Letter From Home

January 2, 884

Once Lucas made it inside he was stunned by how nice the manor was. He found it hard to believe that anyone had enough money to build a place this nice knowing its gonna be home to a bunch of teenagers. The second thing he noticed were the servants of the manor lined up next to the stairway going upstairs. "We welcome Master White" they said in unison. Out of the group of 10 one man stepped forward. "My name is Gavin I am this manor's Butler so I am also yours as well. Lucas smiled warmly and said "Well it's nice to meet you sire please call me Lucas." Gavin frowned briefly before saying "Sir I mean no disrespect but I absolutely can not call you by your first name it would be seen as I sign of disrespect for and of us servants to do so." Lucas was't a fan of all the formalities but he decided to just let Gavin have his way he figured it would be easier on the servants anyways.

"Gavin can you tell me what all you do for this manor as well as introducing the other head servants." Gavin smiled warmly before saying. "As the butler I take care of all household affairs from the delivery of supplies to making sure everyone is doing what is expected of them. Outside the manor I run errands for you personally as well as anything out of the ordinary that the manor might need. Now moving on to the Head servants." Turning around three people stepped forward an older woman with a round figure, A dark tan ginger headed man, and a pale short woman. "The older woman on the left is Brenda. She's the head chef if you have any request just let her know, as well as telling her your favorite meals. Next, the man is Brutus he takes care of the heavy lifting as well as the outside work. Him and his two helpers double as the manors security they are all very proficient with the sword and Brutus is even an Advanced level mage as well." Lucas curious about mages interrupted by asking " What levels are there to the magic ranking?' Brutus looked at Gavin who nodded in return before answering. "Their are eight Tiers. Starting from the bottom the tiers are Beginner, Novice, Intermediate, Adept, Advanced, Master, Grand Master, and God" Lucas nodded and said his thanks. Gavin Continued on with his introductions " Lastly is Erza she's the head maid she's quite timid to new comers but fear not she's very serious when it comes to her duties." Lucas smiled and then dismissed them and they all went different way each to their own are within the manor.

With the introductions all out the way Lucas told Gavin about a few things they saw in a few of the stores on their way here. "I understand completely sire I shall be back with the requested items soon. I supposed you would likely for me to get the necessary coin from the vault. " Lucas was't even aware of the vault. "This going that's in the vault has it always been there or was it brought over just recently. Gavin replied " A few of the guards from the what I assume to be the kings personal guard dropped off a chest. There was also a man lacking in the stature department the dropped off a separate chest yesterday. That reminds me he asked me to give you this letter when I saw you.

Dear Lucas,

I hope this letter finds you in good health I've sent this letter along with Gregory to the manor inside the school. I did't bother telling you about the manor because I wasn't sure of all the details myself. Gregor has been instructed to stay there as your bodyguard but iv'e told him to keep a low profile. I hope you don't cause each other trouble. Also along with this letter is a chest of coin it's your allowance I've been paying you for training. you just didn't know about it so spend it as you please. I hope you enjoy school pay attention to your teachers each is at the top of their fields. You're a very talented boy. Your talent mixed with some of the best teachers in this country it's almost scary to see how much you can further improve yourself. On a more serious note I've received word that the vampires have begun Marching towards our border and should be here in two months time. No matter the outcome just know a father couldn't of asked for a better son. Worry not I shall send word to the king and other packs and have them rally and help with the preparations the king owes me a favor anyways. When you have time you should request an audience with him I'm sure theirs some important things to tell you. Lucas stay safe and grow strong


Your father

P.S I let you win that fight I may of exaggerated how much your attack affected me.

P.S.S If I were actually serious I would only need one attack.

Having finished reading the letter Lucas looked up. Feeling so many different emotions he was't sure what to feel. He was definitely concerned about the upcoming attack. He knew his father well enough to be able to tell when he was anxious even if his words didn't seem that way. Then there was the thing about speaking with the king. He was pretty sure it was over what him and the King had already talked to him about once. Lastly he was curious where that shorty was at knowing him problem at a tavern spending his money on booze. Deciding he'd figure it out later he called out to Sasha and Troy who had started to wander the mansion to see if they were ready. While waiting on them to get back to the entrance Lucas asked Gavin "So how much funds do we have.?" Gavin seemed to be adding it up in his head before he spoke. "From your father we received about 10,000 gold and when we opened the vault to store it we found another 90,000" Hearing such a large amount Lucas froze the amount his father had sent was already well beyond his expectations. "So much gold... Okay Take out the necessary coin for the things we discussed about earlier and we'll arrange our things later."