The Banquet

After the three left the scene they followed Lucas to the inn his father had reserved for him before he left. [ It was too high class for his taste but was grateful that his dad hadn't gone over the top like he usually would. All in all Lucas was grateful for his father reserving the place. He knew he had grown accustomed to is life as a Noble. Unless he was in the woods he wouldn't mind enjoying the comfort thanks to his fathers title.]

After checking in Lucas began discussing when they should leave for the banquet. "I don't think it should take us long to get their and we still have till the sunsets before we need to leave for the castle. But first and foremost we need to go get the proper attire for us." Sasha looked up from putting her stuff on the bed and asked simply "Why?" This got a chuckle from both the boys. Troy spoke up "If we go as we are now we'll be the center of attention and not in the good way dear Sasha" [Lucas noticed that Troy had a glint in his eye when speaking to Sasha and he realized that Troy was having this glint in his eye more often when he talks to Sasha. Lucas nodded his head and decided it could wait for another time.] Lucas spoke up next Sasha it's for the best for all of us as long as we blend and as much as i hate the idea... err I mean I can't wait to go to the banquet. Sasha snorted which took the glint from Troy's eyes then she said " Oh but lord White but about your precious Lady Amoux". This caused Lucas to blush which he attempted hide by turning towards the window.

Thinking quickly he changed the subject " We should get going everyone have enough gold before we head out just in case here's some." Lucas tossed two smaller pouches to Troy and Sasha after tying his pouch to his waist after making sure it was tied good he turned to them and asked " Are you two ready to go?" The two nodded their heads and the trio set out once outside the inn Lucas bid the two goodbye after giving them directions to a well known merchant who would pick them out the best outfits for the occasion Lucas on the other hand had other plans smiling to himself he was lost in thought as he went through his mental list pf things he wanted to pick up. For the Banquet tonight after completing his list and picking up his outfit he headed back to the Inn and quickly went to get ready he passed Troy and Sasha who, were on the way down to eat while waiting on Lucas. After taking one last glance in the mirror he picked up a gift bag before meeting up with the two downstairs then the trio set off.

Before the could make it to the street corner Lucas spotted a carriage driver holding a sign that read White. It didn't take long for him to figure out his father had already made arrangements. After a brief moment the three friends loaded up and the carriage set off to the kings castle. On the way to the top of the hill where the kings castle sat they noticed a lot of other nice carriages headed up the hill. Lucas spotted a familiar looking one further up and could feel his heart start beating faster and his hands start to sweat.

" She's here.. " it was said at barely a whisper but it was loud enough for the other two to hear. Troy looked over from the window and asked "Who?" Sasha just shook her head and knocked him on the head and said "His date dummy". The rest of the trip went bye smoothly and quickly to two of the passengers the third on the other hand had felt like it had taken hours to reach the castle. All the while muttering things to try to ease the nervous feeling that was working its way up his spine. " Just act natural dude your'e gonna give yourself a heart attack if you don't stop over thinking I bet the king could hear your heart all the way from the throne way." Troy piped in interrupting his thoughts. Lucas shook his head and smiled before saying " Yea you're right I'm just over thinking it it's just been so long what if she doesn't feel the same way that she used to about me." Troy replied " Dude if that happened Im sure plenty of other ladies would line up at you're feet." Lucas didn't think the same way cause to him no one else would mean to him what Liz meant to him but instead of bringing the mood down he just shook his head in response and said " You guys are right I'm sorry let's go enjoy ourselves".

Shortly after they finished discussing other things they arrived at the front and hopped out of the Carriage of course Susan got out much more elegant than the two young men did. Lucas recognized a few other nobles from the various parties and banquets that his father had thrown and attended with him through the years. He just nodded his head and continued inside feeling anxious as he wanted to find Liz as soon as possible.