News from Home

January 2, 884

Lucas's mood quickly dialed down after seeing Gregory's unusual expression. "Gregory is everything okay?" Lucas asked worried something had happened to one of his family back at the manor Gregory stood up and started talking "Listen boy I'm telling you before you hear it from anyone else. I received word from your father through this magic amulet here". Gregory reached under his shirt and pulled out a necklace of his family crest. Then continued "Their was an attack on the territory a town close to the border called Laplace."

Lucas couldn't help but sit down from the shocking news He had met a few people over the years from that town. The very idea of anyone in the territory getting attacked was insane. He had heard talks from traveling adventurer's and mercenaries that whites territory had one of the strictest guard training in the country only matched by the Unther's in the northern part of Namor.

Nevertheless Gregory continued "The town only had a few thousand people living their but their was only one survivor by the time he reached the outpost to tell the soldiers it was too late. The army was too late. It was confirmed to be the vampires they slaughtered everyone in the town. The Vamps wore their military colors so as far as we know it was an act of war. I didn't want you to be caught unaware by the news once it reached your ears".

It took him a second to process what he heard but, once he did he felt a flood of emotions sadness for his people then a burning air that built up in his chest until it escaped his mouth as an ear shattering roar. As well a complete unleash of his Aura so much so you could see a silver glow in the air pulsing and circling around him. Gregory winced slightly from the sound. Meanwhile Troy and Sasha stormed downstairs prepared for a fight both shaking off their sleep. After collecting himself he looked at Gregory and said "Tell my father I'll be home as soon as possible".

Gregory shook his head no and then said "Your father knew you'd say that and has ordered you to not return unless he says and to finish school. He also stated that he would let you know if anything changes and if desperate he would allow you to return to help but as of now their isn't any need for you their".

Lucas shook his head and yelled "Isn't any need my people were slaughtered that's definitely a major need for me to be their". Gregory shook his head in response and said "That is an order from your Lord follow it". Lucas simply turned around and marched passed Sasha and Troy to his room.

Troy looked at Gregory then asked "Will he be okay is it really alright for him to remain?

Gregory glared at him then said "That's an order from your lord as well. He will be fine though he just needs time he is a kind boy, too kind. Theses type of things happen and if anything them being killed is to be considered a mercy by the standards of the Vampires. They very well could of been kept as slaves. Lucas will have to learn to accept these kinds of things as well as to keep his emotions in check. As he is now he wouldn't be able to handle the pressure of being lord. He's too personal with his people. he'll have to learn to put his duty as lord first it will just take time.

The next day news spread of the attack and soon after a bigger piece of news spread Sanguire had officially declared war.

Jan 10, 884

The first week of school passed quickly the first few days were nothing but talks about the attack and declaration of war. The story of the attack faded but signs of the war were everywhere. There were numerous caravans of supplies leaving the Capitol headed for the three territories on the border. White, Rarel, and Unther. With white receiving more caravans than the others due to it being much closer to Sanguires Capitol city of Crypt. They would receive most of the attacks as was evident by Sanguires army lining up on the border by the thousands near there everyday.

In better news Lord Amoux accepted Lucas engagement with Liz. They agreed to go ahead and go through with the engagement and would get married at a later time. The news was announced to the public on the seventh.

They weren't the first couple to be married or engaged while attending the school their were several other couples but none quite as high profile as those two. After all everyone new of Lord Whites accomplishments in the last war. He was considered a war Hero and everyone knew of Lord Amoux because of his merchant company. Liz and Lucas were bombarded with questions from their peers and classmates. Lucas was even paid a visit by Liz's older brother James he was the recognized heir of Lord Amoux territory.

"Lucas I know we've but met only a few times but I trust you've given my father an appropriate gift". James said. Lucas looked him up and down briefly assessing him and could tell one thing that immediately stood out this man was greedy. He was Lucas elder by 10 years but he wasn't a fighter. He had money to pay for those kinds of people. He was a business man at heart but Lucas didn't know much else about his personality and the only other thing he knew was that he cared for Liz a lot. "Of course Sir, She means the world so I gave him some of the most valuable treasures from my family vault. Including a blood ruby taken from the body of a vampire noble. If you or your father find anything lacking please let me know". James look of surprise was amusing to Lucas. Not many people really thought of the Whites as a wealthy family since him and his father were the only ones carrying the White name as well as the fact that neither flaunted their wealth. It was for this very reason that their spending was far below their income from their contract with the kind for guarding the border as well as farming. It didn't hurt that their treasury was full of valuables kept from various skirmishes and wars with the vampires as well as a few others over the years.

"No that's more than enough I wish you and my sister the best. Speaking of her where is she? Won't she be joining us for lunch?"

Lucas smiled and replied " No sadly she had some school matters to attend to today but as far as I know She's free this afternoon".

James smiled warmly "Then I'll be back tonight to visit".

Lucas smiled warmly "I'm sure she'd love to see you. I hate to rush but I'll hand to excuse myself I have to go to class".

James nodded and they bud each other farewell As soon as James left the estate grounds Lucas returned inside and slumped in the closest chair in a office. "Gregory has their been any word from my father about the war?"

"No young Lord last I heard he was off to the front lines prepping the men".

Lucas sighed and nodded his head in understanding.

He proceeded to get up and headed to class he didn't want to miss it since it was combat class.