The Banquet part 2

Once inside Lucas couldn't help but look around for Liz. When he entered through the doors he noticed several people looking at him most of them women and a few older. The type that were currently undressing him with their eyes. It took Lucas a second to realize it was him they were staring at and not someone else. [ I wonder what their deal is is my suit ripped or something] Lucas couldn't help but think such things as he was raised differently than most other Nobles growing. Sasha tapped him on the shoulder bringing him out of his daze and said " They're staring at you idiot". Lucas shook his head before looking away to hide his blushed cheeks. [After all the events he attended he still couldn't get used to the attention that came with his title.]

Eventually the ladies went back to their own conversation except for a few who's eyes still lingered on him. Eventually he caught sight of the one girl no lady who he didn't mind undressing him with her eyes. At the far end of the room stood Lady Amoux. [Even after all this time no more so now than ever just the sight of her makes me lose my focus.] If not for Sasha and Troy Lucas would still be standing in the door way but the two of them caught sight of what held Lucas attention and started bringing him in that general direction. by the time he realized this he was already halfway across the room. [oh no what have these two done I'm no where near ready to even be close to her theirs so much I need to prepare and think about before even talk to her I mean just look at her those soft red lips and those piercing blue eyes]. before Lucas could think anymore he noticed her headed this way. He turned his head to look for troy and Sasha but the two had already disappeared into the crowd.

[Where did those two go now I'll make sure I get them back later. I'll worry about that later for now I need to think about what I should say I mean it's been years since we last seen each other.] At about that time Liz walked up and greeted Lucas "good day Mr.White" Lucas attempted to reply with " Good day Miss Amoux" but it came out as " G-g-good day M-miss Amm" [That was embarrassing, god after all this time and I wreck up the greeting with out fail. Wouldn't hurt to shoot a quick prayer. Fenrir give me courage.]

Liz chuckled in response and it sounded like angels singing to his ears. " I wish you'd say my first name with that angelic voice of yours" it left his lips before he realized he'd said it out loud and soon after I could feel my face turn to a deep shade of red.

In turn Liz leaned forward and whispered "Lucas". I could feel my body heat up just from hearing my name come out from her lips as well as feel certain parts of my body heat up as well. But luckily I have good control of my body thanks to all of my overboard training thanks to Gerard.

"Sorry bout that Liz I know it's been so long and all I've managed to do so far is make a fool of myself." Liz looked thoughtful for a moment she twirled her hair as she pondered something before saying " It's ok I've always known you're a fool but that's okay cause hopefully now your'e grown enough to be my fool." Meanwhile all Lucas could think of was how soft her lips looked and so no later than she finished talking did he lean in and kiss her. " So does that mean you'll talk to my father and make it official." I felt the color drain from my face at the mention of her father. [ On second thought maybe I should take it slow... No I've waited long enough for this] "Of course liz but lets wait till the end of the banquet I don't want to interrupt any important conversation but I'd love it if you'd join me while I go greet the appropriate people at this event." Liz smiled after hearing this and the way her smile made me feel was indescribable. It made time feel like it stopped and made the few seconds she smiled feel like hours.]

After that we walked and greeted several other nobles and old friends that she recognized from other events. I could feel several eyes piercing the back of my head and I smiled as my mind drifted to the reasons why. The reason was no other than the one on my side. After I got tired of the greetings I decided I'd look for the two Ass hats who threw me in the cold water face first. After scanning the crowd I spotted a ginger headed girl dancing with a black haired man. " Hey Liz I'd like to introduce you to my two friends who made the trip with me."

She nodded her head in return and said " I'd love to meet them any friend of yours is a friend of mine."

As we made our way over their I caught a scent that was different than anyone else's it didn't smell like wolf which wouldn't be strange except for the fact that this was a royal banquet and that all the people attending were wolves and this was including the servants as well. I turned and looked but couldn't pin point where it was coming from not wanting to make a deal out of nothing I continuing pulling Liz towards where Troy and Sasha were now standing since they finished their dance.

"Hey guys I'd like to introduce you to this very special someone. I know you know of her but I figured it's time for you to meet in person with an actual introduction. So without further ado Liz the ginger headed she devil is Sasha and the black haired freak is Troy both are great fighters I'd trust them with my life so feel free to do the same." Sasha responded by Slyly giving me the bird while Troy just glared at me and said " Lady Amoux your quite beautiful so why settle for this lost Omega when theirs all the other choices here like him he doesn't look so bad." Liz laughed at his antics but I couldn't help but grab his shoulder and squeeze a little harder than necessary. but I soon stopped. while grabbing him I leaned over and whisper in his ear "Keep an eye out for people who stand out and don't smell like wolfs I'm sure I'm just overreacting.