_What a day...

'Your baby doll is leaving.'

That's the text he got a few hours ago and now...the next text confirmed it to let him know that his baby doll alone out there. He need to move faster.

'She's leaving already.'

But, where she at now? Alone?

The documents stacking on his in-let tray is in volumes of the height. Too much to be reviewed. While on his table, lot of scattered documents waiting for his action either for KIV or being released.

He stopped doing whatever he did just now. The pictures shown enough as the evidence. She is indeed away...but to somewhere.

"I'll meet with you soon, baby doll..."

That was what he promised. The desire to finishing his business here no longer appeared but replaced by his thoughts about embracing his baby doll into his body again, instead.

He wanted to feel her body pressed on him again.

He wanted to caress her soft skin again.

He wanted to taste her again.

She's perfect in every way...

I will personally remove the bad thoughts from your mind, doll. Nothing you should be worried about after this. We will live happily just to ourselves with our babies...soon...

The thought come again... the day that her bleeding almost to her death.

He running his finger on to his lips. The sorrowful of his face mirrors back his previous action on her.

He did beaten her without mercy. Ruthless just by listened too much words coming from one of his wives. Without investigate it first, she's being tortured in order to lessoned her but he broke her down.

She pregnant for almost three months, that was he wondered why she was paled back then, always sick and didn't eat properly. Puked whatever she was having meat as the meal and what did he do?

Forcing the food down her throat. End up she's been beaten even more.

Then she screamed out of her voice before trembling mess and silent from any movement.

She's been abandoned alone in her own pool of blood. The next day, when he came to her...she almost died with the palest skin, darken lips and sunken eyes not to mentioned her darked swollen body everywhere.

She was wide awake but looks lifelessly. Only her chest doing up and down indicating she's still breathing.

"The baby didn't make it..."

After for so long explanation only the last sentence captured his heart.

His baby...

No longer exists...

He treated her back to be like the first time he saw her but nothing came out. She didn't care about the world at all.

Until one day, she's looked lively but upon seeing himself nearing her...she just standing there with blank eyesight on him.

"Who are you?"

The lady got her back and she disappeared.

Now, she's at her 30s but still looks like in her teenager side.

The flashbacks of her smiling faces rolling like a film non-stop from everytime he lend his sight on her. She never stingy to throw the smiles on him and all that changed because of him.

And now, he's got the chances to restore the smile on her face just fixing on him. Only to himself.

The thick folder that contains with her story and future life being held opened on the scattered document.

The boyish appearances of Didie really captured his heart. How cute she is... compliments with her tiny figures, soft skin and fair enough beauty. It's all releasing the aura of happiness.

Meanwhile, the shack be having the festivity together with amount of people gethering to devour the Danny's incredible cooking, there.

Laughter everywhere.

She's happy didn't care of what's gonna coming tomorrow or the next tomorrow or the other tomorrow...she just simply did enjoyed the moments with the people who she put the trust on them for today.

That's includes Talha and his families.

"I don't know what to say but...sad, just to know you will not be there like always. That was so sudden. I—I didn't get the memo correctly when they were told me about your moved out." Talha put quick glance on her face.

How cute herself wearing the ribbon headband on her short hair. She's even more looked younger than other neighbors there compared to the ages.

"Well, what can I say when some certain people don't want me to be there anymore." she replied the glanced with uncertainty in her eyes.

He doesn't know the true reasons behind it but perhaps let it stay like that. Not because she doesn't trusted enough of this guy but just enough let him know...he got plenty on his plate. She simply don't want to make Talha's life more complicated just to her mere excuse.

"Anyway...I'm glad to look at you happy and far away from those evil siblings...I just can't stand to watch how they treated you... like a maid." he voices out his thoughts.

"Yeah, that's truly awesome if they could handle their lives without me. I bet their mother would hire a maid but let's just see for how long the maid will stand and how many are they gonna works with their antics selves. Let's just see it..."

"I bet...the maid will quit the job immidiately soon after looking at the messy house. Or worse finding the condoms everywhere of the house."

He laughed at that and I joined him just to imagine the situation the maids would probably see soon enough.

"Hahaha...it must be hilarious to the core! And I hopefully enough to see they away from our lovely neighborhood. Let the stained go away by themselves..."

I continued to laugh at the thought in my mind that I had expressed out.

"I will personally and volunteering with others to put the pressure on them until they gave up to lives there any longer..."

He put so many promises just to let it happen in the future.

"Let's hope it will be true and of course I would like to help you guys. Oh...by the way...Danny did some wonderful job by putting on his babies just to watch them from afar. He puts his surveillance system to monitor them and I will send the recording to you for as the token to kick them out from there."

"Wonderful! Can wait to let them scattered running to their mother."

"What's so funny here?" Danny crashed on our conversation with his daze state.

"Nothing...we were talking about your babies at my old house." I said to him.

"What?" he squinting on his seat.

"Your cameras and recorders, stupid!" I smacked his head just to making him a bit sober.

"Oh...that? Yeah...so cool I can't wait what they will planning about soon..." he chuckled stupidly and trying to kiss me. End up I pushed his puckered face away from me and he laughed crazily like a perverted man.

I shook my head didn't know what to do with this guy. He's brilliants but stupid to the core when he's not sober...too much drunk!

"Well, it's getting late and I bet you already tired. The kids already making your house like theirs now..."

My gaze fall upon the piles body of Talha's kids on the comfy floor with fluffy rug. How peaceful they sleep there.

"Just sleep here. I've got plenty of room for enough everyone's here. Lets put them on the bed..." she gestured him and slowly standing fix on her very first knee length dress.

Sofea keep on pushing her to wear it and there was her standing like a doll in her white gold short sleeve dress.

Soon enough, they slowly retreat to their respective room leaving her behind at the kitchen aisle.

The rooms mess everywhere. With the kids playing around and the waste state parents...it will took a longer to clean them up.

She's not in a mood to do that tonight just to enjoy the scenery. Putting some thick blanket on to her shoulder, she walked to the pool. The ocean keep on slapping the glass and anything on it's way then crashing those that couldn't stand the slapping.

The cold breeze making her yawning, slowly the sleep creeps her to letting her body relax to sleep.

What a beautiful tragic day.

What a day, huh?