
Dawn comes by. The sun rises at the east making the world full of sunshine. The bird was chirping annoyingly and Frost just took his nap about 30 minutes ago. Velna and Mia entered the room. "Frost, wake up. Wake up" Mia grabbed his hair. He murmured angrily as he didn't wants to wake up. Mia looked at Velna. "Did you understand what he said?" Velna shrugged. Velna approached Angeline and took Angeline's memory about the thing that happened to her. A yellowish-orange orb came to Velna's palm and she closed it. "Your memory safe with me"

"Why did you do that?" Mia asked as she poked Frost continuously. "Nothing... just I don't want her to be hurt by the evil. That's all" she sighed. "This brat is pissing me off" Mia kicked him and he falls from the chair. "I just want to sleep" he yelled as he couldn't hold his temper. He stands up but Mia pushed him to the portal and send him to bed. A bluish orb came to her. "Want to sleep huh? And there you go... sleep" Mia put her hand on her hips.

Frost was like a little bro to her. So she never hesitates to do something to him. Besides, her personalities were opposite of Velna. If Velna was poised then Mia will be rough but never judge their personalities by their face cause' someone like Velna can make the world upside down. "Why did you that?" Velna's tone increase. "I can't let this boy bring back her to our world right? BTW I know how crazy he can be. Once he obsessed on something believes me he will get it by hook or by crook." she walked out through the portal. "Whatever" Velna rolled her eyes. "Goodbye, Angeline" she kissed her forehead. But before she leave she gave her some useful pills and a note about each of it. She smiled at her and she walked out.