Fenrir stared at the helmet that was held in his hands, directly in front of him. With his arms bent obtusely, his gaze was substantially trapped on the keen tear-shaped eyes of the head ware.
Six meters ahead of him Evileye stood, watching him with her crimson red eyes glistening. While she figured her power was unlikely to do much harm to him, this would allow her to learn how effective she credibly was against a being such as he. That and she needed to figure out if she capable of even resisting him should he coerce her into doing his bidding. Just how powerful was he?
If he had been a necromancer, she certainly knew there was a chance for him to overpower her sense of self with considerable magics used to enslave undead creatures. Thankfully it seemed he was almost a pure Paladin.
They were outside, directly outside the mist that surrounded the Citadel. On the Great Wall, several Paladins were beginning to gather, along with priests and the normal military troops.
He doubtlessly heard their unspoken inquiries, ones that weren't entirely clarified, though due to their division they had, only, to assume this was going to be some class of engagement.
"Are you ready?" Fenrir asked as he raised his eyes from the helmet, remembering the day he arrived of how he had placed the virtual reality headset on. Now, the atmosphere of being in this world took its place. There was no dive helmet, this was reality.
"If you think I'll go easy on you because you're new to this world, you're sadly mistaken!" Evileye seemed to chime, happily at best, and annoyed at worst, her tone ambiguous to how she was feeling. She indubitably saw what he was using this performance for, knowing all the eyes she felt on them.
"Good," He said quietly as he placed his helmet upon his head, his mix-matched eyes glowing through the helmet's visor. "Come at me with everything you've got, and I'll defend myself."
"If you say so," huffed Evileye as she looked over his stance which was severely lacking for combat. He didn't even draw the weapon at his side, a blue bladed weapon that seemed to have robust qualities on its own. Bending her legs slightly, Evileye began rushing in a counter-clockwise semi-circle around the proclaimed God.
Raising a brow, he didn't shift his head to follow her.
"『Maximize Magic, Crystal Lance』!" As she cast this spell out loud, a blue magic circle appeared in front of her outreached hand and a massive blue sharp-edged polearm came flying at him.
"Oh?" Fenrir merely raised his hand in the direction that he heard it be cast from, assuming from her stature from what kind of angle it was going to approach him at. In all likelihood
he heard the conjured object that was sent flying towards him, allowing for him to react quickly and without fail.
In the next few seconds, the Lance impacted against his palm, shattering to pieces.
"What?!" Evileye quickly noticed that he didn't use any sort of skill to nullify the magic attack, it simply broke against his gloved hand which was thin enough to be almost bare.
Continuing her encirclement of the single male, she kept reciting the Crystal Lance spell, even going as far as concentrating Crystal Dagger on him. Every time she cast a spell, she assumably had no choice but to only watch as they shattered against his hand.
Paladins up above were watching in amazement as the female sorceress's attacks were meaninglessly deflected. It was clear it wasn't his armor protecting him, he was simply immune to low tier magic and physical attacks!
"What are you even made of!? Adamantite?!" Evileye quickly shifted to a clockwise direction, getting a bit closer, assuming there was a feasible way to apply a bit more force if she was within a certain proximity of his outstanding defensive prowess.
"That mid-grade rubbish?" Laughed out Fenrir, hearing her ask about one of the most precious metals and their highest rankings within the Adventurer's Guild. "Try again!"
Getting a few meters closer, she threw her hand out towards him, "『Shard Buck Shots』!" The moment she said this, another magical circle appeared in front of her hand different from before. A multitude of sharp-looking shards came flying out towards him, but all the same, they shattered against his armor and even his forehead. The armor didn't even get scratched!
His armor was stronger than Adamantite!
Her red eyes widened, feeling her undead heart skip a few beats. In a way seeing how his attacks weren't coming and her own didn't faze him, she knew there was a long way for her to go. At the same time, she was excited. It had taken the whole Blue Roses team to defeat her, now she found someone who was a Monster among Monsters, a player who was by no doubt stronger than the deceased Leader of the Thirteen Heroes.
"Aren't you going to draw your sword?!" Called out one of the Paladins.
"Strike back at her! Are all you going to do is block!?" A priest seemed to shout out loud, though it appeared they approved of defense is the greatest offense.
"This isn't working..." Uttered Evileye, mostly to herself, as she decided to lose more ground between them, returning to six meters away.
Fenrir shifted his world item that was worn properly on his back, feeling the soft silver-white fur that surrounded the shoulder bound edges of his cloak. "Oh? Retreating Petit Rouge(Little Red)? That would probably be for the best," pointing this out, he would bring himself down on all fours, getting into a running stance as if he was about to go on a marathon.
"Hahaha! He's going to charge her!" Some of the Paladins starting cheering, but none of them seemed to be interested in betting with one another. There was no point in doing so.
Just as Fenrir kicked off the ground, the next spell she recited rang in his ears.
"『Maximize Magic, Sandblast』!" Evileye said as she turned to face him, a golden yellow magic circle appearing in front of her. and sending a high-pressure blast of sand in his direction.
