_The moment...

When they returned, the house almost emptied! Only leaving behind the built-in stuff, remaining of the emptiness of the stuff.

The lady happy and content self turned to be the most frightened gestures. The triplets didn't say anything...they speechlessly not because of the house condition but the supposed-to-be-maid-forever is now gone to where they don't even know at.

No more free roaming self after this!

They looked at each other and speaking by their mind. Easily to understand, that three of them unsatisfied with their mother's action.

But, nothing they could say more.

The temperature slowly getting hotter not colder due to the almost empty and eerie room but due to the fuming state coming from their mother's body.

The back of her heave up and down. They could see it clearly. The mother is beyond fuming...to much anger!

What should they do? Each of them quite nudging each other in order to force someone to initiate the first move and no one does.

Afraid so much, actually...

"That insolent b***h!!"

The cursing keep on coming and the triplets had to endured it to the core while the new husband stand at their back examined the triplets body from behind didn't even mind about the situation.

Mother did wore a red tiny dress latch onto her curvy body and now...her exposed skins of her body and faces turned to be the same colour of her dress! They don't know either to laugh or to feel scare out of it or...it could be both... silently in their system.

They really did trying harder not to bursting out their mix emotion now and if not...back to the house and grounded forever until they die...

No...never happened!

Finally...the husband step forward after done with his business nearing the fuming wife. He hugged the body and whisper in sweet nothings to only for her to know it.

The triplets stand there stunned...

He did only that and the mother turned back at her normal state? Just like that?

What did he said to her?

"I let you stay here and soon the place will be like a castle..." the mother said with meak voice.

The triplets blinking upon hearing the word STAY!

The three of them running to her and hugged her tightly with humongous smile plastered on their faces.

Poppy: "I love you mommy!"

Orchid: " Yes, please do...it's look empty!"

Lily: "You letting us here, mommy? Oh...how much I love you mommy! So much!"

The triplets: "We love you mommy so much!"

"I know." the mother happily engulfed their bodies as much as she can, feel content about the girls.

"Can we have the maid, mommy? We're too lazy to cook and clean. You know how busy ourselves, right?" Poppy twirling her finger, seducing the mother arms.

The two nodding frantically and hoping the mother would agree to their request.

"Of course my dears. The maid will help you all do the chores!" she just agreed without condition as long the husband always feeding her the needs. She much to let the girls happy about anything just making them smiles brigher.

"Oh...mommy... you're the best mommy in the world! No one can compare you with others..." Said Orchid excitedly.

Lily keep on glancing towards Damien with her naughty gleamed while hugging the mother. Damien smirking, hoping to have a session with her...too!

Poppy and Orchid didn't realised it because too much happy about what the mother promises.

"And I will let Damien help you guys to reorganize the house. Right, honey?" the wife turned to look at him.

"Of course my dear. Anything makes you happy I will definitely to do it for you..." for them too...

He smile genuinely leaving the girls gasped the air. So much handsomeness!

"Thanks honey..." the wife smile happily.

"Alright girls...my business here is done. I'm going back to our mansion." said the mother patting the back of her daughters.

"So soon?" the Lily making a sad face.

Heh, not sad of the mother departure but more sad to the handsomeness to leave.

"Yes, my dear...I need to rest...tired from our honeymoon trips so...I do need myself time..."

The glints that she gave just enough to let the girls retreat and understand about it.

Orchid: "Okay, mommy..."

Poppy: "Rest well..."

Lily: "I don't know what to say more just...happy to have you back and do rest your body properly, mommy..."

All the sweet talks that came from the girls really making the mother's mood to blooming with happiness. No one can replaced the girls but...the girls will leave her soon after their truly mother came to get them back.

The thought came across her mind and she replaced it by opposing the sudden thought with the moment she had with them, she gave them kisses each of their cheeks. Let them know...this very mother, the lady...love them more than anyone can give.

Even, their truly mother retreat to make the impression soon and leaving the girls under her surveillance.


Across the world, the woman standing facing the tropical scenery while holding a picture of herself, the babies and a man, looks so lovingly towards each other on it.

She caressed the only picture that she had after the unfortunate events happened to herself long ago.

"I will get you back, my babies..." she whispered to herself.

"Honey...what are you doing outside in the dark?" the husband calling her standing at the opened door.

"Oh...nothing...just taking some air...would you joining me, here?"

She placed the picture on to her short pocket mimicking like she soak and hidden the palm into her pocket, showed how chilling outside here.

"Let me get the jacket first. It's not good for you dear to stay in and you know what happen after that, right?"

"Yeah, I know..." she running her gaze towards the scenery which upon being flooded with the minimal lighting on them, back.

The husband appeared with a jacket on his hand. He walked slowly to the wife and placed the jacket on to her shoulder. He move forward her and adjusting the jacket.

"See...it's freezing here...I know it's sound dramatic but the rain did a great job making the hot weather to be this chilly. Your body not gonna let it slide this time, my dear..." said the husband placing both of his palm to her cold cheeks.

"It's nothing, honey...just a cold here. I just got here a couple of minutes before you came."

The wife caressing her husband's back of his hand lovingly. She leaned more with closed eyes embracing the warm came from the husband.

"Come on... let's go inside. I don't want you to be sick. We came here to have a happy moments and I really do hope you stay in healthy state..."

"Why? You don't want to take care of me when I sick, my dear?" teased the wife opening her eyes to the husband.

"No! I just don't want to see you getting sick and it's really break my heart, my love. Seeing you sick makes me sad. Promised me not to let yourself in any harm condition anymore, will you?"

He let out his pinky to promised like they always do.

"Yeah-yeah...I'm just teasing you, husband!" said the wife in her smile-y lips.

She did the same gesture and they both link the pinkies and press the thumbs together, sealed!

"That's the promised!—"

"What if I break it?" the wife snakes her arms around husband's waist cutting him mid sentences.

"I will punish you!" the evil glints beamed excitedly in his eyes.

"What could that be?" she tightened her arms and pressed her chest on husband's torso, acting seductively.

"Forget the punishment later...let's having it right now!"

The wife giggling laying her head on to her husband wide chest. The husband wholeheartedly laughing feel with the contentment.

He hugged her tightly worried if this moments will stop forever.