The Banquet Part 4

January 1, 884

The man who walked up was none other than Lucas's childhood nightmare. It was Liz's bodyguard upon seeing him headed their way Lucas look at liz who he swore had a smirk on her face while looking at her but sure his beloved wouldn't smile over his nervousness showing on his face. Before he could ask her he was interrupted by the man himself.

"Is everything ok Lady Amoux?" Liz rolled her eyes and said "Everything is just fine thank you sir Thomas". Thomas scanned the rest of the group with a stern look before his eyes rested on Lucas. "Sir Lucas I see your dragging Lady Amoux into your troubles as always I was hoping you would of known better by now." Before Lucas could defend himself Liz stepped forward and said "Sir Thomas you obviously don't know what happened at all. Lucas here stood up for the innocent if that's dragging me into trouble then. Then it's trouble I'd gladly be apart of".

Thomas frowned briefly before saying "I'm terribly sorry ma'am your'e right I'll apologize right away." Then turning toward Lucas "I offer my apologies lord Lucas". Lucas taken back by his sudden change of heart smiled before saying "Thomas you're right I should of thought ahead of who I could of drug into my personal opinions you look well I can tell your'e missing no meals." the words slipped out before he had a chance to catch them and he saw Liz wince as if in pain and shake her head Thomas on the other hand looked calm too calm which scared Lucas more than ever so seeing the surroundings quiet down Lucas saw his chance and changed the subject. "Looks like the king is about make his entrance we should gather with the others". No later than the words left his mouth than did a speaker enter to announce the kings entrance.

A short man entered who looked like he just ate a whole pig by himself and announced "Here enters King Viribus III" The king had a figure that would match if not surpass his fathers and even had an aura to match. where his fathers commanded authority the kings demanded respect. It was even suffocating a bit." Upon his entrance everyone bowed with exception of the kings personal Guard that entered right behind him Lucas was close to the kings path to his seat and he caught the same scent following behind the king. With his interest caught he couldn't help but look up only to see the King looking down at him coldly. He was mistaken for thinking this man was anything like his father. "For the first time in my life I felt fear. I don't know what I was thinking iv'e been taught that no matter what you don't raise your head until told do so in the presence of the king.

"You look like your mother boy" [what the hell is the man talking about, my mother how do I answer this] "Excuse me sire do you perhaps have me mistaken for someone else?" The only response was a booming laughter. "Did that fool not tell you your own family history figures he's just a muscle head when he's not a doting father. Here come join me" With that the suffocating aura was gone and everyone lifted their head with the same thought "Who was this boy who the King invited to join him." Lucas replied respectfully "Yes Sire" Lucas now calmed down some but still insanely nervous followed behind the king up to a table at the end of the room elevated by a few steps. Lucas had a chance to admire the thrown room now that he wasn't having to deal with pesky nobles and troublesome body guards.

The room was huge it could easily hole hundreds of people It had one main entrance and four smaller doors located in the corner of the rooms behind the throne was a stained glass mural of a white wolf howling at the moon it was actually similar to the statue in Lycan that his father still hadn't told him the story behind. The throne was different from the rest of the room it was made of what looked to be metal bones with two heads at the end of the arm rest. the heads had fangs coming out if Lucas had to guess he'd say they were vampire skulls and the back above the head looked to be a dragon skull. To top it off it the backrest and seat area was covered in what looked to be fur pelts many red colored animals.

"Lucas you must not remember your mother do you?" hearing this he could't help but freeze at the question. {my mother what does my mother have to do with any of this.} I'll take your silence as a no do you happen to see the portrait of your mother often? Still confused he managed to shake his head yes in response. " She looks like this does she not". from his chest area he brought out a pendant that had a picture of his mother on it. He couldn't help but ask "Why do you have this"? He smiled sadly in return and said quietly "Not a day goes by that I don't think about her she was my twin sister after all". He looked up at the crowd murmuring quietly and said "Since you'll be in the Capital for a while I'll make time for you to come visit and I'll explain it all to you. Your father thought it was best for you not to know but seeing you I couldn't help but ask."

With that done he sent Lucas back to his seat and since again took up his cold look and began a speech. " Tonight let us celebrate for and pray that Fenrir watches over our people and blesses us with full belly's."

Short and to the point this were Lucas favorite type of speech's. Once back with his group he was bombarded with question but seeing his unwillingness to talk they left him alone and went back to the feast.

Except Liz who grabbed hold of his hand and asked "Are you ok I'm here for you I don't know what was said nobody could." Lucas looked at her surprised and said "Yea I'm fine, but wait what do you mean you couldn't hear the room was quiet."

Liz shook her head and said "It's the same for everyone maybe it was a magic item or something". Hearing this Lucas breathed out a sigh of relief he was still curious about his family history and all but at least now he didn't have to worry about any political drama currently.