The Speech of the Aurora Festival

February 14 875

Lucas Alexander White

From the outside, the Colosseum looked majestic but inside, it looked like a military barracks most of the time. After all, it's an arena were duels are held or where different packs would settle scores or bet on their fighters in order to get things from each other's treasuries. But for the speech, it was decorated to and resembled more of a theater. Thousands of people were gathering towards the stadium. The balconies inside the stadium were reserved for nobles and high end merchants who paid for their balconies in advance. Lucas and Liz were on one of the balconies closest to the podium.

Lucas looked around worriedly before realizing Liz was talking to him. " I'm sure we lost them Lucas do you know how much longer before you're father gives his speech? Lucas are you listening to me!" After a couple seconds Lucas responds " I sure hope we lost them, Thomas scares me. Well anyways the speech is gonna start with one of the new graduates from Lycan University. Normally it's either a valedictorian or a winner from last years tournament of Packs." After looking at Liz and seeing her confused look he decided to elaborate " The tournament of Packs is a competition of all Upper classmen and some talented lower classmen. It brings students in from all over the country to compete. Its a pretty big event I'm surpised you haven't heard your father talk about it" She in turn just shrugged her shoulders but before she got the chance to say anything my father Lord Alexander walked on stage followed by Lord Amoux and Lycans General Lee. Both men were big in their own right but, next to my father they looked like shadows who could easily be forgotten.

My father began his speech by telling the same story that has been told every year on the day of the festival. The story of Aurora. " In the beginning Elysium and the Moon were a together. Any time they touched a life form would be created. Sometimes they would be small things Such as Lightbugs or Raccoons. Other Times it would be Big like Werewolfs or Vampires. But as time went on this started to anger the Old Gods. Until Eventually the Old Gods had enough and began to plot against the two. So the Old Gods in their anger casted an irreversible spell which would bind the moon to the stars keeping the two from touching again. The Moon in her fury casted a spell weakening the Gods making them fall from their former glory to pitiful state when compared to their former selves. The Moon after doing this was weak from her spell began to drift away to be lost to the stars. Elysium upon seeing this cast his own binding spell using his own life force that would recast every year on this day the spell being called The Aurora and when cast it would fill the night sky full of color indescribable by mere words. Some believe is connected to time itself as the way it seems to flow through the sky much like the flow of time, never ending. Others believe it to be a band that surrounds the entire planet signifying their promise to never leave each other while keeping them connected." After telling the story Alexander gave out some rewards to a few soldiers. Afterwards a young woman probably her late teens walked up in a Mages gown which caught Lucas by surpise

Lucas caught off guard couldn't help but say out loud " A wizard those are rare around here most mana gifted people travel to the country of Magus as soon as they discover any talent especially since they take in and house anyone who is able to control or in some cases just see the mana." The lady introduced herself as Shelby and began giving a speech during which Lucas let his attention drift and lady heard she was the valedictorian of her class which made it less special and more normal like the previous years.

After the speech Lucas and Liz began to make their way to the mansion where they would meet up with their parents. On their way Lucas noticed a spider Lily towards the edge of the street and decided he would get it as a parting gift for Liz. He ran over and carefully picked it and drug her to a bench on the side of the street just outside the mansion and looked at her while he said while blushing " Liz I want to give this to you as my thanks for you spending the afternoon with me i wouldn't of wanted to spend it with anyone else. I would like to do this with you for every year for the foreseeable future. " After hearing this Liz blushed a deep shade of red before replying " I would love nothing more Lucas!! The only condition is you have to be my boyfriend and ask my father for permission once we reach the appropriate age of course." After hearing this Lucas blushed before quickly agreeing to it.

Once in the Mansion, the two went their separate ways. Lucas thought to himself "This crowd is quite annoying. Most indulging themselves on my father's expensive wine all seemed ridiculous. Even more so annoying were the ones waiting in line. Practically begging for his attention". After seeing this, Lucas couldn't help but roll his eyes before walking up to his father, who after seeing him practically pushed everyone out of his way before picking him up like a toddler. " My boy, I've been wondering when you would return from your date with Lady Elizabeth.", said Alexander. After hearing this, Lucas couldn't help but blush while thinking to himself, "A date? No, we were just hanging out as friends! Besides, I'm sure we both feel the same way!". Then he said to his father, "We had a good time at your speech which as ever father. However, it was pretty bland. You should give whoever wrote that a paid vacation or a bag of cash since they're done robbing you. After Hearing this Alexander said,"Actually my boy I wrote this years speech myself and I was rather happy with it till talking to you. After hearing this, Lucas couldn't help but wince from guilt before stating "I was just kidding father, I actually found myself paying more attention this year than any other".

After the Banquet, everyone made their way outside to go watch the Aurora appear, to signify the spell of the Aurora. Lucas began searching around for Liz and once he saw her, he waved shyly before heading to his father's side. After what felt like hours, the sky suddenly began to glow in shades of green, blue and sometimes yellow. After the Aurora, everyone began making their way to their carriages. Lord Amoux was the last to leave holding his daughter's hand before saying with a smile on his face, " Lord Alexander, I Expect you to groom your son to be worthy of my daughter". Alexander replied, " He's more worthy than I could even dream of ever making him. After all, It seems like he's the one who takes care of me most of the time anyways.". After waving their goodbyes, Lucas and Alexander made their way to the rooftop and sat on a bench close to the edge, which was their tradition after every banquet. "It's a beautiful site isn't it son?" , Lucas smiled and sleepily said " Yes father, I especially enjoyed seeing a few of the nobles turn full wolf while drunk and stagger on all fours. It was quite amusing!". Alexander chuckled and said, " yes it always is, isn't it son? Just think, another eight years and you get your wolf form from the Wolf God Fenrir.". Lucas smiled at the thought while he drifted to sleep.

Lucas and Liz wouldn't see each other for eight years due to both of their busy lives after this. Along with war being declared on their country by their neighbors. Since the country of Sanguire home of the Vampires was known for their power. No nobles would take the chance of traveling unless it's necessary, especially towards the Western Border which was shared with the Sanguire. Those on the Eastern coast would still make trips every now and then but even then they were heavily guarded.