With a grin over his compressed lips, Fenrir tensed his fist tightly, his hand beginning to radiate a holy hue. Then just as he was about to meet with the sandy attack, he brought his fist forward. "Haaaaaaaaaa!" He let out a howl, demonstrating his physical strength and vocalizing it all the same.
Like the wedged blade of an ax, he split the current of sand in two as he traveled through the attack unhindered.
At a closer glance, one may see that the sand that had been thrown at him, had turned into glass. The grounds around him, as the spell came to an end, sparkled with shards.
Directly in front of her face, Evileye stared at the glowing open palm which stood only a few inches away. Holy power capable of obliterating her had only been a few seconds away from killing her before he stopped.
Her crimson red hues glared up at him, sensing that smug smile of his under the helmet. "Er... Wipe that smug smile off your lips! I can't see under that helmet of yours, but I know you have it!"
The Paladins were completely silent seeing that yet another attack was completely useless. That and the Godly being had almost defeated the powerful Adamantite Adventurer with just his hands.
"Zero to One," Fenrir spoke teasingly hearing her words before summarily using a simple teleportation spell to return to his starting location without even reciting the spell itself.
Blinking at this, she sighed and began walking slowly in a semi-circle again. Her attacks up until this point had been able to test his defenses. Conceivably her only assumption was that he was on the same level as the Platinum Dragon Lord, if not higher. There was no telling how powerful he was.
"Not cute at all," Evileye uttered under her breath as she rolled her lips inward briefly.
"Hm? You're the cute one, not me." Fenrir snickered from his position, flexing his fingers at his sides, waiting for her to make the first move once more as she was observing him in return.
There had to be ways effectively feasible for her to try to harm him. She knew over a hundred spells, some of which she had made herself due to her hand dabbling in sorcery. Some of which she swore had to have some effect on him!
Using 『Fly』to gain a vantage point above him, Evileye hovered in the air. Imaginably she felt his gaze on her, he wasn't turning his head to gaze at him. "Hmm..." Still, she didn't attack but instead continued to move around him as she had been doing before.
Fenrir just watched her, reflecting on what actions to do next following what had currently transpired. It was starting to get boring quickly, mostly due to their difference in power.
Part of him wanted to use Greater Break Item on her equipment, but at the same time, that served no purpose at all. Perhaps it was his inner sadist? Shaking his head to himself, he continued to ponder.
What is the realm of possibility should he use in this showing, that wouldn't outright kill her?
That was when his attention was taken by something approaching their general position.
"Don't turn your concentration away from me just yet!" Evileye shouted as she began to prepare for a spell, one in which she held in high regard, one she had created on her own.
"Fenrir-sama," the voice of his Guardian, Anima Espa, overlooking the World Atlas echoed in the back of his head, "An armored form with an elderly woman is at a steady approach from the South East. What are your orders?"
"Do not act," Fenrir stated in return as his attention had moved from Evileye and over to the suit of armor which had reached the Citadel after suddenly teleporting. "Let them spectate."
The very second he gave this order, Evileye recited one of her original spells, one that he had never heard of. His eyes immediately narrowed on her, his head turning to face her at last. "『Maximize Magic, SandField: One』!"
Finding himself surrounded by sand and a light pressure holding him in place, Fenrir raised a brow. Sandfield was a magic spell she had made and it surprised him, despite the fact it had little effect on him due to its low tier of five.
"Interesting spell..." Fenrir uttered as he found its effects useless against him, but enough for him to regard what the spell itself unquestionably might have been able to do to him if he were of a lower-tier being. It silenced its target, blinded them, dazed them, and immobilized them.
Nonchalantly he just stood there without making a single move, thinking that there was a possibility that she may as well believe it was working. He was right as, through the cloud of sand which engulfed him, several cold Crystal-like objects came crashing in against his armor and its skirting.
Poking his tongue out against his lips, he tasted the sand as he grinned from ear to ear beneath his helmet.
"It seems Evileye is fighting a man in armor," Tsaindorcus Vaision uttered through his armor as Rigrit stood, levitating in the air, at his side. "However, I can't quite tell if her spell is working."
"It isn't," Rigrit crossed her arms slightly looking over the pair as they continued their approach to the duel between what appeared to be a Paladin and a Vampire. Then she paused, feeling the man's sight on her and the suit of armor controlled by her friend. "It isn't working."
"What do you mean?" The helmet of the armor suit turned to look at her.
"He's looking right at us," Rigrit exclaimed before beginning to lower to the ground at the edge of the mist. The armor itself was following close behind, landing not too far away from her.
"Would that make him the player? If so, then he is certainly more powerful than the Leader was, and based on what I can sense, he isn't an undead." Vaision, the True Dragon Lord who was controlling the suit from a distance, was able to surmise by simply giving him a gander from the range they kept. They weren't quite sure what was going on, or why he was just standing there if this spell wasn't effective.
Using『Dispel Magic』, the cloud of sand which surrounded him faded into nothingness.
