The Dance

January 1, 884

Once the feast was over with the servants entered from the doors at the back of the throne room. They quickly got to work on cleaning off the tables and began moving a few that were near the center. Once they finished up Lucas noticed an orchestra moving in and started playing some music that one felt compelled to dance to. Many couples began entering the center to dance. Lucas soon saw even Troy and Sasha begin making their way and mustering what he had Lucas looked at Liz and bowed slightly and asked "May I have this dance dear Lady Amoux"? Lucas looked up and could see a hint of blush entering her cheeks giving her a light pink colored look. Against her black hair and her pale complexion It stood out like the moon in the clear night sky.

"I would love to Sir White" upon hearing her answer Lucas could feel his face get heated not from embarrassment but of his own nervousness. He reached and grabbed her hand and together they made their way to the dance floor. "Its been a while since we danced together I think the last time was at your fathers birthday dinner". hearing this Liz smiled and replied "Yes I remember quite well back then you had to follow my lead and I couldn't feel my toes for the next few days." This answer caused Lucas to blush from embarrassment making it visible on his light tan skin. "Yea i'm sorry about that but now I'm a lot better, here let me show you"

The two made their way to the center and they danced for what seems like a few minutes to them but before they noticed they were the only ones left. After seeing this Lucas spoke up breaking the silence that was between the two."I guess it's time for us to head back to the others and I still have to go speak with the guard captain after all." Liz smiled softly before saying "I guess you're right." Lucas noticed while dancing with Liz the King managed to sneak out. [I guess I will get with him later about what we discussed]

With that the two of them headed back to the others, once their Lucas looked at them and could see them clinging to each other not wanting to be a third wheel he gave them the room key for the inn and the went on their way. Seeing this Liz couldn't help but ask "Lucas where are you gonna stay? Unless you have a separate room it's too late to register for the dorm you know." Lucas held out his hand and said "With everything going on me and you didn't get a chance to eat. Just wait here while I speak to the guard captain, then we'll be on our way." Lucas smiled warmly at her before turning and headed to the nearest guard. There were many spread out around the castle.

With that Lucas walked over to the nearest guard and asked for the captain the guard spoke up. "Captain Wilmore should be in her office, if you'll follow me I'll show you the way." Lucas nodded in response before following the guard to the office but, not before turning around to smile at Liz. Who was talking to a group of young Nobles. She saw Lucas and smiled back. With that Lucas followed the guard down the hall until they reached a door with a plaque, which read Captain. The Guard knocked before opening the Door Lucas heard an aggressive but, still feminine voice; different from the booming voice he heard in the hall earlier. "Come in."

The fist thing he noticed as he walked in was the fiery red hair coming down to his shoulders the second was the huge warhammer leaned against the wall directly behind her within arms reach. "Yes sir how can I help you"? Lucas looked away from the war hammer to meet her brown eyed gaze and replied "You had said you'd like to speak with me before I left the event". She stared at him for a minute before chuckling "Yes I did say that but that was more of to appease the higher ups in the audience besides I never expected for you to seek me out on your own ." Lucas frowned and interrupted her "Would you of rather me run and bring shame to my family name or perhaps had me hunted down for sport to appease the other Noble families." Anger crossed across the Captains face before she said "Don't put words in my mouth boy. You know nothing of the position you could of been in for your little act. Had I not stepped in to save your skin. You may be strong but not even you has the strength to match all of an entire family out to get you".

Lucas scoffed "Surely you jest, they wouldn't be as petty to chase me over something as small as a test of Aura."

"Don't underestimate them the guards can only punish for what evidence we can find the families have been around long enough to know how to cover their tracks well. Why do you think the house of Agontis has a Beta spot open for someone as weak as that pup."

Lucas looked down and ran his hand through the side of his hair while putting everything he just Heard together. "Allow me to apologize. You're absolutely right I obviously underestimated them. Let me ask you this though. Why are you telling me all this".

Seeing she had his attention the Captain continued on. " Believe it or not your father holds the favor of at least one maybe two Noble pack leaders one would die for him the other at least wouldn't cross him if you could get them to back you you'd be safe in this city even if you took down a one of the packs yourself. You obviously take after your father but, if you're gonna stand by your morals you're gonna need someone big in the city backing you. It can't save you from all the trouble but, it should definitely lessen the amount that will be out to get you. I'm no fool I know most of the bad things that go own to this city is related to the Packs. I just don't know which one. They're smart enough to stay out of the sights of guards and anyone who does see anything is to scared to come forward. I'm not asking you to go out of your way but, if you see something do something. With at least one pack backing you, you stand a chance not counting yours as they don't have enough Influence here but there are still a few from your pack here spread around the city. Besides if I tried to do anything your father would very likely lay siege to the capital. So it's in my best interest to keep you alive at the very least. "

Hearing this Lucas couldn't help but agree it's not like he'd walk away from people in help anyways the hardest part with him would be gaining favor of the Alpha leaders. But it should still be possible. "Fine I agree but I have a few conditions a separate manor at the academy for myself as well as the ones in my group. Increased guard presence during the first two months of the academy."

The captain nodded her head and agreed saying she'd send someone trustworthy to go over the details and contract with him at a later time. With that over with Lucas bid farewell the manor he'd be able to enter tomorrow so he's still have to find a place to lay for the night though. Since classes are supposed to start on the fourth. So not counting tonight that still leaves him two days.

Entering the throne room he saw Liz sitting on a chair waiting. "Have you been waiting long Liz?" She turned and stood up while fixing her dress and said "No not at all are you ready to go get something to eat thought the suns been down for a while." Lucas smiled gently and said "It's fine tonight is a full moon anyways so it's normal for the people to be restless on nights like tonights."

"Yes, I suppose you're right I should of known that after all well shall we get going?"

The two walked out the castle and through the gates headed to the very lively city down below the hilltop the castle sat on.

Up at the very top of the balcony stood a lone figure looking up at the moon seemingly speaking to himself.

"oh Luna if only you could see your boy, He's one of the strongest I've seen for his age I know you didn't wish this for him but with his strength. Aswell as the Vamps becoming restless once again I'll have to name a successor before any battle or declaration of war. As is tradition the strongest of the academy gets the crown to begin grooming him for king hood. I wouldn't worry about it but the vampires seem to be getting help from somewhere and I even fear one of our own pack leaders is behind this the only one I trust completely is Alexander. Oh Luna I'm so alone with out you your Frater could sure use your help. You were always good with the political side of things after all. I did the fighting and you did the thinking we were quiet the duo growing up and with Alexander next to us we were even stronger but I've given him the freedom he wanted out of the capital." Before he could say anymore he felt an Aura coming up the stairs behind him

"Captain to what do I owe this pleasure?"

Captain Wilmore bowed before speaking "I just wanted to inform you that like you thought he came to me and agreed to my proposal or I guess it was more your'e proposal the only thing he asked in return is for a manor for his group instead staying in the dorms and an increase in the guard activity at the school for the first two months of the semester."

Hearing this the Alpha King smiled and said "I wouldn't expect anything less of her son after all. Very well make the arrangements and a little extra funds in the vault room of the manor make sure it's anonymous."

With that settled she began to head down but before she left she asked "Sire if you ever need anything you know I'll always be here for you. I do mean anything." with that she hurried down to her quarters with her cheeks the same crimson red as her hair.