The Aftermath

January 1, 1884

The city guards soon showed up and blocked off the area. They asked Lucas alot of questions about what happened and the events leading up to it. Lucas just sat on the ground getting annoyed until eventually he had enough of all the questions. He left them stunned when he told the guards if they need anything else they can reach him through their captain. Lucas figured since he was defending himself and since they weren't arresting him he was ready to go find somewhere to sleep.

He decided to head to the inn it had been a while after all. Once their he asked the innkeeper if she would get him a bath ready. She told him to give her a bit of time, so she could get some water heated up over the fireplace. Lucas just told the nice lady not to worry about adding any hot water. He was beyond ready to get those scumbags blood off of him just thinking about it was making him mad all over again.

Lucas didn't care about anything being said about him but Liz was another story. While the lady was getting his bath ready Lucus headed up stairs and knocked on their room. He heard shuffling and something being knocked over before it was opened to see a sleepy eyed half naked Troy. "What I thought you were gonna be with Liz all night?" Lucas barely managed to make out what he said so he just told him "Something interrupted us but it was taken care of." Troy finally managed to wake up and he smelled it before he saw the blood on him. "Did you get jumped?" Troy tilted his head when asked like a child Lucus couldn't help but chuckle and just told him he'd explain everything in the morning. Troy just nodded his head and walked over to one of the two beds in the room. Lucas glanced and could see a figure hidden beneath the covers and he could hear her heartbeating fast. "If your gonna pretend to be asleep Sasha you could atleast calm yourself. Your heart sounds like you've been running through the woods for an hour. Besides if your gonna be embarrassed of anything it should be your clothes spread out on the floor." Lucas laughed at her before grabbing the few clothes he brought on the trip from his bag before walking out. He could feelSasha glaring daggers at his backed as he walked away. Troy stood to the side unsure of what to do.

Once down stairs he saw the woman beckoning him over and showed him the way to one of the bath's. Lucas told her she could go now and once she closed the door behind her he let the robe fall to the floor before taking a deep breath and dropping into the bath completely submerging his body. He stayed under until he couldn't hold his breath any longer and began to bathe himself. It took some work getting the blood off him. Once he felt like he'd got all the blood, dirt, and grime off he stepped out of the tub. After drying himself off, he put the clothes on he'd grabbed from his bag nothing fancy it was a plain cotton button up shirt and a pair of khaki colored pants.

Now feeling refreshed he decided to grab a bite to eat. While eating he made idle chat with the lovely old woman. she had some beef stew left over in the kitchen. She was nice enough to offer to make him a fresh bowl but, he told her it's fine the way it is.

It turned out her name was Mary. She was one of the nicest people Lucas had ever met. Lucas and Mary made small talk over the next few hours. He asked her about different things around the city and even asked her if she liked her job. She owns the inn apparently her and her late Husband opened it together many moons ago. He died in the last war. Lucas began to feel guilty because, he didn't even know the name of the inn. Looking around Lucas then saw the sigh hanging about the re eption desk. "The Midnight Inn huh I'll make sure I send any of my companions coming through here to your inn." Mary thanked him and excused herself saying she had to go clean up for the night. Lucas told her goodnight and cleaned his area before heading up stairs.

Once Lucas made it up the stairs to their room he knocked before entering. The first thing he noticed was that the clothes that were once strung across the room were now folded neatly on the nightstand by their bed. Now that the two of them were official their was no reason for him to sleep on the floor. Lucas had to admit he was happy for them but still jealous. He wished that were him and Liz cuddled up on the bed together. Lucas chuckled and rolled over on to his back. He was thinking about their first real kiss and he couldn't help but smile. Unconsciously his hand had moved from his side and was now touching his own lower lip. " I wish me and you could be free from the shackles of our birth Liz" Lucas mumbled. He rolled over once again trying to get comfortable. " I guess it's not all bad though if it weren't for our birth into a Noble packs we'd of never met."

It seemed like he was gonna lay their all night unable to fall asleep. Eventually he managed to fall asleep. He dreamt of Liz that night. So it was a good dream