The Capital

January 3, 883

The remainder of the the trip went by fast and soon enough they found themselves in front of the gates of the Capital. The city was surrounded by 60 foot tall walls that circled the entire city. It seemed to be waiting for someone to challenge its strength. Their was a line of people waiting to get through the gates. In the middle of the line you could see the trio, Lucas with his glowing silver eyes, Troy with his red eyes and black hair, and Tasha with her blue eyes and blond hair. While waiting in line Lucas noticed that is once all black hair was starting to get silver at the tips of his hair. He was so focused at looking at his hair in front of his eyes that he didn't realize that Michael and Tasha were talking to him. "Hello is anybody home in that big chunk of rock you have for a brain?" Tasha said this while knocking on his head which made Michael Laugh and ask, " Did you hear an echo cause I know did." Lucas shrugged his soldiers before saying "Nah that was me thinking for the three of us after all cant have you two hurting yourself".

After the brief exchange Lucas and the other two were at the gate. Michael whispered in Lucas ear "Is security always so tight?" while nodding his head to the guards who were searching everyone entering the city. Lucas just shrugged and reminded him that he's never been here but though to himself [ It does seem odd I wonder if its anything to do with the Banquet with the king tonight but it still looks like its a little much.] Playing cool Lucas spoke up and said "it's probably due to the banquet tonight with the king".

Before he could say anymore the line moved up and Lucas handed the guard his credentials. After seeing his Id and letter from his father the guard waved him forward but still stopped Troy and Sasha. He asked them " Reason for your visit?" Lucas noticed a particularly disturbing look in his eye when he was looking at Sasha he also picked up on him signalling two other guards who stepped forward from his sides. Lucas didn't act on his suspicions yet and motioned to Troy for him to wait though Lucas could tell he didn't like that idea. after the brief exchange the guard stopped her and said " I'm sorry miss but you're the number for the random civilian search please come this way. Sasha struggled at first but noticed Lucas and Troy's calm demeanor and stopped resisting. After leading her to the side another guard just waved Troy in with a pitying look on his face when he looked between Troy and Sasha. Once Troy was passed Lucas grabbed his arm and half dragged half carried Troy down the road the directions the guards took Sasha.

Troy broke the silence first " So what do you think their planning and whats the deal with the random search?" Lucas quickly replied while continuing his fast pace after them, "Their is no such thing my guess is it's as we think it's a scam to get girls by themselves away from the eyes of others. Theirs no telling how many people they've scammed in this way it makes me sick i just hope we get their in time. Troy nodded before saying "Wait you don't think they could actually assault her do you?" Lucas chuckled and said " Its not her I'm worried about I'm more worried about her getting charged for killing members of the military." It was about this time they walked around the corner at the exact moment they watch one of the three guards come flying out the window of a nearby building. Once they got closer they could hear Sasha's voice"So you thought I was some weak defenseless lamb waiting to be slaughtered by what you three pipsqueks?" The remaining to soldiers were now trying to convince her to stop fighting "We are members of the military girl thanks for assaulting us now we have reason to arrest you and believe me i'll make sure everyone gets to have some fun with you unless you stop fighting and sit down. About this time the remaining guard spoke up " If you don't we'll call some buddies who will do much worse than what we have planned for you

After hearing this Lucas was pissed as well as Troy Lucas just looked at Troy and nodded from spending so much time training and hunting together Troy knew exactly what Lucas's nod meant so without hesitation Troy changed to his hulking black mass and jumped through the shattered window and grabbed the second guard by his head and bit down crushing his skull. After seeing Troy Sasha was getting ready to jump the last guard before Lucas rushed in stopping her. Sasha looked at the two of them before saying " It took you two bums long enough! These three dimwits where getting ready to try to get their freak on with me, who is way below half their age!!!" Sasha said this while flipping her hair. Lucas chuckled and was beginning to reply before being rudely interrupted by the remaining guard. "You have no right to stop a military mandated search on a person!"

Troy and Sasha simply looked at the guard with pity which was amusing considered Troy was about a 600 pound wolf currently. Lucas walked forward and swiftly brought his knee to the mans family jewels. The guard quickly fell down rolling in pain and began reaching for an amulet on his chest. Lucas picked him up off the ground and threw him straight up into the ceiling. After the man landed on the ground again he then picked up and sat him in a chair and looked at the man and held up a silver amulet with a half moon on while saying. " I figured this is what you were reaching for to call back up with is my guess at least" The guard was still groggy from the unexpected attack and was mumbling something uncomprehendable under his breath Lucas looked at him sadly before saying " If you want me to be able to understand you you're gonna have to speak up some sir". The Guard who now had a chance to finally come back to his senses after the lost of his future children and his trip to the attic finally spoke up " I said your'e gonna be sorry for messing with the military personnel. Lucas Simply laughed and asked him "Have you not asked yourself why i'm not worried ? Here let me show you to which Lucas pushed the button on the amulet Troy and Sasha looked at Lucas with worried expressions on their face which they quickly hid since they figured Lucas had something planned as usual. Their look well mainly Troys Wolf made Lucas smile before telling him to change back and get dressed " Unless you want them to actually attack. The guard chuckled before saying " Of course they are gonna attack why wouldn't they." Lucas smiled shaking his head and said " It seems were gonna have fun cleaning the capitals trash while were here. A few moments laters a group of 30 armed soldiers showed to the scene and quickly drew their weapons seeing the sign of a fight while a few other changed to their battle forms. After a brief moment of silience one of the group walked up and said "Surrender now or prepare to die". Lucas walked out and said " Theirs no need for alarm My name is Lucas White my father is Lord White perhaps you've heard of him?" after waiting for a few moments Lucas looked around and continued talking "Everything you see here is simply my doing this waste of space of a military officer along with the two others which are no longer with us were running a scheme hmm what was it you called it sir?' Lucas looked at the remaining man still seated inside the building once he looked up Lucas could see the defeat in his eyes but continued deciding to make an example of him. "ah that's right you said it was a random search and brought my guest, who i'm sure you didn't realize was with me or didn't care due to your'e own laziness of not reading my paper of identification certified by my father Lord White." The military man stepped forward and asked the seated officer "Is this true George did you really intend to do the obvious?" Sasha stepped forward interupting and said " Well yes look he even ripped my blouse which by the way is the only one i packed for the trip".

Upon hearing this the soldiers began marching back from where they came and the soldier who stepped forward said do with this criminal as you wish we all know he deserves worse but the choice is yours no body will stop you regardless he made his bed with his actions." Lucas nodded and walked back to the man and hit so hard his head did a 360 turn while making an awful snap sound. Lucas looked back to the soldier outside and said "It's done i'm sorry for your loss hopefully during my stay hear their won't be anymore of these problems." The soldier simply nodded gulping at this childs display of strength but deep down he knew this was just the beginning and hoped that his friends who dared walk the line of this type of criminal activity would straighten their act and prayed that no one would retaliate. Cause he could sense a beast sleeping within this child. A beast powerful enough making him feel like prey.

After the soldiers left Lucas and Troy both checked on Sasha who enjoyed the attention but after a while got tired of the worried glances told them to leave her be. Taking the hint Lucas walked outside with the other two in tow and asked "So what do you guys think so far?" the two behind him just snorted at his lame attempt for a joke. Lucas began heading towards the Academy so they could get settled before the banquet tonight. Troy and Sasha were talking and teasing Lucas about his Dignified actions as a noble even went as far so to try to impersonate him which gave Sasha the biggest smile.