
She had to cover her big yawn while waiting for the inspection take place in the work station. She just standing there didn't bother to join the rest of them. So...just be the lazy one and of course be the sleepy one also.

The second yawning giving her the loud 'aahh'. Damn tired!

It took her some adjustment to get used to her old job, THE driver not the sleeper one!

She keep on glancing at the giant wall clock at the work station. Got another 16 minutes to the couple of hours that being promised by Z to call her back.

The more she stared at the wall clock the more her eyes playing a trick to her mind. Can't do...sit down first!

Ah...the couch! What a beauty side of comfy a piece of furniture.

The only one clock becoming multiple in numbered. Everything goes blurred and her eyes started to watered. She adjusting her sit while blinking her eyelids like crazy. Oh my...

Without her realised, she finally fall a sleep while waiting for both the inspection and the call. Slowly she getting lay on the couch for her own comfort even she's already fallen to the deep abyss...


Daniel banging the steering wheel with his tight fist. How he felt so resentful so much towards the triplets, like his girl always called them.

The more he thinking about them, the more his blood boiling, thirsty to explode to them. He couldn't contained his anger anymore and needed to do something about it before he meet up with his girl like promised.

Step on the accelerator to the speed of light, he pushed the car to the limit until he abruptly stopped at his favourite building, the boxing arena personally.

You might think he's gonna have something related to the boxing right? But think again...he's not!

The owner of this place were in such a long overdue debt with him. His second destroyer named, Sara, the only one bulky female to be the best combat fighter told him that the owner keep on playing push and pull to pay the debts.

Promised to pay it back at the end of the month then disappeared on the promised date, then get back to have some more and now the debts already almost quarter of millions.

He didn't mind to let people lending some money from him but once you can't pay it, anything that related to you will be his including the family members.

No... he will get back his money through them...

He was the biggest scoundrel but no one knows exactly what his real jobs.

You name it...anything...no one knows.

He was the first at his current state. And now, he was trying to establish here not to concur this side of this state but to join hand in hand and established what he was holding from the beginning of himself, the beliefs, here! The Slumped Section D.

Even, The World started accepting him because he got his powers among the various authority but in this state...the one that he wants, contain so much layered that needed to be penetrates first just to know their base until he got his chances to 'clean' the polluted air here.

He started his temporary living here just about a year ago after he decided to approach his baby girl, the one that he claimed as his: Didie Aulia Dean Mason.

After stopping his car, he out hurriedly and barged in into the room where, the owner having his private 'job' by playing the lucky draw machine rather than paying his debts as promised.

So much money he was spending just to get the jackpot money, the most ultimate one but until today he never got his chances and wasted the money he borrowed and the profits he had gained from his almost dying boxing studio, happily spending on that machine.

Daniel wondered why the owner became so much obsessed about that machine. Is it he wasn't lucky enough to get the lucky draw? Or...he doesn't want to loose his bet after all this years of his attempts? Or...the money making him blind to decide the right choices of life about the borrowed or the spending one?

Daniel wondered and today he can't wait to know the truth and might end up the both of that guy life and his lucky machine together!

"Well, spending a lot of money,eh...Big Hands?"

He smirked standing by slanting, leaned his upper body to the opened door and crossing his leg in strong posture.His left hand in the pocket shaking from anger and the other hand? He just checking the nails...still in similar manners like the rest of his shaking body.

Glancing his eyes up watching the paused plenty of guys in the room, he smirk turned to be an evil smile still standing there observed the surrounding carefully.

The paused guys just blinking with cigarettes on each lips. There was ashtrays full of cigarette butts in the middle of the table. Some of them playing the cards, hang around at the pool table accompanied by sexy b*****s, scattered around the oval mini bar in the middle of the room while the bartenders in his glory drink servers didn't care about the surrounding.

The most important thing is that, the owner called Big Hands, glued on his lucky machine push the handle and the screen displayed his lucky spinning. He was whining while Daniel's came to show his real face, frustrated with the results.

The Big Hands didn't know who was the guy is because his previous transaction were being held by Sara, that he assumed as the secretary with bulky physical yet so attractive and seductive.

He's got his eyes on Sara and try to flirt with her and she just trying to be nice as being instructed by the boss not she likes the debtor himself but more to like to brake every bones his have including that bone if she got the chances to do it.

"Who are you?" says one of the standing guy. Looks like he was on his duty but much to have his own time with his b***h rather than focus on his job, guard the entrance.

Daniel just smiled and walking himself in to let being the center of the attention as for the ogling eyes on him.

In every steps he placed on the floor sending the echoes sound through the air like the sound of water dropping to the naked floor in slow motion action.

