Rank 2; Father's Kindness

Fei Cai's brows remain knit in extreme concentration. His view was shifted and he only focused over his aperture. The webbing of the Aperture Nurture Gu worm covered the crystallized walls of his aperture while his primeval sea rumbled. Almost half of his essence had already been consumed but the feeling of bloating reached its peak. The crystal walls were completely nourished and were at the juncture of giving way to something new. Something greater.


The dark green primeval sea would be pulled back using Fei Cai's thoughts before crashing against the Aperture Walls once again. With every strike, a slight amount of primeval essence would be absorbed by the walls.


With another crash, Fei Cai felt a change.


A small crack appeared over the crystallized walls. The crack was extremely tiny and not worth mentioning but Fei Cai could feel the crack clearly. Focusing on the crack, Fei Cai instantly used all his primeval essence on it and made the crack spread further along the beautiful walls of the aperture.



Under Fei Cai's joyous gaze, the aperture wall began crumbling as large crystal shards fell into the primeval sea and turned into brand new primeval essence. However, unlike the dark green counterpart, the newly formed essence was light red in color. It was denser than the black-green primeval essence and started to collect at the bottom of the aperture. Meanwhile, more and more shards fell and turned into wisps of light red primeval essence.

Replacing the crystallized wall was another perimeter of a misty wall but its structure surpassed the previous crystallized wall in strength.

"Huff!" Fei Cai opened his eyes. His forehead was covered in sweat and his entire being felt tired by a slight margin. "Initial-stage rank 2 gu master..." Fei Cai muttered. He felt relieved and happy but also found himself excited by the ability to refine another set of gu worms that will increase his strength.

For a moment, Fei Cai began looking at his gu worms. Within his mind, rank 1 computer gu, rank 2 shrewd gu, and rank 2 flare instinct gu worm rested. Unlike shrewd gu which would lead his regular and galloping horse thoughts into shrewd decisions, the rank 2 flare instinct gu worm would hold passive and an active effect over his body. Fei Cai can provide a continuous stream of primeval essence to the gu worm so that his reflexes would undergo a temporary transformation.

Within his aperture, Fei Cai found his set of ice and snow path gu worms— Ice Wall, Floating Ice Crystal Shield, Icy Breath, Snow Snout, Spiral Snowflake, Snow Beast heart/skin/head/arms/legs/strength, Ice Skid, Ice Reform, Ice Crust, and Hollow Shard gu worms. In recent days, feeding this set of gu worms became increasingly easier. Ice and Snow Path gu worms and materials were being discovered at a high pace. Even Fei Cai found many materials and earned a large number of merit points. Aside from these gu worms, he had a single rank 2 horse enslavement gu worm alongside Rank 1 Invasion, Aperture Nurture, Bookworm, Soul Mist, Galloping Thought, Memorize, and Sharpen Mind Gu worms.

But this was his accumulation and foundation.

Fei Cai also inherited a large number of lizard related gu worms ranging from lizard enslavement, houses, and other forms of gu worms from the corpse within the first Earth Lizard House Gu worm he discovered. Not only that, Fei Cai later came to become the inheritor of Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable and as the man stated in the recording, Fei Cai simply knew too much. Without even venturing out, his horizons are broadened every day as he would read through the inheritance. Finally, Fei Cai also attained the first half of the Horse Monk's inheritance which only held soul path gu worms that interested Fei Cai.

Of course, there were a few soul path gu worms in Thieving Heaven's inheritance but their use and refinement materials were no longer present. The current Soul Path was at the peak of its development, unlike the time where only a few gu immortals would ever consider this path of gu worms only for support no less.

Recollecting his thoughts, Fei Cai brought out his rank 1 storage type Hollow Shard Gu Worm. The gu worm was once deeply hurt due to storing rank 2 Sneak Attack Gu which pushed it to its very limits but now, its condition was restored. Slowly, Fei Cai began to retrieve refinement materials.

The advancement to a higher rank in cultivation can be highly taxing to mental health or simply a little affecting. The lower the aptitude, the lesser the Primeval Essence at disposal to nurture and break through the aperture walls. Theoretically, with an unlimited number of primeval stones, even a D-grade Gu Master can reach as high as rank 5 gu cultivation but that is extremely unlikely. Fei Cai didn't face troubles while breaking through rank 2 due to the greater capacity of his primeval sea. He didn't have to divert his mind towards absorbing Primeval stones alongside nurturing his aperture. Thus, after advancing to rank 2, he could begin upgrading his gu worms right away.

The breakthrough came a little earlier than Fei Cai's estimate but this was a welcoming experience. But now, he focused on renewing his gu worms.

In the merit board, of course, Fei Cai could easily find the gu worms of his liking but after considering his circumstances, he denied such thoughts. He is a Chieftain's son with great wealth under his command at peculiar moments. Not only that, the current moments of peace, as Fei Qing stated, wouldn't last long. So, to further his ability of refining gu worms, this was a very amazing opportunity.

If Fei Cai simply purchases the gu worms of his liking, then he would lose out the opportunity of gaining refinement experience which, after knowing the importance of, he didn't want to.

With this thought determined, Fei Cai began his first refinement of the day.

To refine rank 2 Hollow Spike Gu worm.


