Trouble in Moonlight

January 1, 884

Lucas quietly made his way towards the garden. He remembered passing it and had thought about bringing Liz here afterwards but, it wasn't meant to be. Lucas smiled when he thought about how soft her lips were.

Lucas began mentally preparing himself for the upcoming fight. It was surprising that whoever is behind this had already made their move. Thomas disappearing into the shadows was surprising as well as unsettling to Lucas. He thought he knew a good bit about the warriors of this world. Thomas showed him wrong though, Lucas wasn't full of himself but he knew he knew more than the general population of Namor. Then Thomas had told him he was being followed which wasn't so surprising he had felt the same three auras trailing behind through out the night and judging from their inability to co conceal their Auras. They would be below his level of combat by leagues. Lucas was more worried about who had sent them he figured it was the Agontis pack. Since he had embarrassed one of their "Betas" but, after the meeting with the Captain he had his doubts about this theory. Before he could let his mind wonder anymore he had entered the gates if the garden and unsurprisingly he could feel killing intent coming from behind him.

Sighing he turned around and spoke "If your gonna hide while following you should of concealed your auras and at least try not to show your bloodthirst." While talking to what seemed to be an empty field three figures could be making their way into the moonlight.

The biggest of the three spoke it was then that Lucas caught his scent. it smelled of the Forrest but also of berries as well blood. "It's nothing personal kid it's just business. The employer told us to tell you that they simply wish to get rid of you before you cause any trouble for them".

Lucas had an idea that these three weren't as simple as they seemed. The man who spoke was one of the biggest men Lucas had ever seen. The one on his Left was short and pudgy. He smelled like rotten food. The third man smelled like a wolf Lucas was the least wary of the last man. Simply because he knew more what to expect from his fighting style. Speaking his mind Lucas flashed a smile and asked "The two of you are something different from the rest of us here. I wonder just how strong you are so how would you like to do this. One on one or one against three? I'll leave it up to you."

All the while talking Lucas had been circulating his aura around his body further strengthening it. Since puberty he shot up to about six foot and put on a good bit of muscle. No where near the amount that some of the muscle headed guys did who did nothing but work out but enough for him to be well toned especially for his age. Lucas was actually stalling as much as he could so that he could further increase his strength. The only downside of using aura to reinforce his body is it took a toll on his body the longer he had to keep it up. It wasn't something that one could keep doing if not focusing on it. Similar to soaking a rag in water at first it would be soaked but eventually it would start to dry out. Aura worked the same way so while at first he would be powerful eventually he would go back to usual. Stamina was one of the most important factors in a battle between beast.

The biggest man spoke up "Sorry kid life's not fair after all so why should this be tell you what though I've got an offer for you."

Interested Lucas looked at him with curiosity "What's your offer?"

The mam smiled and said "Go fetch us your little friend and if she's good enough in the sack we'll let you live as a cripple. It's better than dying no?"

Lucas froze and spoke lowly but loud enough to hear "To think I was gonna let the guards just bring you three to jail obviously that was too lenient" Releasing a killing intent that made the three take a step back as well as releasing his full aura. Lucas began stretching his body and said "You better fight seriously, I'm not gonna hold back and I will kill you. Let me hear the names so the morgue nows how to mark your graves."

The big man Laughed before saying "My name is Ivor and the fat one here is tiny, lastly that there is matt." The three regained their composure before being introduced and shifted The Pudgy man soon turned into a hulking mass of fur and fat with two long tusk coming out it was shorter than a werewolf but much stockier. The man who had remained quiet the entire time turned Into a Grey colored werewolf with black fur on his chest. The big man turned into a hulking mass of brown fur that was almost twice as big as the wereboar. His paws were easily twice as big as Lucus's head. From his round ears Lucus assumed Ivor was a werebear.

