Chapter 7 chapter 1.6 shock from all the family around the world (part 1)

"All hail the Supreme Empress Sophia Elizabeth Moiriana." Many other voices follow after the voice said this sentence which was the exact same sentence as the leader of this group of people.

Jee An Ling and the rest of his family began to shiver with fear yet again as many people's voices follow the lead of the person in charge.

"I wonder who this so call person's name is. With a title like that, you can see that she is super powerful. I have never ever heard of anyone with the Sophia Elizabeth Moiriana before. Have any of you guys heard of this name before?" Jee An Ling asked the group of elders of the Jee family that was seated in the same table as him.

"I have not heard of this name before in all the years that I have been alive. It seems like we will be having a newer expert in this world. The only problem that I have is that I do not if this new expert and her group are good people or not. This is one of the things that worries me the most." The supreme elder of the Jee family said as he look at everyone around him with a puzzling look on his wrinkly face.

the supreme elder of the Jee family has been alive for more than 500 years. That tell you that he had heard of many people if not all expert around the world.

The cultivation of this supreme elder is even stronger than that of Jee An Ling. His cultivation realm is that of a Beyond Heavenly core stage 5. The people in this realm could live anywhere between 600 to 700 years. This means that this elder has roughly 200 more years to live. If he breakthrough into Divine Heavenly Core the years that he could live could be anywhere from 1000 years to 1200 years.

The last time he broke through was roughly 150 years ago. The reason why he has not been able to advance to a higher realm is because the aura on earth has been less and less. This means that he does not have enough aura to advance to the realm of Divine Martial King Core.

The name of the supreme elder of the Jee family is Jee Li. he looks super energetic for his age. This is one of the advantages of having a high level of cultivation. You have to know that Beyond Heavenly core is considered the top cultivation on the current earth. About 1000 years ago this was not the top realm but for many reasons, the aura of the earth has become less and less. This also means that many people will be stuck in this realm for life unless something happens to change this.

Around the dinner table were roughly about 30 other elders of Jee family. All these people have different roles in the Jee family, but at this moment all of them were wondering the same thing as the supreme elder Jee Li.

"I also have the same worry as the supreme elder. I wonder what having a new expert means to our family and the rest of the world." The elder of the left-wing of the Jee family said with a worried look on his eyes and face.

The name of the left-wing elder is Jee Ji Ah the cultivation realm of this elder is that of Beyond Heavenly core stage 3. He is the third strongest person in the Jee family.

The first strongest person in the Jee family is their ancestor. His realm is that of Divine Martial King Core. Followed by the supreme elder Jee Li. the third strongest is the left-wing elder.

"One of the things we have not considered is how much people are following this new expert name Supreme Empress Sophia Elizabeth Moiriana. They were many voices that reply with the same phrase as the leader of this group. We the information we have right now we can guess that there might be more than 100 people. The other problem that we have is that." One of the leaders said while rubbing his beard thinking about this issue.

"The main issue is not this. The main issue is that the cultivation of that person should be than Divine Martial King Core. The reason as to why I said this is because what they just did it cannot be done by a Divine Martial King Core. So they should be on a higher realm than this. This is the scariest part. Also, who knows how strong is that Sophia girl." Another of the 30 elders of the Jee family said.

"I did not think about that. Imagine 100 plus people with a cultivation realm higher than Divine Martial King Core. Oh my god, I cannot even imagine that." The supreme elder said with fear in his eyes.

"Another issue is how come we have not heard of Sophia Elizabeth Moiriana before or her group if they are this strong. Is it a new form team or what are they? That is one of the questions we have to ask ourselves." Jee An Ling said super loud getting the attention of everyone in the group of people present.

"This is not something we can do anything about. We can only see and hope that nothing bad will happen to our family. The only thing we can do is look for more information about this Sophia Elizabeth Moiriana and her group of people." The supreme elder said again while looking at the other elder around.

"I agree about this. I think we should also report this to the ancestor if he does not about this already." The left-wing elder said to everyone present in the room.