_Such a gentlemen...?

Now...he's here at their neighborhood...


Is this some kind of a miracle after that wrench out from here?

What a beautiful coincidence, right?

She still can't believe it. That was the same guy she saw at the hospital. Now...he's here!!

Without waiting any moment, she fled from there leaving behind her other sisters to where? Of course to that guy.

She can't wait to know about him. She wants to know everything about him.

Don't know how much energy she shed just to be at the same level as that man, didn't realised about the dress she wore on the body.

Just that, she's at the last steps downstairs but she heard the high heels clacking rushing down at the speed of light, clearly!

That guy standing while holding his phone and looking down to it, staring into the phone like he could see underneath the covers, thoroughly!

Slowly he retreat to his driver's door. She suddenly rush towards the car and stopped the door from closing with her uneven breathe.

"Wait!— wait...mister..." she held up her other hand while the other one held the door tightly.

Daniel looked at the woman shocked of the sudden action given where-the-heck-did-you-coming-from look.

He look furious because that woman clenching to his door even he tried to let she off from that. He keep on pull and push the door to loosen her hand but... she's so much stubborn and that's makes him unhappy and double gloomy from his previous state.

What does she wants from him?

Wait...I think I knew this woman from somewhere...

That woman keep on to her action and soon after her other siblings came to the actions.

What the hell?

"What do you want?" he oppressed his tone to show how annoying he is right now.

The three looks like someone being struck straight into their heart after hearing his voices. So alluringly...

Lily, the youngest trying harder not to slumped to the floor due to the trembling knees. Gosh... She leaned more to the door looking lovingly to the man.

She knew how uncomfortable his faces now but she pretending didn't know about it.

The fuming coming from that guy didn't wavered the three. They saw how red the guy faces just now, slowly crept from his neck to his face and his tip of his ears looks so red.They didn't care at all.

"Will you let go of the door, lady?" he emphasized the word lady not to show how disrespect himself to them now.

"We will but please let us ask a few questions to you..." Lily smiled so brightly.

Trying hard to surpress his anger, he ground his teeth until it becomes visible. They could saw how his jaw clenching and his knuckle turned to white due to their sudden action.

He didn't say any words and turn on the ignition but then, the keys being taken away from him.

That's he is so very fuming and he got out from the car standing straight on his glory self with both of his hand on each side, clenching tightly.

He's beyond fuming but the three saw it as the most beautiful angry face of such a handsomeness, admire-ly.

"Give back those keys!" once again he said it with a restrained tone.

Orchid simply sway the keys side to side while she holding it with her thumb and pointy fingers, taunting the guy to not leaving there so soon.

She smile evilly. Little did she know that this guy really is a very dangerous person. Don't play taunting with him...

While she thought she's did a victory smile, Daniel snapped the keys easily with swiftly motion leaving the three shocked and took a step back.

This is the first accounted experiences of them when a guy ignoring them. Usually, any guy that they approached will respond with similar manners as theirs but this one of the kind man, just don't look them like they looked at him with full of anticipations.

He saw them like an enemy but they saw him like a God full of everything.

Poppy still to the ground without move an inch. Her eyes totally glued on his chest that being exposed. The two button of his dress shirt did revealed his broad chest, heavely up and down when he breathe.

"We're sorry...mister... I didn't..."

He pays so much attention on Orchid. How dare she did that! Who do you think you are, woman?!

Orchid did flinched when her eyes explored deep into that brown eyes guy's. There was not single emotion she could detect from it but looking from his physical condition, he looked bad a** and ready to kill.

But...she just saw that lifeless gaze clearly under her desire one. So dangerous yet much tempting to be devoured. She gulping down her saliva blinking away from him.

The blushed crept on to her cheeks, looks like she shy away from this very attractive creature.

Lily turned silent but her eyes wondered up and down before settled on his south region while that guy pay so much attention to her Orchid.

Oh my...

Daniel knew from his corner gaze that the first woman looking down at his precious manhood hidden under his dress pants, with beady eyes.

What a pervert lady, we've got here.

Meanwhile, on the road...Didie slapped her forehead a few times forgot to mention about her whereabouts.

"Haiya! Forget to tell him I'm out of that neighborhood..."

She sighing driving as fast as she could manage without being caught from any traffic errors again like speed limits. A lot of her cash would be flying out from her purse into the un-supposedly people.


"It's okay...I can inform him after this!"

She's driving didn't know what is going on with her Mr. Z, there.

At the parking lots,

"My eyes is over here lady! Not down there..." he speak slowly putting his gaze on to the first one face. Totally dissatisfied on this matter.

Crazy chick? No, more like a b***h!

Wait a minute...they were look alike. He examined three of them.

Oh...the triplets...

The person who ruining with my precious baby girl's life!

What a wonderful...meet up with them...

"Sorry...I'm Lily..." said the perverted one held out her hand.

He didn't wavered but sling his hand to the back looking down at her.

Quite tall if compared to his girl. Their body also nicely shaped on the certain part.

Don't have to mentioned it because too much exposed compared to the covered one. So just say that, they just wanted everyone pay so much attention at their exposed body part, graciously.

"Ermmm...I'm the youngest. She's Poppy the second and the other one is Orchid..." she retreated her empty hand back to her side gestured her siblings while cover up the embarrassment.

If this guy just like the others, they wouldn't mind to shake their hand but groping their body instantly.

He is so much different but very good differences. Such a gentlemen...

"Do I look like I care about it?"

The triplets: "..."

Stunned to the ground.

Without waiting for another reaction, he swiftly entered the car, closed and locked it before turning the ignition.

He revved for awhile pushing the accelerator and then sped off leaving them coughing the smoked he leaves behind.

Served you right!