_The stupid Big Hands.

Was he stupid?

I just mentioned his name and he didn't even realised it?

No wonder Sara would really wanted to finish him off after trying to do the dirty deeds on her!

Brave enough for him just by arrogantly claimed he was buddy to the Mr. Z..


He totally looks so stupid and of course fooling himself around with his borrowed money.


That's what he do internally. The Daniel monologuing to himself that he personally frustrated with himself because took long enough just to spill the blood off from the body.

He hunger to the blood and he need it badly.


That guy gave the question that triggered his life counted to the end. The fingers keep twitching, itching to grab the new weapons and let out some hot bullets to the air or perhaps flying freely for the blood.


"I just heard from others about your obsessions towards that machine. Is that the same machine you used to the jackpot?"

The demon: "Let me out!"

Me: "Chill dude!" (calmly)

The demon: "You b***h!! Let me out of here!" (pacing back and forth, pull the hairs frustratedly).

Me: Soon...

The demon: "Aahhhh" (screamed like a crazy dude, kicking away while grumbling, swearing to himself loudly).

He just rolling his eyes didn't care about the demon because he know too much about the demon aka his inner-self supposedly.

"Nah...I lost counts cause every machines that previously I used getting its share...I destroyed them..."

Big Hands gestured towards the corner of the room. Daniel stared away watching the broken, dusted machines from afar.

"I just had to do it, you know?"

No I don't!!

The demon gave Big Hands a nasty look to let that stupid guy knows that how much he annoyed about that brat's attitude. TRYING, okay...

Big Hands trying to be the smartest but in the end you show off your most stupid self to everyone and be the laughing stock to others and happily the other mocking behind your back!

"I just don't want to loose the bet. We keep on trying and until today not once from our betting members managed to pull out the jackpot brilliantly. That was why I need to borrow some money cause the incomes I gained was not enough for me and also for the business as well."

Really? Do I care??

The demon standing there mimicking Gru's manners whenever he feel annoyed by everyone. But of course The demon is very much in the hair...

He let out his middle finger, f*****g insanely cursing Big Hands happily. So hard to understand how was The demon reaction sometimes it's hard to predict. Usually...still smile beautifully with annoying looks. That's sound and looks creepy...🤨🤨

Once so stupid you will always be the stupidest even you did try to cover it. Just admit it, stupido!

That's the only reason that he can come out after all this spending his expenses? Betting? Really?

"How much you need to pay if you loose the bet?"

Daniel flickered the cigarette while eyeing Big Hands to understand this guy's real intention.

"Well...we didn't pay it by money but we gonna pay by cutting off a piece of our meat as the prove of how unfortunate yourself towards the lucky ones. Then, should I let it happen?"

Just a piece of their human meat?

Sounds interesting...

"How big the size of the meat exchanged, Big Hands?" the tone slowly making the others getting to understand where it will go...but not to the Big Hands.

Stupid Big Hands!

One of the guy sitting on the chair keep on playing a trick to the Big Hands but...nothing, that guy already clouded with his own possible imaginary things if he was going to die today.

The rest also trying to send some faces 'conversation' to each others to let Big Hands understood the meaning behind all this but...to no avail.

"Well, just a size of a coin..." Big Hands gulping down his half empty beer before smiling towards Daniel.

He seems interested about the bet. But sorry...next time...

Lol! That's what you thought but the truth is...your clock is ticking faster approaching to the end.

"Then...what did you do about it? Frame it? Preserve it? Or what?" Daniel releasing the smoke to the open air freely leaned on to the lucky machine comfortably.

"Well...some would love to frame it...others wanted to preserve it and make a talisman and the winner voted to let the losses to eat them back their own piece..."

I'm might be the cruel person but...never in my life would eat piece of human meat... especially when your own cutting meat. Never...

That's totally disgusting...

The thought really leaving Daniel a bit displeased feeling about that almost cannibal way just to prove how lucky you are.

"That's wicked...but I have a better plan..." Daniel paused his sentences looking away throw the cigarette butt then stomp it off flat to the floor.

"What?" Big Hands pay attention to Daniel's continued with the better plan as presumed.

"An eye and a hand..."

Big Hands: "..." paused and blinked repeatedly.

The rest : gawking and fidgeting to their spot.

"...as the exchanged..." Daniel finishing off his final words.

All daze...

What the hack?

