
Year 867 October 16

On the planet Elysium in the country of Namor. It was a dark and quiet night in the year of 867 the middle of fall. the city of Lycan was a decent size town with an population of roughly 30,000. In the center if the city stood a mansion with a massive garden surrounding the house. A few guards could be seen patrolling the area around the walls and the streets outside the house.

Meanwhile inside the house was a sickly looking but still very beautiful woman. Who has just finished giving birth. With her child in her arms she looks down and says to the baby with a smile on her face " With a mother's love I name you Lucas Alexander White " The father enters the room with a worried look on his face. He's a stocky looking man a little over 6 foot with a dark tan he's neither handsome or ugly but bags are visible under his green eyes from late nights of work. He looks at her and says " I got here as fast as I could did everything go ok". The mother smiles and holds the baby up to show him while saying "Lucas Alexander White meet your father Alexander Traymore White". Joy instantly appeared on his face and he's says "A boy!!"

The mother tired hands the baby to him and nods her head says "I'm gonna rest now my love" He nods his head and chuckles then says " Have you told our boy your name yet? " Surprised from the question she smiles and looks at Lucas saying " My dear Lucas my name is Luna Ray White and I am your mother. " as if to respond to this Lucas then opens his eyes for his first time which were a light grayish blue color like no other. The mother smiles and closes her hazel eyes. The mother had blonde hair with tan skin not as dark as her husbands but even after childbirth she was the most beautiful woman Alexander has ever seen. Alexander says to Lucas " You are a tenth generation werewolf. Our ancestors were one if the first wolfs to walk this land you will have all that is mine someday." Lucas then starts to cry a maid then steps forward from the corner of the room as if to take the baby and says "lord do you wish to go back to your battle plans and other paper work. I can take him if you want sir". Alexander smiles and shakes his head no and then says " No Matilda I have some time for my family for now the plans and other work will still be their tomorrow. At least I hope or i will have some explaining to do" he said then chuckles lightly . Matilda was fair skinned and and older than Alexander by about 10 years she had brown hair and brown eyes their was nothing special about besides the fact the lord Alexander freed her from a slave merchant and began following him because she felt indebted to him. Although he told her numerous times that she was free to do as she pleases. He eventually just agreed to hire her on as a maid.

Within a month Lucas mother would die from an illness. Werewolves are immune to most diseases but it's still possible for them to fall ill under certain circumstances. Such as being weak from childbirth . His father would busy himself with work barely eating or sleeping only stopping to see his son. His son was the only reason he made it after his wife fell ill. After the death of his wife he shut himself off from everyone but his only son. He would go and see her grave everyday for a year and would talk to her about their child after a year he started visiting the grave less and less

During this the town fell under a gloomy atmosphere for the next couple years until Alexander started becoming more like his old self. this was in fact due to his son. though the city lord was stocky he was a very kind hearted and a caring lord. if you didn't know of him you would be scared and feel intense pressure when close to this man he carried an aura of authority. His people all respected him and his loyal soldiers all tried to please him to help ease his burden through this time.

The servants and soldiers at the house enjoyed watching the young master grow up over the next 8 years. He was a happy child and was eager to learn swordsman ship. ( not at all because he saw his father practicing everyday) Lucas was also very eager to hear stories from the different guards and servants about his father fighting in different battles. ( much to his fathers dismay). Lucas would continue this habit for years to come.

Their are 10 major cities not counting the capital in the country of Namor. Lycan is one of them. Their are 15 noble houses in the country of Namor. The only way to become a noble unless born into, or married into, is to achieve great accomplishments and heroic acts in times of war or if you help your country in an outstanding way. Namor is located towards the south end if the continent its weather is hot in the summer and warm in the spring and fall it rarely snows but when it does it chills you to the bone due to the humidity. Namor is located on fertile farm land so most nobles own several farming establishments to bring in income. Others are merchants who run trade caravans to other countries. Those closer to the capital city of Knight deal with more shop related income.