School Preparations

January 2, 884

The morning after, the incident at the garden the news spread like wildfire. Lucas was becoming a city celebrity thanks to taking care of a few evil doers in a three on one fight. Soon tales of his heroic fight had even reached the ears of each of the Four Alphas of the Noble packs. Which isn't surprising since each had their own network for information gathering. Lucas was unaware that he was gathering this much attention. Although the story describes a silver werewolf with silver eyes. His description when not transformed didn't make the headlines. So most didn't know who it was.

Lucas woke up to Troy and Sasha getting ready for the day. "Before I open my eyes can both of you be dressed and not groping each other." Troy smiled and replied " Don't take it out on us because you and Liz are taking things slow." Lucas growled in frustration "I know this Troy but with affairs like these between Noble Packs it could cause a major headache and disgrace to both family heads if I make a move with out the appropriate steps. Just us kissing last night was risky." Hearing this Sasha found her chance for payback "Aww Lucas finally had his first kiss."Lucas began to blush "It was not my first kiss." Sasha pushed it further "So you've kissed her on the lips before then" Lucas blushed "Well no this was the first time but that wasn't the question."

Sasha smiled at getting even with him for last night. "I'm just teasing Lucas come on open your eyes were waiting on you." Lucas smiled and jumped out of his bed "I'm already ready I've been ready since last night." He walked to the wardrobe and pulled out Kiba and attached the sword to his waist. "That's much better. Anyways let me tell you why I was covered in blood last night." Lucas told Troy and Sasha the events that had happened last night. Troy was the first to break the silence "Lucas are you okay we haven't been close for long but I find it hard to believe that you're actually ok with killing those three people." Lucas eyes flashed in anger "Those three weren't people they were no worse than the monsters we find in the forrest I did this town a favor by killing them." Seeing Lucas angry Troy just agreed with him and they agreed to drop the matter. Troy decided if he got the chance he would tell Elizabeth about what happened. He just found it hard to believe that it was actually easy for Lucas. One of the nicest guy he's ever met, would actually be ok with what he did in the heat of the moment

With that the three of them were ready to head to the school for their enrollment, grabbing the rest of their stuff on their way out. They made their way to inner part of the city where the school was located. They didn't rush and went down many of the streets taking their time to get familiar with the city while they had the chance. While roaming the city they stopped by many stores making a list of what they needed as well as finding different stores such as an armory.

Eventually they got tired of walking and took a break for lunch. After a quick bite to eat they left feeling refreshed. "Let's get ourselves some more clothes for outside of school. They will provide us with uniforms so that'll be what we wear during school hours anyways." After several stops at different stores they eventually felt like they had everything they needed. The three decided they'd hold off on getting anymore until they get settled in. "Ok guys how about we go check in with the school so we can get settled in and still have some time before the opening ceremony.

While headed towards the school Lucas was sure to keep a look out in case anyone else wanted to cause trouble. Luckily they made it to the school grounds with no incidents. Once at the front gates they signed in and a staff member verified their ID cards. Seeing no problems they allowed the three to pass. The school was remarkable Their were many practice areas and even a full size arena similar in size to the one in Lycan. Seeing it made Lucas think of his father and his other "family" at the mansion.

The arena was used for school tournaments as well for the bigger fights for the schools rankings. Every king was ranked in at least the top three since the school was founded. Only the strong were deemed worthy enough to lead after all. The rankings restarted every School year to and when your graduated your ranking would be added up and who ever had the lowest would be awarded gifts as well as a meeting with the king. (If you got first place all three years your score would be three. If you placed at 200 every year it would be 600.)

Lucas actually found himself excited about the ranking. Growing up in the manor the only people he was allowed to have matches with were a handful of guards, Gregory, Hercine, and of course Alexander. Looking over Lucas could see the excitement on both Troys and Sashas face. The three soon realized they had no idea where they were going so Lucas looked around until he spotted a familiar figure as well as a not so welcome one following behind. It was Liz and Thomas. "Come on guys I see Liz over their maybe she knows. She's been in the city longer than we have anyways." With that the three headed her way. As Lucas got closer he could feel his heart start to beat with anticipation. Before he could any closer she turned around and saw the three headed in her directions.

She turned looking at Thomas and told him "Behave". He responded like he was nice to everyone. Lucas was unable to hear this thanks to the crowd of people around as well as one of Thomas's own magical instrument. "Hey Liz" Liz smiled happily and said "Hey Lucas you three finding everything ok." Lucas would of bet all his money that she knew they had no idea where they were going. "Uh not really were trying to find out where were staying at I have a special arrangement so I won't be in the dorms and since these three are with me they'll be staying in the same place as well." Liz smiled then said " Oh no problem just follow me theirs a bulletin board that says where everyone will be staying as well as multiple people from the staff to help in case theirs any problems. They went over all this at the orientation last week you know." Lucas looked surprised "You said there was an orientation? I had no clue but it's ok I was busy last week anyways. So either way it doesn't matter." Lucas smiled when he said this but he still wish his father would of told me. Lucas could practically hear his father laughing about it in his head.

"Liz laughed softly and said "It's okay I figured as much but you have me here anyways. I'm glad that I'm able to help you out even if it's only something as small as this." With Liz leading the way and Thomas just a step behind the three followed her back towards the gate and sure enough there it was right by the entrance it was kinda of hard to miss but, they still managed to be oblivious to it anyways. Lucas told Troy and Sasha to just wait here, next to the gate and Liz told Thomas to do the same. The couple made their way towards the board with Lucas a half step in front of her making sure nobody came close to touching her. Thomas seeing this smiled softly but it only lasted a second.

Bored and with nothing better to do Troy attempted to get Thomas to tell him how he disappeared like he did. Unfortunately for Troy, Thomas didn't say anything not a single word the entire time Liz was gone. Catching the hint him and Sasha started talking about the different stores they wanted to go see. Meanwhile Liz and Lucas finally had made their way to the board and began looking for his name. The kids from the Noble Packs were on a separate list with much less names to go through. Eventually they found it towards the bottom of that list and apparently he was staying in his own family manor. Lucas was unaware they even had a manor at the school but he guessed it made since. Thinking back he felt like he had been shorted by his deal with the captain.

Once the couple made it back to the group Liz began to lead the way towards their new home for the next three years. Once their Lucas let Sasha and Troy head on inside and bid Liz farewell and gave Liz a quick kiss and her cheek. "Liz if you could set us up dinner plans with your father for next week that would be great I've already sent a carrier crow to my father with a letter explaining everything as well as some other things." She nodded then said "I'll see what I can do. In the meantime get settled in and let your servants know if you need anything." Seeing Lucas confused she explained "Each manor has its own servants that take care of the house year round. Their's a secondary staff that fills in on the usual servants days off. They weren't slaves after all. Lucas nodded in understanding and gave her another quick kiss; This time on her lips and bid her farewell. Before she left the property she turned around and said "Make sure you don't miss the welcoming ceremony I'll be waiting for you."