The Aurora Festival

February 14, 875

Lucas Alexander White

Lucas was a little tall for being eight years old and had an average build otherwise. The mist noticeable thing about Lucas were his eyes which since birth his eyes turned into a silver color. He was a handsome kid overall.

MATTY!!" Lucas called loudly as he walked in the entrance of the mansion. Matilda walked in from the hall before saying "yes Lucas how can I help you today." Lucas continued with his question " have you seen my father today he promised to bring me into town for the festival today?"

" Now Lucas you know you're father is a busy man on days like these especially. he's in charge of taking care of all these people as their lord you know. As well as making a speech to his people. On top of having the neighboring lord from Ropus here."

On hearing this Lucas eyes widened and asked "Did lord Amoux happen to bring his daughter by chance? " On hearing this Matty couldn't help but chuckle at the young lord before saying " I believe so but you shouldn't bother them till they get settled from their journey."

Upon hearing this Lucas drifted off in thought

"I wonder if she's matured any last time I saw her she was kind of childish still." He then shook his head smiling "I somehow keep forgetting I'm still a child too" he waves bye to Matty before heading to see the chef to ask for a favor.

Before Lucas got to the kitchen he could smell the food but then again being a werewolf he had been able to smell it since he walked inside but by the door the of the kitchen the smell was mouthwatering. He couldn't resist his hunger anymore as the smell of BACON hit him hard. He decided it best to wipe the drool from his mouth before entering the kitchen.

Once in the kitchen he looked around for the head chef Earnest. Once he found him he hurried up to him smiling before saying " Good morning Mr. Earnest ." Upon hearing this Earnest frowned before replying " Master Lucas it's not proper for you to refer to me in such a way you're a noble after all. " Hearing this Lucas frowned then said " So were both people just because I'm a noble doesn't make you any less of a person ." Earnest just sighed before saying . " Whatever you say master Lucas well anyways how can I help you this morning."

Lucas thought for a moment before saying " Is it possible for you to make some cookies for me it's gonna be a gift for lady Amoux? " Earnest smiled before saying " are you sure you wish to give it to her on the day of the aurora festival you know what that symbolizes right young master?" Lucas looked at him blankly before saying " why would it mean anything else but as a gift for her visiting . Besides I didn't know Aurora Day had a special meaning." Earnest decided not to tell him as it wasn't his place he instead walked into the pantry pulling out ingredients

for the cookies then asked Lucas "

Do you have a basket or anything for me to put them in once I finish they'll be ready in about an hour and here take this. " he handed Lucas something wrapped in rags Lucas opened it and couldn't help but drool at what lay inside. Lucas smiled big before wolfing down the bacon in big bites. Earnest frowned but before he had a chance to scold him Matty walked in and saw this and began to scold Lucas on manners and how he's better than that .

To most outsiders they would look at it as wrong for the servants to scold a noble but in fact the Lord of the city encouraged the servants to do so simply saying " if he's not scolded when he does wrong then he's likely to grow up to be an entitled brat and since I can't watch him 24/7 i would like for your help in this endeavor."

Lucas quickly slipped out of the kitchen to try to put some distance between himself and Matty he then thought about going to see Gregor to practice his sword skills for an hour to waste time. Gregor was a retired captain of the guards he was hired on as an extra protection and to teach Lucas the ways of the sword but the only problem was Lucas was always antagonizing the old man to the point where it became more if a workout than swordplay session due to Lucas tendency to make fun of Gregory's height. Lucas walked into the guard tower outside of the mansion and the called out " HEY SHORTY IM HERE FOR MY LESSONS!!"

Gregor gritted his teeth before telling him to go practice 200 slices on the training dummy. This was a bit extreme to most kids his age but because of his tendency to make Gregor angry the number just kept increasing every time Lucas would call him a name.

After he finished the slices Gregor dismissed him and he went to go bathe. He tended to draw the water himself since he turned 8 mainly because he felt embarrassed when the servants would fill the tub and come ask him if he needed anything while bathing so he decided he would do it all himself to the point that he stopped bathing for 2 weeks until finally his father stepped in. Lucas smiled to himself at the thought of his father and decided he would go see him after his bath but then decided he would see him after his speech as not to interrupt anything important.

After the Bath he headed to his room to get dressed once dressed he grabbed his coin purse then proceeded downstairs where Matilda or as he calls her Matty was waiting with a basket filled with cookies . She smiled before saying " You look dashing Lucas who are you trying to impress perhaps lady Amoux?"

Lucas then blushed and tripped down the last step quickly catching him self and straightening his jacket before saying

" Actually this is just something I found in my closet I picked at random." Which was a lie because he had stressed over it tremendously. Matty of course knew this but decided to just nod her head and Hugged him before saying " You would make your mother proud ." Once he Heard this he just smiled sadly and thought to himself how he wished he had gotten the chance to know her.

Lucas continued out the towards the gate waving to everyone on his way out before heading to the Water Lily Inn where Lady Amoux was staying.

By now afternoon was approaching and people were walking towards the center of town where a white statue of a wolf stood howling. Upon seeing the statue Lucas smiled because he always liked the statue but then frowned remembering that his father still hasn't told him the story behind it. Even after years of him pestering him to do so.

Once he got to the Inn he asked the receptionist if she would let Lady Amoux know he was here since he felt knocking on the door would be too improper.

Shortly afterwards a very pretty girl came down the steps accompanied by her guard upon seeing the guard he gulped her guards name was Thomas he was very menacing and had a scar on his left cheek.

Lucas decided to ignore him and proceeded to grab the lady's hand to help her down the steps. But the guard quickly stepped in front of him and helped her before he got the chance. Lucas glared at the Guard before quickly correcting himself. Lucas proceeded with talking Lady Amoux. "Lady Amoux I'm glad to see you . " she in return frowned and said "Lucas why do you insist on calling me a lady Amoux when you know I'd like for you to call me Liz!" He replied by saying "yes Lady Elizabeth." To which she glared at him until she noticed him hiding something behind his back then asked " what's behind your back Lucas?" Lucas blushed before handing her the basket then sayin " it's for you Liz I knew you liked sweets so I had my good friend Earnest make you these." She smiled widely and said thanks before handing the basket to her guard then asked him to bring it to her room.

Once the guard left Liz grabbed Lucas hand and drug him out the in to which he said in a panicked voice " Liz what are you doing you're gonna get me killed!!" She smiled then said " I was gonna get rid of him later anyways but you just gave me a reason to do so sooner.

After running from the guard and finally loosing him they found themselves on the balcony of the stadium where Alexander would give his speech.