15 The Time for Change begins

Exhausted Flame fell on her bed her memories colliding against her skull from the past and the present. she had to get her thoughts in order she had to remember where she hid her crown that stored half her magic power and she had to do so before Tiger found out she was still alive and found both her and through her the crown as well

She tried to figure it out but some of her memories weren't back yet so stressed out she decided to play one of her favorit songs from her time as a normal human girl as it had always relaxed her when she was stressed and with Heart Of Fire by Black Veil Brides ringing in her ears as loud as her phone allowed she went back downstairs to start cooking she felt unusally hungry maybe it was from being a dragon that she had a big appetite now that she owned the Orphanage it was time for things to change and that started with the food supply which Morgana never kept stocked with much they were constantly running out of food so some of the kids had lost weight since comming to the orphanage and being that it was the weekend she decided to round the kids up to do a bit of gardening in the morning and grow some food fresh as Flame made her plans her alarm started to ring letting her know it was now 7 in the morning and the kids would start waking up and comming down for breakfast so she got it ready making pancakes and waffles with chocolate chips in them with a bottle of syrup and a bowl of powdered sugar on the table to top them with and cutting up fruit into a salad and a jug of fresh milk and Orange Juice with a variety of choices for cereal and fresh eggs scrambled with onions and tomatoes cooked in along with some cheese melted on top of the moist eggs, sausages and even bacon it was going to be a feast for them like they never had before it was all thanks to Viper who had dropped off the food a few days before at Flames request though she complained about it the whole time when she dropped it off but quickly stopped when Flame payed her back with the money she got from City Hall now that she was in charge and Morgana was gone all the money for the Orphanage was in her control and she didnt need Morgana to come cash the checks first

Angel was the first to come down the stairs and when she saw the table full of food she stopped dead in her tracks wide eyed she quickly rubbed her eyes thinking she was dreaming but the food was still their she looked at Flame with a questioning glance Flame spoke up

" Come down sweety I got some big news for everyone" Flame smiled

Angel sat at the table that Flame had set up putting Toto in her lap and soon the other kids came down when the smell of their breakfast hit their nose in a way it never had before and the kids new something big and special had happened when they saw the table full of food they ran to their seats and waited eargerly for Flame to tell them to dig in even the older ones looked eager especially Gryphon he was 17 and was their the longest besides Flame he usually helped out when Flame had her hands full with the younger kids he was a good looking guy with dark brown hair that seemed to have golden highlights and light brown eyes with tan skin though he never stayed outside for very long Flame knew she would need to keep an eye on him as he was one of her shadow people all the kids were and would have their first shift on their 18th birthdays and Gryphons was coming up soon she would need to let Fang know but that was for later

"Everyone before you eat i got an announcement to make" They all tore their eyes from the food to look at Flame "Morgana is no longer in charge of this Orphanage" Flame announced

at once the kids started blurting out their questions

" If Morgana isnt in charge then who is?"

"will we have to leave?"

"will the next person be even scarier then morgana?"

Gryphon shouted out "Everyone hush!" the kids quieted down "let her finish talking"

"Thanks Gryph.. and i think you guys are going to love who is in charge now"

"I doubt that" huffed a boy he was one of the newest kids 12 years old and was a trouble maker and the only human boy amongst them but he liked Flame

"Tommy trust me on this after all I'm in charge now"

all at once the kids yelled "WHAT!"

"That's right approval already came back from City Hall I am now the owner of the Orphanage and as soon as Morgana steps foot back in this town she will be arrested and sent to prison for fraud and child neglect amongst other things now dig in their is plenty of food to go around now that im in charge"

the kids all cheered and begun to eat what they wanted as Flame filled their cups with the drink of their choice but gave Gryphon a cup of coffee since they both liked it and he was almost an adult.