"So Gryph want do you want for your birthday?" Flame asked him.

"I don't know" he responded "I'm still thinking of what to do after I turn 18"

"I may just have a plan for that"


"I'll tell you later ok?"


Later that afternoon as the kids got dressed Flame looked at their clothes some were stained some torn but most were shabby tatters of cloth sewed together by thin threads she pulled out her new phone a black colored phone with a 5.6 inch screen with an amazing camera feature and a case that made the thin phone thicker and easier to hold it was black with n image of a fire dragon on the back and a wallet cover to check the account balance in the Orphange bank and sighed their was 300 dollars left after buying a month supply of food not nearly enough to buy them all clothes.

As she was pondering on what in the world she was going to do to get them new clothes their was a loud knock at the door. which was odd seeing as the door was really old wood and weighed at least 80 pounds in solid wood that one could not hear a knock and that was why their was an old bell that was rung by a rope that one had to pull on the rope went through a hole drilled above the door and led to 2 bells one was by the front door the other was in the main office Flame didnt like the old bells and planned on installing a new door bell along with some cameras. so she went to open it and standing their was her super hot Fang dressed like a goth god in black jeans and platform military boots covered in buckels and spikes along the toes with a white shirt under a black trench coat with skull buckels and cuff links with a large skull logo on the back.

"Well you going to let me in or are you going to keep staring at me like I'm a big steak you wanna devour." he Joked knocking her out her stubor of her own thoughts.

"Oh yeah come on in." she stepped aside "I was trying to figure out somethings." Fang looked at the kids playing in the living room he looked at Flame with a questioning look "Yeah I know thats what I was trying to figure out when you got here they need new clothes but i dont have enough money for it."

"Well then it's a good thing that I came by today then isn't it?"

"What are you implying." she squinted her eyes at him in a questioning maner.

"Flame do you forget your other money stash?"

"What stash? I only have some memories not all of them Fang"

"This stash." he pulled out a wallet and pulled out a bank card with his name printed on it "its your money but I put it in my name so it wont track attention by you know who"

"Are you serious?"

"Yes my little fire-breather and look here's the account balance." He showed her the amount on his Phone screen and her eyes bulged she had never seen so many zeros in one number before.

"Your Dragon habit of collecting gold and jewels over the years payed off and this was just a small bit of your hidden treasure that you stashed away in that cave of yours but dont worry you still have a ton of gold and jewels left in their I only took a small handful of jems i swear it was a few Emeralds, Rubys, and one or two Diamonds and sold them to a jewler who was very generous in his price for them and that was a few years ago the longer it sat in the bank the more the number increased."

She didn't know what to do or say she just stood their with a mix of emotions their was relief that she could provide for the Orphanage she guessed was her human side that she got in the last 18 years as living as a human and believing she was a human but the Dragon side of her was furious that he went into her treasure cave and took her precious jems. she hated the feeling of people going into her private places without her permission and touching her things it was as if someone went into her room and read her diary behind her back Fang not taking another moment to talk about it anymore quickly turned to the kids

"Everyone come with us we are going shopping"