Actual welcoming ceremony

January 2, 884

It didn't take long before the were out of the carriage and said their good byes with Gregory. The Assembly hall was big enough to fit all 5,000 students. The first years where easy to pick out due to their blue and silver uniforms. The second years uniforms was the same design except the colors were white with gold trim for both boys and girls. Lastly the third years could be seen sitting in their section with their black uniforms. Lucas began scanning the crowd to see if he could spot Liz. Unfortunately he wasn't able to. So Lucas and the two others found seating with the rest of the first years.

After what felt like forever a handsome middle aged man took the stage followed by three other adults of varying ages. After a few seconds of the four adults talking to themselves the first man began speaking "Hello students I am headmaster Bo. It is a pleasure to meet all of you new students. I will now introduce you to each grades head teacher. For you first years your head teacher will handle everything related to your grade whether it be scheduling, fights or any other problem they will handle it if it's a conflict of students from two different grades they will bring the problem to me. Now your first years head teacher is Mr.Aldrich". Once he heard his name the oldest teacher of those on stage stepped forward but he was anything but frail looking as he towered over the rest of the teachers. He had a white beard and long white hair he kept tucked behind his ears. He wore silver armor with many dents and scrapes along it surface noticeable from the stands. The older man just smiled warmly with his kind face and waved before the head master continued. "For the second year we have Mrs. Swerd". As she stepped forward the most of the boys in the standouts let out lad whistles while a few guys who'd and hollered at her. This was understandable due to her beauty and eye pleasing figure. The head master continued on " For you third years it's the same third year teacher as previous years Mr.dunn". The last teacher on stage simply stepped forward nodded and scanned the crowd and locked eyes with me for a brief second before he stepped back in line with the others. He was skinnier man than average but if you looked closely you could see muscles clearly through his tan trousers and white cotton shirt.

After the final head teacher stepped out a familiar looking face came on stage. It was the guard captain from the other day whom the three had met when they first entered the capital after their run in with the bot so lucky guards. The head master began introducing him " this is our newly pointed head of security so please do make sure you follow the necessary rules and do know we have our owns system of punishment on school grounds so whatever family backing you have outside those school gates will not go far in here." After that the headmaster went over various does and don'ts and explained some things more clearly like no boys or girls going to each other's dorms after lights out with the exception of the noble houses manors as they have their own rules set in place already. As well as the ranking board the third years top three.

Third years

1st Cody Treyer with 5 points (2nd place, 2nd place, now 1st place)

2nd Grace redheart with 8 points (1st ,5th, now 2nd)

3rd Cason Argontis in 3rd place with 10 points (3rd, 4th, now 3rd)

Second years

1st Lacy blackmoon (1st, now 1st)

2nd Trey stoltzer (2nd, now 2nd)

3rd Phillip prexis (4th, now 3rd)

Third years

1st Lucas White

2nd to be determined

3rd to be determined

Once Lucas saw his name he was cussing his luck. He knew this was probably a test rigged by his father and now he would have to deal with all the first years challenging him for his unwanted ranking.

*Lucas pov

* just great now I'm gonna have everyone wanting to duel me. I know this is probably due to my dad. So much for laying low and surprising them at the end of the year. My thoughts were quickly interrupted by the head master asking for those whose names where being projected by the crystal to pleas come down in front of the stadium. I would of missed it if it wasn't for Troy nudging my arm and saying . "Lucas you should head down their before it's too late".

"Thanks Troy I'll be back in a bit. This is just my luck"

Troy and Sasha just smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up. I'm not even sure if they truly realize what a headache this is gonna be. That's when I had a bright idea I'll just make them battle anyone I sense is below my level.

As I made my way down I could see Liz sitting in a private booth with Thomas standing guard. He surprisingly gave me a nod when our eyes met. I guess he's finally warming up to me. Liz on the other hand waved and smiled. It was then I noticed their were a few other girls sitting by her each with their own guard standing behind them. They must also be nobles. Once they saw her wave I could see them asking her questions which made her blush. If it wasn't for my enhanced sight I would of missed the red rushing to her face. A few moments later I was standing next to six other students.