Unlike Fei Cai, who had closed himself off and only allowed Lo to bring in food at the required time, Fei Qing had a far more erratic week. After the appearance of Poor Ice Immortal's inheritance, the news of the icy inheritance ground spread within Fei Tribe, too. This made plenty of new elders of the tribe to pitch their names in to lead an expedition. After all, aside from the tribesmen of the Tian Chuan region, many Demonic gu masters had already prepared their own camps over the grassland.

Fei Sheng, much to the Chieftain's surprise, showed the greatest sincerity. After giving up a major portion of his tribal benefits, Fei Sheng forced Fei Qing indirectly to let the old elder lead the expedition. However, now that Fei Sheng was under the shadows of suspicion, Fei Qing assigned two more elders and let the gu elders select their team amongst themselves.

"Sigh, it is unfortunate that your son didn't show any interest in Enslavement Path. After all, it is merely a front adopted by the main body back then. Horse Monk was extremely fortunate in his encounters. A peak wisdom path inheritance and an Enslavement Path inheritance but Heaven is fair. What Horse Monk gained through fortuitous encounters, he lost much of if from unfortunate acquaintances."

"A pity! That Fei Cai's aptitude is only lower than those extreme aptitude holders. His will is firm and from the looks of his purchases, he has great talent in refinement path and an equally large curiosity, too."

Horse Monk's remnant will continued to groan within Fei Qing's mind as the Chieftain of the tribe had an entirely different mindset. He was, after all, different from a will. He could think far more greatly.

"Master, with the current situation, how can Fei Cai have the thought of accumulating beast groups? By focusing on individual strength, the boy will have a greater chance of survival in the Icy Tribulation. Not only that, his personal slave clearly informed that he has achieved rank 2 cultivation. This is the benefit of higher aptitude! In fact, reaching rank 3 before the war is completely possible. I may not have rank 2 red steel relic gu worms to increase the pace of his cultivation but that doesn't mean they won't appear sooner or later!"

"What is rank 3?" Horse Monk sighed, "Oh, Fei Qing. You are too short-sighted. You need to have the heart of preservation that goes beyond a generation. Find suitable inheritors and pass on the inheritance. How can Horse Monk's name fizzle out just like that?"

Hearing the Horse Monk Will's words, Fei Qing's gaze flickered but he kept his quiet.

Finally, after another week of closed cultivation, his son finally stepped out. In Fei Yang's words, Fei Cai smelled like a sour waste and was hurried to the bathing room of the gu house to clean himself quickly. But the woman did report that aside from a few signs of physical weakness, Fei Cai's aura was firmly within the rank 2 stage of cultivation!

"Cai'er!" Fei Qing exclaimed with a proud expression. He beckoned Fei Cai to sit in front of him and ordered both the slaves of the household to return to their rooms. Clearly, Fei Qing wished to have this moment all for himself.

Once Fei Cai and Qing were alone, the father took out a small bug-sized gu worm. The shape of the gu worm was like a ceramic gourd as it glowed in mellow light. From the aura of the gu worm, Fei Cai could ascertain that this was a rank 3 gu worm.

"Son, I've always dreamt of this day. Rank 1 gu masters are junior. Fledglings that need to temper themselves in the world and survive on their own. I am a fortunate father that for you, this phase lasted only for two months. Hehe, speaking it out loud, even your father is a bit envious. You have rank 2 cultivation in the second month of your cultivation. This is great!"

"Cai'er, you should always remember that I have been proud of you from the moment you started cultivating. This is a rank 3 Plight Wine gu worm. This is a storage type gu worm that can only store and create Plight Wine. It tastes sour but when down the throat, this wine provides freshness like no other. It signifies that when a plight is overcome, life becomes fresher. Beautiful."

Saying his piece, Fei Qing controlled the gu worm as two streams of purple liquid filled the two cups in front of the father-son duo.

"From now on, your duties will change. As a rank 2 gu master, you will no longer have the same autonomy as before. But, you shall strive nonetheless. In place of autonomy, you will receive the protection of your team. Now, drink this wine with me."

He grinned and offered a cup to his son.

Looking at the dubious liquid within the cup, Fei Cai slowly took the cup and under Fei Qing's eager gaze, Fei Cai drained the content of the cup in one gulp.

"Cough Cough!"

Fei Cai's throat burned up while his body shuddered due to intolerant taste but as Fei Qing described, Fei Cai felt extremely fresh. Not only his drowsiness washed away, but even his mind was also reinvigorated. The exhaustion he felt from continuous refinement was cleared away, too!

Looking at the cup with amazement, Fei Cai heard Fei Qing's chuckle.

"From your expression, it is easy to understand that you realize the importance of Plight Wine. I can't impart you with my inheritance but as a rank 2 gu master, you have become a valuable asset to the tribe. To grow quickly, you need continuous refreshment. Every day, I shall prepare three cups of Plight Wine for you. The bitter taste is something you'll have to overcome but the benefits surpass the cost."

"Thank you, Lord Father!" Fei Cai instantly spoke in gratitude while Fei Qing seemed to have calmed down slightly. Still smiling, Fei Qing continued, "This is, however, your reward as the initial stage of rank 2 cultivation. The use of your nurture aperture gu worm has been completely used up. I didn't stop you from making that gu worm your vital gu but now, you need to know that the tribe does not have the recipe for the higher ranks of the gu worm. Once you reach the middle-stage of rank 2 cultivation, I'll assist you in changing your vital gu."

"Yes, Lord Father. I will not disappoint you."

"Good," Fei Qing exclaimed, "Fei Yang! Bring out the food! We shall feast the entire night!"