The ogling and staring eyes slowly scurried away to the walls leaving behind the guys implanted either their standing or sitting to the places in the room.

The temperature is still in the same like before but getting uneven either hot or cold of the waves. The temperature readings might be broken due to the pressure coming from Daniel's body.

He walked ignoring them just to be with the Big Hands. Got some business to do with him.

"Any lucky today?" he asked the simple question.

"No, man...I missed it..."

Big Hands slumped the shoulder defeated for his lost counter of trials.

"You're new here, man?" he walked nearing his chair at the cards table.

"Yeah..." Daniel replied controlling his body movements. He need to be careful enough just to settle his main priority: releasing the steam, following with more actions after that.

"I've never seen you before...where you from?" he let his eyes wandering up and down, examined Daniel's body with indifference clearly on his face.

"The World Section A..."

Daniel just told Big Hands the truth without hiding his whereabouts...

Big Hands paused his action pulled out the cigar from the steel box. After a moment he cluttered the cigar by left hand slowly placed on his lips. Composing himself, he lit the cigar by matches- believed to be the matches would give the sweet flavour to the cigar compared by using the lighter...

The smoke released to the air in thick cloudy with arrogant manners, to show off himself to Daniel.

"The name...Big Hands and you?"


The look that Daniel gave to him was totally unreadable. The brown eyes didn't gave so much life in it. To be seen in special eyes, he resembling the 'calm' demon with wild tail pointy to the air manners. The dangerous lie within the calm soon, you feel how was being treated by the calm!

Daniel greeted the holding hand casually. Big Hands tighten his fist by pressing the pressure on Daniel's.

But, Daniel pressed his thumb on to the soft spot between Big Hands thumb and pointy fingers until suddenly, Big Hands snickered trying releasing his hand free from the deadly pressure.

The pulses he received did leaving his certain body part aching and numb before Daniel's allowing it.

What kind of this person is?

He bite the dead cigar in between his lips, tightly until it's became flat due to his bite marks. Once again he lit the cigar back and the rest of them saw how shaking Big Hands holding the lit matches to the cigar trying to cover up but...exposed!

"So...The World Section A...I heard there was someone called The Scoundrel. Did you know him?"

A few of them gasping the air once The Scoundrel named being called leisurely by Big Hands.

Not everyone can let out the slightest gossip about the biggest name into the air just like that because they don't know what happened to that person after that.

Just some rumors said that person just leave behind with only bloody eye ball and a hand hanging exactly at his very spot...

Not sure if the remaining was came from that guy or not but it did leave as a reminder to others to be more cautious and not to spread the gossip easily.

"Do you?" Daniel replied with the same question just to see how was his response.

"Of course...he was my best buddy..."

Big Hands tapping the cigar on to the ashtray, leaned more on to his comfy chair, sling his leg and showing of how arrogance he was now.

Yeah...he was the boss here...

The b*****s one by one leaving the room trying to drag their buddies away with them but only a few did followed them leaving most the guys behind.

The entrance guards approached the table slowly putting himself in ready to action manners. Daniel could see the movement in the room by corner of his eyes clearly.

The pool table guys, put down the sticks and walked to the boss. The cards being abandoned and some of them pretending to place the hand under the table to grab the guns.

"Oh...really? Have you met him personally because what I've heard he was quite conservative person back there..."

"Not really...I had talked to him through the phone and did pointed our meeting but he couldn't make it so...just like that..." Big Hands shrugged nonchalantly.


Daniel said it with unbelievable read on his face while inserts his right hand into his inner left jacket's pocket, suddenly.

His action causing the entire human being let out their weapons to the air pointing directly towards his direction.

"Woah! I just grab my smoke, guys..." he raised the eyebrows 'shocked' towards the welcoming gesture he received from them.

Then, the box of cigarette was on his held. He playing nicely just to observe them and really ready for some bloody action...

"Relax guys!" Big Hands exclaimed and gestured his hands towards the others.

They simply obeyed him without paying more attention to Daniel.

"Cigar is much better, man..."

"Oh...I don't do cigar..."

He still standing let out the white cigarette and clamped it on his lips then searching out for the lighter.

Playing the games successfully, he patted every pockets on his body but stopped when Big Hands shoved the lit matches to his unlit cigarette.

He savour the flavour for a moment and let out the smoke heavenly. Not happy at all, this kind of taste didn't least his state...not even close!

Inside...his demon clawing to be released. He was beyond crazy...too fuming with everyone here. Can't wait to finish them off entirely. He keep on trashing around, shouting to let the real Daniel knows how he can't resist the blood stained on this very floor.

"Why are you here, Daniel?"

The waiting question finally be questioned out. This was the queue!
