The Banquet Part 3

January 1, 884

Troy nodded his head in response and took on a serious mood while Sasha started talking to Liz about the boys. Lucas couldn't help but zone out while admiring Liz's looks. In their time apart she had grown up to be quite the beautiful woman. His thoughts were soon interrupted by a man Lucas didn't recognize but had the smell of Noble underneath the stench of Alcohol coming from the man. He was Obviously older than Lucas but didn't look like he should be out of his 20's yet.

"Who let the Mutts in to this purebred event for our King." Lucas couldn't help but let a disgusted look on his face from the mans words. The man was of average height and looks if you saw him he'd be just as easy to forget him. The only thing noticeable on him besides his clothes was a scar that went down the side of his jaw.

Without thinking Lucas spat back "These are my Guest I'm allowed a plus two to this event after all why should one who smells as though they fell in a liquor barrel be worried about my affairs.

The mans face quickly turned red in anger and released his aura while reaching towards his hip where Lucas assumed he would usually keep a sword. Lucas couldn't help but chuckle upon seeing this. " You impudent brat do you know who you're talking to I'm a Beta to one of the great houses which resides in this city I'm Beta ranked in my clan. My name is Sauris Argontis.

Lucas looked over at Liz who seemed to be having trouble with his aura not that Sasha and Troy were faring any better. To help them out he released part of his Aura which calmed them and a few surrounding guest caught in the middle of the reckless man aura.

Seeing the man display his power in such away made Lucas frown and he couldn't keep a clear head seeing someone like this being a noble so he spoke his mind for better or for worse.

"You dare flaunt your power at me whose family has defended our territory since the beginning while you hide behind these walls and the safety of the king." Lucas voice had started low and had started to getting louder with every word he spoke and without him realizing it his aura had stated to leak out more and more and instead of the calm it had once been it was like a raging hurricane. Liz, Sasha, and Troy as well as the other guest had already stepped back and Lucas had unknowingly stepped forward. "You speak of mutts and purebred and yet this is the level of Aura you can show." The foolish man thinking it was impressive at this level quickly seized what he thought was his chance and laughed. "Yes I know it's impressive which is why you should listen to me whoever you are".

Lucas frowned and his eyes had started to become an even lighter silver color by now and spoke up once more "You're truly a fool if you call this impressive in fact I believe our homes guardsman can do this much and they as you would call them are mutts as well. Here let me show you what a true aura is supposed to be."

With this Lucas started letting more and more leak out and if Gerard and Hercine were here they would surely scold him for such an abundant waste of his Aura but he had plenty more as well as the fact that he was tired of people abusing the power they were given for the people. What was once calm now felt peaceful now felt violent like standing in a category 5 hurricane. Lucas noticed out of the corner of his eye that guards were attempting to make their way to the disturbance but even a few of them were having trouble, "You are nothing in the eyes of me or my family if you ever dare cross my path or as much as disrespect a maid from my house you will Pay dearly for it and I'll leave you 100 times worse off than that scar on your face remember this well my name is Lucas White of House white first of my name Son of Alexander White defender of the territory. Until you can kill a wyvern easily you are still leagues below me!".

Lucas dispersed his aura and looked down at the man now on his knees now soaked in sweat.

"What seems to be the problem here" a voice boomed around the hall Lucas looked up to see a tall broad shouldered woman covered in silver armor trimmed in red. Lucas recognized as the guards captain but he couldn't remember her name.

The man on the floor stood up and spoke " This ruffian attacked me for no reason I demand his arrest. The Captain was no fool and couldn't tell that this kids aura was strong even compared to others she knew but she kept a calm head first and asked the young man who looked at her first.

Lucas shot a quick glare at the man who responded by a yelp and leaping closer towards the guards. "My name is Lucas White my fathers Is Alexander White a came here upon invitation just for my people to be discriminated against for something of unimportance. This man decided it was fit to attempt to intimidate me and my companions by Showing his Aura so I simply showed him a true Aura. I'll admit it was wrong of me to do so in an event of the king and I'll personally apologize to the king if necessary. May I ask for your name Captain ..?

"My name is Captain Wilmore" The captain couldn't help but feel a headache this respectful child is the son of that fool, if I were to arrest him he'd probably storm the Capital himself.

"We'll take the other for questioning since his story seems to be less believable and you just make sure you're available after the Banquet."

With that the event took on a more peaceful mood for the evening the Troy and Sasha went for food while also keeping a nose out for the strange scent while Lucas and Liz found a table.

"Lucas you can't let people like that get to you if you get mad over everyone like that you won't make it to be 30" Liz scolded him but he didn't hear the rest the was to busy looking at how beautiful she looked when worried so his response wasn't the best " As long as Im with you when I go".

"Lucas focus you fool that man may not be much but his family has power and enough money to match."

"You're right Liz I'm sorry but I can't stand people like that I'll try to ignore it from now on just don't be mad please." Liz rolled her eyes and smiled saying "I'm not mad i'm just trying to look out for you". Shortly after Troy and Sasha with plates full of food sat down and over their shoulder Lucas could see a familiar face walking towards him. It was.....