Shallow Schemes Unravels

"But Lord Grandfather! Why must—" Bai Ding Ming's indignant snort came to an abrupt end when Bai Mo Shang disappeared from the young woman's view while a harsh slap landed on her face right in front of Fei Qing and Fei Cai.


The tent grew silent as the sound of the slap echoed while Bai Mo Shang looked at Ding Ming furiously. "Unfilial woman! You went behind my back and now you still haven't apologized? Just wait, you! I'll flay the disrespect out of you the moment we return to the tribe!"

Fei Qing observed everything silently while snickered inwardly. Bai Mo Shang was really an old schemer!

The Bai Tribe was a mid-scale tribe that had entered into an alliance with the Fei Tribe but to achieve more benefits and not to become a stepping stone of the Fei Tribe, Bai Mo Shang planned for Ding Ming to force Fei Cai into a relationship. It would be purely based on Fei Cai's words. But in the end, the scheme failed. The Fei Tribe now held the greater hand but to not lose out more resources than they already have, Bai Mo Shang resolutely gave up his most favored granddaughter and cut her off from the large boat that is the Bai Tribe.

This action not only showed that any punishment given out will be borne by Ding Ming alone, but it also reduced Fei Qing's will to punish itself. Why would he, a grand peak stage rank 4 gu master, stoop as low to punish a rank 2 junior and a woman no less?

Unlike her fiery exterior, Bai Ding Ming, who was slightly versed with the cruel politics, understood the surface-level intention of her grandfather as her heart shivered with cold fright. Her gaze landed on Fei Cai and she couldn't help but feel extremely furious! It was common knowledge that women's status was below men but that was it. For beauty, young men would perform acts that they themselves were astonished by the sudden rise in capabilities!

'This Fei Cai!' Ding Ming gnashed her teeth.

As Bai Mo Shang, Ding Ming, and Fei Qing continued to scheme and preserve themselves in the tent, Fei Cai was doing the same. It has been a short time since Bai Tribe migrated near the Fei Tribe. Cai's knowledge regarding this tribe was quite low but he had heard of Bai Ding Ming.

Beautiful upper-stage rank 2 gu master with many pursuers. Out of these men, the most prominent suitor was Bai Xao. A peak-stage rank 2 gu master!

'Bai Xao...' Fei Cai's gaze flickered for a moment. With Bai Xao's open nature and high capabilities, he had already attracted the attention of Bai Elders and his information was quite well-known amongst Fei tribesmen. 'A fire path gu master with astonishing capabilities... hehe...'

"Lord Father," Fei Cai suddenly spoke up with a somber expression. His voice stopped Bai Mo Shang from delivering another slap to the 'impudent' granddaughter of his.

"Elder Sister Bai has done nothing wrong. If one must blame somebody, then it should be the female lead in Su Xian's Night Elopement! Not only that, Sister Bai just wanted to hear my answer," Fei Cai spoke with a determined expression as his words made Ding Ming's eyes bright.

Su Xian Er is a legendary figure whose actions had served to increase the status of women by a slight margin and gave the tribeswomen of the northern plains a hope and zealous passion to find love on their own terms!

Hearing Fei Cai, Bai Mo Shang's expression changed slightly. His hand lowered while Fei Qing looked towards his son impassively and snorted.

"Cai'er, Bai Tribe matters are not yours to interfere!" Fei Qing chided.

Fei Cai nodded hurriedly and kept his quiet. But his task was already done. The more people he is in contact to manipulate, the better his wisdom path foundation will build up. Either way, this was a short-term plan to get used to the wisdom path since the understanding of more paths will broaden Fei Cai's options later down the road.

"Brother Fei, my granddaughter is unruly! Even though I wished for our families to have a greater relationship and have my granddaughter marry your son, it seems that she is unworthy!" Bai Mo Shang didn't show any demeanor of a peak-stage rank 4 gu master. His voice was pitiful as he sobbed in sadness.

"But," Bai Mo Shang continued, "This Ding Ming is a talented woman. She will serve young Cai well. If Brother Fei has benevolence in his heart, then please think of this matter!"

Fei Qing nodded and hurriedly spoke cordially with Bai Mo Shang to give him face. The two of them were in alliance and they knew that this was only one of the many schemes that have revealed itself. Gu Masters live long and a shrewd life. Just because of one problem, they would never insult others when it's not required. After all, successful schemes are worthy enough to be admired!


