad who would be able to protect it and use it in a far greater capacity than I. Worry naught, for I doubt anyone would be able to pry that ring from his finger." The old woman assured the dragon who lifted its head to speak to her.

"Hah... I trust your judgment," Keeping his head raised he looked over his friend, she seemed a little off, as if something was bothering her. "You hold trouble on your face my friend, is there trouble that I have yet to take notice of? Or are you here to share your stories of a lone traveler roaming the world's farthest reaches?" The dragon chose to muse aloud as he continued to look her over curiously, if not completely concerned with her well-being.

Letting out a sigh as he babbled on about what she might be here for, she shook her head. At least is first guess was correct, even though that was probably the only serious one that came out of his mouth. "There has been an appearance, Tsa, an entire fortress appeared out of thin air near the Roble Holy Kingdom. They've sent word to the Re-Estize Kingdom... The Blue Roses along with Evileye have been dispatched to help investigate."

"An appearance... That seems to be relatively close to our position," the Dragon looked away for a brief moment as he thought to himself silently. The look of a ponder could be seen in his eyes.

"There have been no fatalities, but the Paladin Order seems to have been pushed out by whatever they attacked inside." Rigrit had seemed the words written on the parchment, though there was a missing Paladin, death was not confirmed.

"If it is indeed an enemy, it should be dealt with accordingly..." The Dragon's gentle voice moved on as he kept his gaze on the woman before her who nodded in agreement. "The beings known as players have corrupted our world, and have continued to do so with their powers and their items... They could bring an end to the world as we know it." His eyes closed for a few seconds as he let a slow exhale through his nose.

"... If the tremors have indeed come again after more than two hundred years... Let us hope it is something that will help the world like Leader had," she spoke sadly as she reminded herself of a hero who had died early on in their crusade against the Evil Deities.

Nodding in agreement, the dragon wanted the best, but he knew the world didn't always deliver on the hopes of the people. The Theocracy was only holding its place because it can't deploy its secret weapon, its trump card, due to his more than probable interference.

Perhaps he could use this new player in order to level the playing field? Even out the justice in the world? The idea wasn't a bad one, but it also wasn't a good one either, but at the same time it would remove a thorn that was in his side.

"Do you plan on deceiving him with your suit of armor, like you did your friends, so many years ago?" A faint smile remained across her lips as she let her eyes be entrapped over her age-old friend's appearance.

"It's a him? No, deceiving him with a suit of armor that is in the shape of a man, may just turn him against us. Deceit may very well be the work of sin," the Dragon remained at rest as he spoke.

"Yes... It is a male as from the report drawn up by the Holy Kingdom, and there was only one missing, a Squire rather than a fully-fledged Paladin." Rigrit sighed as she thought about a single life being held in the tower, not knowing their fate, or what power was being held over them.

"Hm. The other True Dragon Lords are off doing their own perversions, most in particularly the Bright Dragon, leading experiments to breed with humans. The Deep Dark Dragon Lord doesn't even raise his head out of the ground, he's always shut-in that giant cave of his, who knows what he is doing. The Heavenly Dragon Lord just flies around all the time," thinking about who he could call for reinforcements probably wasn't worth it. There was no one he could call on that would even bother lifting a finger as not only did they do nothing against the Eight Greed Kings, but neither did he.

Though since she spoke of there being no deaths, only a missing Squire, the Dragon could only assume that the player didn't mean harm. The question was, would the human Kingdom just sit by and watch whatever they do without acting? Humans have come a long way, they would definitely be arrogant enough to keep attacking unless things became mutual.

"Do you think he is keeping this missing Squire? Or could they already be dead?" Rigrit wasn't necessarily completely disturbed. It would be strange if all of the Paladins had gotten out. If they had attacked whatever was inside first, then she was even more surprised they made it out alive.

"If he is keeping them, what do you think his plan is? What would he use them for?" Vaision was curious as to what his friend could come up with. He could think of a few things a human could be useful for in this scenario, but there weren't a great many that would end well for them in the end.

Scratching her chin, Rigrit surmised a few things from the report that had been shared with the Blue Roses, and her by extension as she had joined them. "The report was short, it held very little detail, especially who this Squire was. Leaving out such details could imply many things, but at the same time, it could mean nothing other than a rushed report. From what I saw, the penmanship was filled with fear from the writer."

"It is unlikely he is using them as a hostage if they're just a Squire, if they have no political advantage over them, then what is their use?" Even the Platinum Dragon Lord wasn't quite sure what he would do with a random human squire who happened to be captured for invading his home. "Or they could be using them for information... How old is the information?"

"Two days at best, three or four at worst," Rigrit shook her head as she uttered her words in concern. "Though I am sure we would have heard more if all-out war broke out."

"A war would make it far more noticeable, you are not wrong about this my friend. If they are anything like Leader, they will want information on our world... Especially since there is no leaving, not in the form in which they'd like." Vaision huffed as he reminisced over how the Leader killed a fellow player and died shortly after, refusing resurrection in death.

"Should we get ready to disembark?" Rigrit inquired with a brow raised lightly.

"You know that I cannot come with you, not like this," Vaision responded honestly with a huff, before gesturing his head towards the suit of armor. "I will go as this suit of armor, as your friend, which will count as an extension of myself. If this player is on the side of Good, then perhaps I will leave this place one day. Until then, I must protect this place against anyone who will misuse its treasures left behind by the Eight Greed Kings."

Rigrit nodded solemnly, "We have a couple of days, why don't we use them to catch up... And I must meditate to regulate and restore my Mana." The old woman chuckled to herself, "Then perhaps you may choose to change your mind."

"Do as you will, Rigrit," the Dragon's gaze rested on the woman as she sat there in front of him, resting her weapon over her lap with a smartass's smile across her lips. It seemed she was not going to take no for an answer this time. If she believed that her friends were in genuine danger, what would a suit of armor do when compared to a true dragon lord himself?

The question that echoed in the back of his mind, however, was that if this man stronger or weaker than himself. It was a hard one to answer without seeing him face to face, and having little knowledge as to who he was.

If he came in some sort of tower as described, there was no telling what kind of beings were found within. The Very Guardians of this place were created by the Eight Greed Kings.

There still seemed to be the possibility that the persons who lived in that tower were far greater than them, just who could they be?