Welcoming Ceremony

January 2, 884

Now that Lucas had those matters settled. Lucas asked Gavin if he could have some people show then to their rooms. Three different servants showed them each to a room. They agreed before they left to their rooms that they should change into the School Uniform for the upcoming ceremony. . He had meant to ask Liz but it had slipped his mind. Although he was sure it was expected of them to do so. Lucas decided not to let Troy and Sasha in on his worries.

Now that he actually had a chance to look at the uniforms. He actually liked the uniform colors. The Uniform itself was a dark blue, it was almost black with silver timing. It was made up of a shirt, pants, a blazer, as well as a pair of black shoes. The Silver trim went around the collars of the blazer and pockets. While the pants just had a silver stripe going down the sides. Overall Lucas didn't mind though he was hoping they would give out a few more pairs of the Uniform than just the two they received. Lucas tended to be a little rough on his clothes. Lucas decided to just to ask Liz after the ceremony. He checked himself over in the mirror and noticed that the silver trim went good with his eye color not that he was one to care about such things. Looking himself over one last time he headed downstairs to the front door to meet up with the others.

On his way to the stairs Troy walked out from the room in front of his. He nodded his head in greeting before saying "Nobles really do have more money than they need. This only confirms my thoughts." Lucas chuckled and responded "Hey most of us get it from businesses were not all crooked but, if it's a fight with some nobles you want just stay close to me I've already managed to get on a couple of their bad sides since I've been here." Troy smirked and said "Why of course somebody has to be the one to save this young lords ass afterall." Lucas just rolled his eyes and just as they finished talking they made it to the door. Soon after Sasha came down from the opposite side of the stairs. Her uniform differed from the boys. Instead of pants she had a skirt and her colors were the opposite of the boys. Hers was silver with dark blue trim Instead.

Sasha feeling the boys eyes on her legs blushed before looking at Lucas who was now looking away. "I'm gonna tell Liz if you don't tell me what you were just doing." Hearing this Lucas panicked and immediately told her "I didn't see anything and I was just looking at your uniform." Troy hearing this laughed and said "Figures Sasha you know he's like a pup when it comes to Liz" Lucas looked at him confused. "You may not be physically clingy but you are emotionally. I mean have you ever checked out other girls?" Lucas sighed "Troy of course I have i am a guy after all." Troy laughed at him and asked " Oh yea, then tell me what do you notice when you check out a girl." Lucas blushed "Well wether or not she's cute or not as well as stuff like her eye and hair, wether or not she smells good too." Troy just shook his head slowly and Sasha was wandering just what Liz saw with this big oaf. "You need some serious help bro even girls check out guys." Hearing this Lucas looked a Sasha to see wether or not troy was telling the truth she of course nodded her head and said. " Yes girls do it too but it's not just physical stuff we look at." Lucas was way more confused than when he started, so ready to get off this conversation he just nodded his head and started walking towards the door. Sasha and Troy seeing this quickly followed behind. Sasha turned to troy " Maybe he's just ready to go." Troy just shrugged his shoulders in response.

Once outside and down the steps they noticed a carriage With the Whites house crest on it,"I guess Gavin has already prepared a ride for us." One of the servants he saw earlier was on the carriage which was pulled by two massive Dire Wolves one Black and One Grey. Seeing them made Lucas think of the pup he had sent his father. I hope he's doing well. Once they got close the man whose name he couldn't remember opened the door to the carriage Lucas let Sasha then Troy go before he finally entered himself.

Once Inside the door was shut behind a him. Without looking up he greeted Gregory who surprisingly didn't smell like alcohol. "So shorty are you enjoying free loading around with out my father here. Gregory clenched his jaw but only for a second before answering. "You're father couldn't find any other nanny willing to take care of a pup so big. After a hefty compensation I finally agreed to it, besides I have some family that lives here." Lucas just rolled his eyes. "Is it always about the money with you?" Gregory continued on "Well it's hard to be a good drunk when you lack the coin." Hearing his answer Lucas couldn't help but let out a chuckle and finished their conversation with "It really is good to see you although I haven't been gone near long enough even half miss a shorty like you." Gregory chuckled and said " I'm glad you have so much left over energy. That's good that means we can continue your training were we left at from when you left." Hearing this Lucas couldn't help but groan. Hearing this Troy and Sasha couldn't imagine how bad the training was For a monster like Lucas to fear it.

Gregory then turned towards them and said "Don't worry I've been instructed to train you two as well. You may not have as much power as him but we should be able to raise it a decent amount but, If you want this training to become stronger you have to make a pact of loyalty with Lucas." Hearing this Lucas didn't like the sound of this he wanted his friends to be free to do as they wish. "Gregory is that really necessary?" Gregory looked at him and said. "What I'm willing to teach is something I only wish to benefit you or your father. I trust no one else so unless they agree I will not train them." Lucas turned two them "Sorry guys I don't like this but it's your choice to make anyways." Gregory spoke up "I'm not asking you to stay by his side forever just stay loyal to him no matter what. We're almost to assembly hall. You can tell me your answers later."