Peak of the Mountain

January 2, 884

Their were four guys and two girls lined up next to me. I'm standing on the far right of the stage with everyone else to my left. I'm surprisingly not nervous about being in front of everyone. Although it's hard for me to not notice the few glares from several students in stands. My eyes seem to not be able to keep from meeting with Liz's eyes.

Eventually the head master began talking again "I know the third years ranking has many of you confused but Mr.Whites rank is due to him getting rid of a few trash around the city without being scared of repercussions. Now don't confuse this with arrogance. He did this with the right thing in his heart with out a trace of bad intentions for the people of this city. He is what you other third years should strive to be like." I'm not sure if that was intended but his speech had the opposite effect of easing the tension. If they weren't pissed before they definitely were now. I'm gonna be tired of dueling by the first week. But it should be a lot of fun.

" You may go back to your seats now thank you for your time". With that he basically rushed us off to our seats. On our way back I asked the girl in front of me " So was that supposed to help us?" She chuckled and said "He does that to boost the competition between students it'll die down in a few weeks it's nothing personal by the why my names Grace". She turned and waved by as she walked off towards her group. She had blonde hair with light tan skin and blue eyes she was cute but alas my heart belongs to another.

After the students had all returned back to their seats the headmaster continued on "I wont drag this out any further so i will tell you this that those who reach the number 1 spot as well as those who manage to keep their rank you will be among the candidates considered for a very important position. So do whatever you can, within the rules of course to get your name to the top ranks. I promise you it's in your best interest to do so. Life is much like climbing a mountain. Their will be many obstacles along the way. Nut once to the peak you will see something truly extraordinary. Those who reach that peak will be capable of changing our country, nay our very world. So with this i leave you with a question? What will you do to reach the mountains peak?

After that he headed off stage and a few other teachers went over some rules as well as went over the curfew times and other boring things Lucas couldn't muster the energy to bother listening to and before he knew everyone was standing to leave the stadium. "Hey guys go you can go ahead and head to the manor if you want. i"ll catch up with you guys later. Troy and Sasha nodded in understanding and with that Lucas began to scan the crowd for Liz. He didn't see her so he decide to go check outside. "Come on Liz where did you go" Lucas muttered under his breath. Soon after he caught her scent so he followed which led him to the other end of the building and their she was sitting on a bench almost as if she was waiting for him.

"It took you long enough to find me. I had enough time to lose Thomas and those nosy nobles and still had to wait on you for a while". Liz said the last part with a smirk most likely due to her pun.

"I'm sorry Liz it was too crowded and it took a while till i picked up your scent plus I zoned out for everything but the headmaster's speech."

Liz responded to him by swatting the back of his head and said "Honestly Lucas I swear on Fenrir's tale i don't see how you're gonna make it here without your personal tutors here to help."

Lucas grinned and proudly stated "Well the only tutor with me would be gregory but i guess he'd only count as half a tutor."

Liz wrinkled her nose at his bad joke while he just chuckled at himself.

They chatted on the bench for hours before they decided it was time to head to their new homes for the next three years. Lucas offered to walk her to the dorms she agreed but only to the gate surrounding it since she didn't want anymore questions from the other girls tonight. "Thank you Lucas for walking me home My father should be getting to the Capitol within the next few days. so if you want my hand in marriage soon then that's the best time to ask."

Lucas smiled brightly like a kid "I'll definitely get word to your father for a meeting then as to not impose myself on his other plans while he's here then Liz".

"Lucas i enjoyed our night together to be honest i was starting to miss Adoette and the sea"

"Yea i miss my city as well even though its only been a couple days. What do you miss the most?" Lucas asked

"Definitely the smell and sound of the sea? She closed her eyes while saying this and Lucas couldn't but admire her. She opened her eyes and bid Lucas goodnight a left to go inside but not before giving him a peck on his cheek. "Goodnight Lucas be good".

"Goodnight Liz if you ever need me you know where to find me or at the least leave a message". With that Lucas head back to the manor when he arrived Troy and Sasha were already in bed. Gregory however was sitting on the steps with a serious look on his face but not one he had ever seen before.