Seeing the three each take up their beast form Lucus did the same. He shifted he could feel his bones breaking and healing into a better stronger shape. He could feel his muscles moving around knitting together and slightly bulging outward for the most power possible as well as his skull and jaw stretching out and large canines begin to feel his mouth. Then his hands grew bigger and his fi gers stretched each being tipped with long claws made for shredding. His legs grew longer as well as his feet which be one longer. Silver fur began to cover his entire body.Soon his clothes couldn't contain the amount he grew outward and soon blew up like confetti. With his shift now done he let out a beastly roar the shook the ground and knocked many leaves off the surrounding trees. The men could see across from them a massive werewolf standing at about 8 feet tall only smaller than the werebear the boar and wolf couldn't help but gulp from nerves. The only one who seemed calm was the werebear.

Up on the balcony of the Kings castle once again, a lone figure could be seen looking down at the garden with interest. If you looked close enough you could see the stone railing beginning to show cracks under the pressure of two massive hands grabbing it. On his face sat a pair of glasses with magic runes drawn around the edge of the lenses. Mumbling to himself "These are quite useful the diplomat from magus was right."

Lucas still enraged from the werebears comment leapt forward using all four of his powerful limbs to propel himself at an even greater speed than usual. The three couldn't react in time. In the blink of an eye Lucas had already tackled the werebear to the ground. Once he knocked Ivor to the ground he quickly began to swipe his claws at Ivors thick neck but, the werebears were known for their defense. The beast may not be well known however they were still mighty foes to go up against.

Before he had a chance to do much damage Lucas instincts screamed danger and he jumped back just in time to dodge a massive paw coming towards his head. Avoiding paw by keeping backwards he noticed the other two were trying to surround him. Using the chance to get some distance between him self and Ivor he charged at the werewolf catching matt by surprise. Lucas the begin to to let our a fury of swipes. Matt soon began to break under the assault which led to him exposing his neck. Not missing his chance Lucas sank his teeth into the exposed neck. Sinking his teeth in he clamped his jaw shut and ripped out Matt's throat. Letting go Matt's body felt to the ground.

Lucas blood stained muzzle and neck were a scary sight to bystanders who came to see what all commotion was about. Seizing his chance Tiny charged at him from behind and attempted to catch Lucas with his tusk. Lucus was expecting this and with one powerful swipe caught the boar In his neck his claws tore out tiny's jugular and dropped on the ground not dead but he would be soon. Lucas turned around to see Ivor facing him warily. Lucas then charged towards the bear Ivor dropped down to all fours to protect his neck. Seeing this Lucus ran to his side and swiped his claws into Ivors back flank. Next he came back from the other side and jumped on top quickly biting his big ear off. Ivor attempted to roll over on top of him but Lucus was too quick especially compared to Ivor. Not knowing what else to do Ivor let our his own roar and charged towards Lucus.

Upon seeing this Lucus came up with a plan. He didn't, think it be too risky. He was just ready to finish this going up against three opponents was tiresome especially since he had wasted so much of his aura early on. He charged at Ivor and instead of going for his side Lucus dove towards the ground a twisted now sliding on the grass with his backside he quickly saw his opening and used his powerful jaws to lunge towards Ivor's neck. Ivor stood up and roared in pain. Lucus continued to hang from his neck increasing his pressure on the bears neck. Ivor eventually couldn't breathe and was slowly started to lose consciousness. He eventually passed put. Lucas jumped off before Ivor fell forward with a loud thud. Ivor shifted back due to being passed out. Lucas shifted back and put on a robe thanks to one of the bystanders that had gathered just outside the garden. Lucas then headed over to the knocked out Ivor and stomped on his leg with all his might breaking the leg in two. Ivor woke still dazed but screamed in pain. "Good morning sleepy head did you forget about my promise? Don't speak nothing you say will change what's gonna happen to you."

Ivor just looked at Lucas and smiled "You may be strong Lil wolf but I don't fear you so either way go ahead and k-" Before he could finish talking Lucas had already twisted the man's neck. Looking at his now dead body coldly he muttered "I told you not to speak".