After everything was settled, Fei Cai returned to the gu house. His thoughts, however, continued to linger on the situation he just arrived from.

'Bai Mo Shang's thoughts are easy to comprehend. As a peak-stage rank 4 gu master with great battle prowess, he doesn't need to lay deliberate traps. He wants me to marry his granddaughter and will pay a huge sum, too. Most of it will be for Fei Qing, of course. A little percentage of the dowry will be presented to me.'

'This situation is not strange. While Northerners pursue freedom of choice, political marriages still restrict the sons and daughters of many leaders. However, this isn't my previous world. Parents are the 'creators' of children. They nurture children and help them grow safely. It is only natural to repay such favor by obeying them.'

'Bai Ding Ming has a young heart. She is loyal to the tribe that raised her but she also thirsts for passion. Unlike me, she wants an adventure and goes through ordeals with the 'one'. Then again, many wish for the same. At some point in my life, I did, too. Fortunately, for me, all I could be manipulated for having such thoughts were merely a bit of cash or other presents. Right now, I can use this motivation and gain far greater benefits.'

'Not only that, this Ding Ming is clearly Bai Xao's trigger. Fei Sau of Fei Tribe and Bai Xao of Bai tribe... hehe, one weakness to exploit them. Truly interesting. The greatest benefit I can earn is still the growth of insight regarding scheming. As a son of the Chieftain, I won't be going through such a 'poor' phase for long. Once I hit rank 2 middle or upper-stage, Fei Qing will start to secretly support me. This is an open secret.'

Fei Cai was clear of this matter. He didn't wish to manipulate Fei Sau, Fei Jun, Fei Mang, Bai Ding Ming, and Bai Xao out of fiscal gains. He can earn those plenty by himself. But these individuals had their weaknesses and Fei Cai wished to grasp these weaknesses, twist them, and wring out juicy secrets of wisdom path.

This was his main objective!

Once Fei Cai had settled into his room, even when the day was bright and clear, he did not leave the room and began refining a set of gu worms.

He already had one instinct gu worm.

It was time that he tried to refine the more potent and rank 2 version of this gu worm— Flare Instinct Gu.


Nether Pond Rock Forest.

The Pa Tribe's elders had an ugly expression. In the past few days, the higher-ups of the tribe had been strategizing plans to tackle the inheritance ground that erupted out of nowhere extremely close to their main camp region. But their worst fears came true as they saw Han Tribe setting up a camping region a little bit far in the opposite direction of the Pa Tribe. In this positioning, the inheritance ground fell right between the Pa Tribe and the Han Tribe.

"These Han robbers!" One of the elders gnashed his teeth.

"To have the audacity of acting in such a daring manner! We must inform Ma Tribe and request assistance in clearing the inheritance ground and also suppressing these thieves!" The other elder hollered fiercely. When one's own benefits are encroached upon, of course, many would lose their cool.

Pa Long looked at these elders with a plain expression. He had strength and battle techniques fierce enough to face any of these gu elders. But most of them were old with their potential squeezed until they were dried out. Now, the Poor Ice Immortal's inheritance reignited their passion for improvement once again.

Han Tribe's involvement was foreseen long ago. Others didn't know it but Ma Tribe had made a move, too.

An Immortal Gu Master's inheritance was extremely lucrative and enticing. The appearance of this inheritance ground had shifted the major focus of the Pa and Ma tribes. Anyone astute enough in the art of war and ruthless planning would realize that this very grassland would become the front of the war in the coming years. It is for this very reason why instead of exploring the inheritance, the gu masters of the tribe had started fortifying their base.

If the Han Tribe really dares to cross unmarked borders and get too close, then Pa Tribe would be more than willing to commence their campaign against the Han!

"Elders, please think carefully. This is an immortal gu inheritance. From a demonic path gu Immortal, no less. The tests will be terrifying and might even cost us our lives. Instead, we should focus on the diplomatic mission sent by Lord Father."

"Ah, Young Tribe Leader speaks well!" One of them switched instantly, making Pa Long feel a little stunned.

"Haha, smart and talented! My Pa Tribe has a good future, indeed!"

The others laughed along and began directing their hump wolves towards the encampment of the Han Tribe. They avoided the inheritance ground clearly. After all, even now, the terrifying ice ground would cover others in an icy cage the moment they came into contact with the slightest shard of ice.