"How-how...what do-do you mean by that?" Big Hands anxiously finding comfortable on his chair upon listening to Daniel's most excellent idea, swallowed hard the saliva.

An eye and a hand— that was the Mr. Z signature!

The eerie laughing echoes to the silence room. Didn't know what to say, Daniel finding it out that their reactions quite funny came from all of them.

Where was the arrogant b*****d? Where was the over confidence self of the Big Hands? The owner of Big Snooker here...

Big enough? Big as a talking not through the action!

Everything turning to loud thudding of the fallen bodies leaving only Big Hands with his cigar between his fingers dead silently. The gasping sound of the fallen bodies sending a nervous attacks to Big Hands.

"Do you know how much I wanted for your eye and a hand as the token, Big Hands?"

What a very calming posture. No reaction at all. Daniel standing with his spinning stars in between his fingers.

Big Hands sit shocking to the core...the half way cigar fell off from his hold. His eyes bulged open due to the guy standing about ten feets away from him.

"You can finally meet me Big Hands, your best buddy..."

Daniel's walked step by step approaching the sitting shocking guy until leaves only a step away from him.

"Cat got your tounge, buddy?"

"I'm-Imma..." Big Hands stammered leaving the shaking mess knees to the floor begging but couldn't say a proper words to Daniel.

"Now, do you realised who I am? I bet you don't have any money to pay back what you have as mine, correct? Buddy?"

The venomous volume of Daniel's voice did sending the waves making each hair of Big Hands standing up straight. Daniel propped down to the same level as that guy tilted his head to a side.

He was looking down at the bowed head, smiling sweetly. Thus...the demon revealing himself happily.

"Look at me buddy..." how sweet his uttered out every single words slowly didn't strayed away his gaze from that brat.

Obeyed. Big Hands looked up and the surprises expression he gave once his eyes dart to Daniel did gave him trembling even more...

"Say something..." Daniel keeps on taunting this guy until he satisfied crazily.

The eyes?

When did this happened?

All his minions were dead, dispersed away...

"I wondered why you've been called Big Hands? I preferred more to Big Mouth because your mouth came first than your brain and I bet your brain did released stupid thoughts also..."

Daniel piercing his eyes straight into soul of Big Hands, penetrating each layer of his skin, meat, bone until the soul of the brat!

"Please...sir...spare my life..."

Big Hands begging holding Daniel's legs. Now he realised what Sara said whenever she gave another chance to him to pay the debts on time as she was said it through the phone.

"I don't mind you didn't pay as your promised but...I, myself promised this as it is might be someone higher or worse... the boss will hunt you down for the money. He will gave you lot of chances to delaying it but...you know when the times coming..."

Her sweet voice keeps repeating itself, over and over closed to his ears.

Now...he knows! The boss himself is here and ready to collect the money and also his life...

God! The time is coming...

Trembling mess, Big Hands hold tightly on to Daniel's legs. He regrets for not having the second thought about his life about to be in the brink of death.

"I've already spare your life previously so why am I should holding it any longer? Precisely...you have the special connection with the old boss, right?"

"Why don't you get the money from him? Why me? Did he let you to be around me, Big Hands?"

"No! No!...he didn't know...because-because I left the group..." Big Hands looked up giving his trustworthy eyes on Daniel.

"Ah-ha! That's what you say but not what I know..."

"It's true, sir. I didn't lie..."

"Ohh...really? For how long? A year? Six months?"

Daniel spins the shiny star blades between his thumb and middle fingers in front of wide opened Big Hands's eyes.

"Just recently, sir..."

"It's too late for that because just so you know...the old boss already messed up his life just to get me out from here. And I knew...you were the one that involves with the bloody attacked recently. He paid you with hefty amount and why don't you used the money to pay your debt, Big Hands? I could spend your life straight ahead. But now... I don't think so..."

He continued again, "You borrowed my money and at the same time you killed my families!!"

He kicked off the body from his legs and distance himself away from that brat. He feel so disgusted, too much angry because how dare...how dare this puny human bold enough by messing up with his life!

"Please, sir...I don't know anything. I-just...I just do the job!" Big Hands begging crying to let spare his life. That's only his life. He still needs that to stay alive.

"Huh! Then let my babies do the job properly!" said Daniel facing his back from that puny human.

"I don't think so..." the scared tone changed drastically to the mocking one.

Daniel turned his back without a smile tracing his face. Deliberately, he was smirking, lifting up his corner lips sharping his eyes fixing on to the gun.