The Afterparty for Two

Lucas and Liz made their way through the city. The night life of Knight was much more than what the two were used to. Neither of them were expected to see so many people out.

Werewolves have always been people of night; while their wolves counterparts have always preferred dusk and dawn. However the human part of them have always prefered the daylight hours. So being a werewolf had its perks of being able to adapt no matter the time of day.

"What would you like to do first my lady?" Lucas bowed after asking her this. Seeing his sincerity made her happy. Thinking of it just being the two made her even happier. Even though she figured Thomas was snooping around somewhere close by. "How about we go find a good place to eat I know a place close by that my father brought me when we got here." Hearing this Lucas froze "You're father brought you here that's great Liz!" Confused she asked for his reasoning. "How ever do you think that Lucas." Lucas broke out into a toothy grin and said "Well now since he's here I can ask him for your hand in marriage as soon as I arrange the appropriate engagement gift." After hearing Lucas's response Liz couldn't help but blush to his response. Liz flustered by his suddenness on the matter tried to muster out a response but much to her own embarrassment all she could managed was "y-y-you s-sure".

Seeing her flustered Lucas couldn't help but stop walking and lean in close and whisper in her hear "I've told you from the beginning that we'd get married why wait when we both know we want to spend the rest of our lives together."

All Liz could think about was Lucas's hot breath breathing down the side of her neck as he whispered in a hushed tone into her ear. She luckily managed to keep her sanity long enough to manage a reply after stepping away from him. "Yes you're very right but we're just of age and my father isn't the easiest of people to win over. Besides are you sure this is what you want were both still young after all so theirs no rush." Lucas replied "Liz for me I've already waited years for you cause I've known since the time I first laid eyes on you that I wanted you as my wife and much more than a wife I've wanted you as my mate since I learned what it meant. Now if your not ready or I'm not the one you want just tell me which it is so I can either wait until you are ready or try to move on and save myself from anymore heartache than this could already turn out to be." Seeing Lucas blushing and anxious Liz couldn't help but bite her lip while looking him over and deciding it was time for pay back she kissed his neck softly then wrapped her slim hands around his neck before answering "Lucas you silly boy I've been waiting on you as well. You can proceed with the engagement but the marriage will have to wait until we're done with school. So 3 years time. I'd hate having missed my chance of being with you and if anything unexpected comes up between now then we'll just have to move it up besides other than for ranking purposes the majority of the stuff here I'm sure we've been taught by our home tutors."

Hearing this Lucas couldn't help but smile and pulled her close. "Lady Amoux I can't wait for you to be Lady White." With those words leaving his lips he leaned in slow for a kiss which Liz met halfway but before the two could enjoy it to much Lucas felt a tap on his shoulder. Pulling away he turned around to see none other than Thomas glaring at him. "Lucas couldn't help but smile shyly running his hand through his hair as he did so. "Sir Thomas what impeccable timing you have." Looking at Lucas coldly he replied "Lady Amoux I know you'd rather me not interrupt but you're father is getting worried about you. I've just received word that he'd like for you to head back and turn in for the night.

Liz annoyed rolled her eyes before saying "Yes Sir Thomas come on then escort me to our home here." Thomas started to follow behind but before he got to far he turned around and spoke to Lucas "Lord Amoux has me to give you something as well." Interested Lucas couldn't help but look at him earnestly. "What is it sir." No sooner than the words left his mouth than did he see powerful punch headed toward his jaw moving back but not quite fast enough it still made contact before glancing off the side. "I should of expected that from Lord Amoux I did take his daughter out with out his permission after all." after finishing speaking Lucus spat the blood out of his mouth he could feel a few loose teeth but knew they'd heal up soon enough.Liz on the other hand turned around was about to hit Sir Thomas before she saw Lucas shaking his head no. Huffing she lowered her fist before hurrying off to her house.

Before Thomas rushed off to her he whispered to Lucas " Beware you've been tailed around this city by a group of three since you left the Castle." Lucas smiled and replied back lowly." I'm aware I just wasn't gonna confront them with Liz here now hurry to protect her before she gets too far". Malcolm simply nodded in response before shouting to Lucas "Lord Amoux has said this is your only warning in this matter and next time their will be blood." Thomas looked back at Lucas once more before winking and disappeared into the shadows.

It shocked Lucas greatly because his whole presence vanished Lucas couldn't even hear the sound of his breathing. He couldn't help but mutter "Just who is this guy really." Lucas smiled wildly and began circulating his aura through his body strengthening it beyond its already absurd levels. By doing this his body became harder, lighter, faster, and even stronger. He smiled before heading to a public garden not far away.