"Im-impossible! You were able to cast dispel amidst being caught up in my Sand attack!?" Evileye exclaimed loudly as she watched as he had been completely immune or resistant to her attack. He hadn't been blinded, and it seemed he didn't need to speak to evoke a spell!
There was no doubt, she saw this was an impressive feat, despite already knowing he was far above her level of comprehension.
"You must be drained from all that spell casting," Fenrir pointed, though he didn't bother trying to use magic to monitor her status. "Rest or continue, it is your choice," he offered as his hands reached up and removed his helmet, staring up at her rather than looking to the newcomers.
Letting herself place her feet upon the ground as her flight spell wore off, she looked him over, not even a scratch. Holding out her hand, her palm facing him, she recited "『Maximize Magic, Crystal Rain』!"
A multitude of blue magical circles appeared in front of her, sending a large number of physical cold, small, and sharp objects in his general direction.
"Oh?" With his ears perking up from the top of his head, he could hear Rigrit gasp at the sight of them. Chuckling, Fenrir threw his legs out to the side, acrobatically dodging a number of the shards that were raining down at him all the while slipping his helmet into his inventory. Just as he landed, however, that was when they came piling down on him.
In the cloud of crystalline shavings that now surrounded his position, blocking sight of him in every and all directions, his silhouette began to move as his armor became one with his body.
Rigrit stepped forward as a sudden burst of aura pushed the film away, revealing the transformation Fenrir had gone through. The old woman's eyes widening even more than before.
Standing where a humanoid Paladin once stood was a massive wolf about four times the size of a horse, it far different from his first detailed appearance. Heterochromatic fur with a base of black and squirrels of white covering almost half of his now furred four-legged body.
It was truly a magnificent and elegant looking beast as its odd-eyes gave off a radiant glow.
"Brat, get out the way!" Was the only thing Rigrit was about to shout before Fenrir launched into the air, closing the distance within seconds, before coming down to pounce the small Vampire.
"It's alright, I got this!" Evileye shouted as she quickly dove to the side in a roll, feeling his massive paws come crashing down on the terra firms behind her. It shook her very being as the miniature shockwave traveled through her. "Stay back and don't interfere!"
Her eyes like saucers as she stumbled forward, she turned around, walking backward as she did so. "Now that is one big dog!" She exclaimed as her eyes picked up every detail along with its wiry yet soft looking pelt. "Want to play tag with me, huh!? Two can play at that game!" Evileye seemed to giggle a bit, imagining herself being carried on his back as if he was some sort of majestic stead.
"If you insist," Fenrir spoke in his canine form, his mouth not moving as he turned to look at her. His eyes were glowing far fiercer than before as he then darted in her direction as his paws kicked off the dirt.
"『Shape Earth』!" Evileye recited a spell, her hand facing down toward the ground. Suddenly like a springboard, the dirt beneath her feet sprung up, sending her flying up into the air several dozen feet.
"As if that'd work against me!" Huffed Fenrir, jumping up on the now elevated ground and thrusting himself into the air after her a few seconds after she began to fall back down to earth.
With his mouth open wide to catch her red cloak, he snarled aloud.
Knowing this was her last chance, seeing as he may be vulnerable, she went to cast one last spell only to notice his mouth closing. It was too late, he knew what she was doing, but it didn't matter.
Just as she went to cast her spell, he cast one of his known as『Miscast』which caused an enemy spell caster to unintentionally cast the wrong spell despite the evocation they used.
"『Teleportation』!" Evileye nearly squealed in surprise as an explosion of buck shots erupted between them, initially blinding her of his continued approach. Before she could do anything however, she felt his fangs take hold of her right shoulder and shallowly dig into her cloak.
Then on their way down she could feel one of his clawed paws on her opposite shoulder, readying to keep her pinned. Yet despite knowing what was to come, she could do nothing.
Thud! She felt the cold hard ground beneath her back as she was being pressed down by his snout, his jaws locked on her arm. Her red eyes stared up at his large odd-eyes that were looking right back at her like florescent mirrors.
"That would be Zero to Two," Fenrir squinted his eyes at her smugly.
"...H-how did you change my magic spell? How was that even possible!?" Keno, Evileye, couldn't help but be curious about what he had just done. Causing her to misfire a spell was something that had never occurred to her before in a battle, especially against that of a Paladin.
"Teach me, and I'll teach you?" Fenrir unlocked his jaw before leaning over and licking the side of her face teasingly.
"Fine, fine... I'll teach you whatever you wan--" Evileye raised a brow at him before she took the brunt of the first lick, "Blah! Stop that, that's gross!" She twisted around under him, knotting her dainty fingers into his mane. Even as she pleaded, he continued to lap his tongue at her face, "Sto-Stop Slobbering on me! Shtaaaaap~!"
Rigrit snickered at the beast's actions as it was seemingly torturing the Vampire with a strange bout of affection, "What is this? Has Invern stolen the heart of such a creature that uses the guise of a beast?"